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Everything posted by Pongo

  1. Volume 1 w/ CD still available Ugghhh wrong board sorry!
  2. Hi, I just wanted to say I think your heart is in the right place. It's so very hard with all the amazing curricula to pick and choose. Your children are blessed to have a momma willing to do so much with them:001_smile:. Something that might help is since (if I read your post correctly) you already ordered everything, is when you get everything, spend some time going over it and try to pick only 1 curricula per subject, then start with those and if you feel your children need more or if you don't like it then you already have a great supplement or 2nd choice available to you. I would focus on reading, writing and math, and everything else is gravy. Some days my kids would "want" to school for a long time I took advantage of those opportunities. Some days we would cut it short because my ds would have a case of, what I call "Teflon head" everything just slid off:D This is the beginning of a fun journey with up's and downs, good days and bad. It takes time (I still don't have it down) to know how much is too much and how much is not enough. Start off slow and read their cues and take lots of pictures , it goes by sooo very fast;)
  3. I decide by keeping "classics" and books that have been very special to us as a family so I can share them with my grandchildren..someday. But, if they are subject based books like Spanish,Math, English etc. I easily part with them because I think like me, my kiddos will want the latest editions :) , so that makes it easier for me to purge. On another note, we are currently building an addition and my husband said if I can contain my homeschooling to 1 small storage pod we would start it this summer. I think he was seeing how "out of control" the schoolroom was getting with so many bookcases. Well, the building permit came in and I'm finding it much easier to get rid of books I was "on the fence" about as I pack;)
  4. I found the information on her guest but I cant find the show? Here is the info: Here is a link to this below William L. Bainbridge, Ph.D., FACFE 1213 Garrison Drive St. Augustine, Florida 32092 TEL: 904-230-3001 FAX: 904-287-1171 e-mail: Dr. Bainbridge EXPERIENCE: Education expert, qualified by courts in 34 states. President & CEO, SchoolMatch® Institute, University of Dayton and SchoolMatch® by PUBLIC PRIORITY SYSTEMS, INC. August, 1983-present. Distinguished Research Professor - The University of Dayton, 2001 - present. Editorial Page Columnist, THE FLORIDA TIMES-UNION. Consultant on educational data and school choice to over 400 major corporations, foundations and several hundred school systems. PREVIOUS POSITIONS: Superintendent, HAMPTON, VIRGINIA, CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT (21,600 students - 33 schools - $51 million annual budget). July, 1982 - August, 1983. Superintendent, NEWARK, OHIO CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT (7,900 students - 18 schools - $18 million annual budget). August, 1979 - June, 1982. Superintendent, GRANDVIEW HEIGHTS, OHIO, CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT (1,975 students - 4 schools). August, 1977 - July, 1979. Assistant Superintendent, ROCKY RIVER, OHIO, CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT July, 1975 - July, 1977. Research Associate, THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership. October, 1974 - July, 1975. Administrative Assistant to State Superintendent of Public Instruction, STATE OF OHIO January, 1972 - October, 1974. Teacher/Coach, CANTON, OHIO, GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL - Stark County, Ohio September, 1967 - January, 1972. EDUCATION: THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, Columbus, Ohio - Ph.D., 1979. Educational Leadership and Business Administration. THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON, Akron, Ohio - M.S.Ed., 1971. Educational Leadership and Personnel Management. OHIO UNIVERSITY, Athens, Ohio - B.S., 1967. Political Science, English. CONTINUING EDUCATION: THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, Columbus, Ohio – 2000 Executive Education – Fisher Graduate School DISNEY INSTITUTE FOR BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS, 2000 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York, New York - Post-Doctoral Studies – Educational Leadership, 1981-1982. NATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SCHOOL EXECUTIVES, Arlington, Virginia - Diplomate of the Academy, 1989; A.P.D.A., 1980 - management studies in fourteen specific areas. Honors, Professional Associations and other Activities include:
  5. Anyone know where I can see a clip of the show? I can;t find is at Fox News. Thanks
  6. Not much help here. My 4th(9yod)- scored 6.4 grade equivalent, 84th percentile, we used BJU 1-5/Singapore1A-5B and she is now doing Lial's BCM.
  7. Volume 1 Lyrical Earth Science Lyrical Life Science Volume 2 I had Staples cut the binding off for easy copying :) $16 each or both for $27 non-smoking home
  8. Ingredients: 1 large zucchini peeled, cored and sliced in apple-like chunks, about 8 cups 3/4 cup lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1 1/2 cups white sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon 3 cups flour (1 white - 2 graham is good!) 3/4 cup brown sugar 1 cup, 2 sticks, margarine Instructions: Place zucchini and lemon juice in large sauce pan. Cover and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until tender, about 15 min. Add nutmeg, 1 cup white sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Blend until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat. To prepare crust: Combine flour, 1/2 cup white sugar, brown sugar, margarine. Pat 3/4’s of mixture into 9 x 13 baking pan. Bake at 350°F for 10 minutes. Pour zucchini mix over crust. It will be runny. Top with remaining crust mixture. Bake 30 - 35 minutes more. Notes: Great fun to serve to folks who insist they hate zucchini! No one will know this is not apple crisp if you don't tell them. Soooo yummy!
  9. I did level 3A and B with a 5,8 and 9 yod. I think a five yod would do fine.
  10. I think they fit perfect if you use IEW, even if you don't they are great for outline and illustration work :)
  11. I love , love SWR but I will also admit that it is not very user friendly. Many folks go to a seminar to implement it. With that said, ALL ABOUT SPELLING might be easier to follow. It has everything in laid out lesson plans. HTH
  12. My oldest dd 5th grade went through ALL of Singapore and is now doing Lials. I started my ds in Singapore expecting the same results and well he NEEDED me to move slower. I honestly thought "he just isn't good at math". I put Singapore aside and bought a tactile program for him, MUS. After going through the first 2 levels with him I started using Singapore again in tandem with MUS. He is AMAZING at math. His scores are higher than his sister, he rarely gets anything wrong. I still use MUS alongside Singapore for him. I think he needed something a little more concrete, mabye thats the case with your dd. Singapore can and is suggested to be used with manipulative's. I am not sure if you are using those but the suggestions are in the Home Instructors Guide if you wanted to stay with the program. If you feel uncomfortable about doing the same book over, my suggestion would be to get her from another angle. I would try a more manipulative based and visually appealing curriculum, possibly BJU or Horizons.
  13. I used United Streaming Elementary Spanish 3/4 for my 2nd and 4th graders last year. This year I plan on using 1/2 for my 1st grader and 5/6 for my 3rd and 5th graders. They watch a 1 lesson 4x's a week (a different one each time), it's normally about 15-25 minutes. The reason it has the split grade 1/2, 3/4 etc. is because you use half the program for each grade so it would last you 2 grades. This works if you plan on doing Spanish 2x's a week. We did it 4x's a week so we finished the entire 3/4 in a year. If you click on the Teacher Related Materials tab you will find ALL the downloads for the workbook pages. I print these out ahead of time for the upcoming quarter 3 hole punch them and place them in a cheap 3 prong holder. My kiddos really liked Senior Morris and for us it's free, we get it through the district.
  14. I bough dh a T-shirt, bungee cords (my 8 yod ds idea) I also got him a Shiatsu Chair massager for deep muscle massages.
  15. How about chicken soup? Sorry no help here, I couldn't help myself Ü
  16. I agree with Lisa in WA. I chose Atelier because of her infectious love for it:001_smile: She recommended Level 3 to me. I completed 3A with a 5 yod, 8yod and 9yod. I was perfect for ALL 3 of them. I ended up loving it so much that I bought 3B,3c and 4A for the following school year. My 9 yod has loved it, I am really happy I went with level 3.
  17. I look at the planning first, then I decided what I want included in my TM. I also look at other recommendations and decide on the philosophy. I want Geography & History integrated, hands-on, discussion questions, background information for me, the teacher and the ability to see whats ahead(I don't much like surprises) I also want a separate bible program. Ambleside, although I think the book lists are stellar, it's not put together enough for me. I love background information provided, my kids ask a lot of questions:001_huh: SL, used it , once again loved the book selections but it felt a little disjointed (geography and history component) and I would have liked more hands on suggestions. I have a couple of extremely tactile learners. VP, looks great but I couldn't get past the TM for each subject. I love and use the cards and CD. I know what I like and I know what the kiddos need. I don't want to dread picking up our curriculum and drag my feet planning. If it gets that hard, or if I don't like doing it then I really feel like that transposes into how I teach and the kids are less engaged. When I am excited about teaching they are excited about learning. I love the learning TOG provided for me, it makes me feel confident to teach and that was REALLY important for me to have. Good luck picking!!
  18. Freddy the Detective by Walter R. Brooks Whittington by Alan Armstrong Tales from Dimwood Forest (The Poppy Stories) by Avi
  19. I have been inspired lately by Jessica (Trivium). Our BEST years of Homeschooling came from a very well organized mom. In the las 2 years I have been slipping, not reading as much, and definitely not keeping myself accountable by scheduling well. I spent the last several days on Jessica's site and I remember having that "fire" to be pre-pared, it's truly how I execute best. Anyways, I just had to turn myself in, I think I was secretly mad at Jessica because she was always so organized :001_huh:, ..lol Now I realize that I was really mad because I was not doing am much as I wanted or could (little confession here) THANK YOU Jessica! Okay, now that I got that of my chest,:blush: here is my Teachers notebook (I put it together last night) -CD plastic pocket holder (Loom, Evaluations, Writing Aids) -Masters in Page Protectors ( pages I will copy weekly; vocabulary, spelling, diagnostic spelling scale, and TOG planning page) -State forms (copy of Declaration of Intent) in page protector -Quarterly Goals for each child (spreadsheet)page protector -Reading lists in a slash pocket folder (extras I'd like to get in) -Lined Paper -TOG Unit (one) I like it having everything I need, I need portable. I used to have reading logs in it but this year I had 15 pages spiral bound with a cover on the front and I plan on giving 1 to each child. Thats 'bout it.
  20. Each one of my children has a binder. In the binder are 5 slash pocket folders , one for each day of the week. I place anything I can from the consumables in the folders (I rip them out of the book). I also slide a thin student planner that has the pages of any non-consumables ( dd's Lials Math, books and pg. numbers to read for TOG, pages to do from the TOG workbook I made, etc.)into the pocket for that day ( I found it at RR). Pretty easy system, minimal lesson planning and the binders are portable for library trips or a day at Nana's:001_smile:.
  21. LA: Dictation, Spelling, Reading SWR ( We drew pictures right on the phonograms, worked wonders) Writing: GD Handwriting, IEW (outline & narrations) Math: Singapore Science: Apologia Zoology 3 History: Tapestry of Grace Art: Atelier
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