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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. I had a mystery rash in the same area, and it was awful and itchy. I eventually put straight apple cider vinegar on it (the raw, unpasteurized kind), and relief was immediate! I had to keep putting it on when the itch returned. After a couple days, it was finally gone. I think it may have been a yeast thing, maybe brought on by sweating, or maybe nicking with a razor, who knows. Could be worth a try since ACV only costs a couple dollars. You can also try it diluted in water and see if that works, and make it stronger if it doesn't. Hope you get relief soon!
  2. Yayyyyyy!!!! That is a fantastic update!!! What a relief!
  3. That's really neat! I love moments like that 🙂
  4. If you could afford summers off, I think it would be a fantastic situation!! Congrats!
  5. Definitely refer for a 504 asap! Get accommodations for anxiety. Meanwhile, perhaps investigate reasons behind why he doesn't agree that turning work in undone is better than not at all, etc. Has he had psychological evals yet? It sounds like his grades are low because he isn't turning in work, not because he's academically not able to do it. A 504 is most appropriate in this case (student needs accommodations vs. specially designed instruction different from the regular curriculum).
  6. That's great! Awesome vets are worth their weight in gold. 🙂 I would totally go see my cat's vet for my own care, if only they took human patients 😄
  7. Oh gosh, that's exactly what worries me. I decided not to leave the cone on when I'm not home. Luckily it's a snow day so I can work here and keep an eye on her. Hopefully she won't need the cone for long.
  8. Aww thanks 🙂 I had both eyes open for a long time last night because she kept walking on me and jamming the plastic cone into my face!
  9. Thanks everyone! I think she's feeling better today. She ate a TON of food last night and this morning. I hadn't realized that she was eating less than usual, but she must have been uncomfortable. Now I just need to figure out how to give a cat a pill... she's on an anti-inflammatory for three days. Luckily I can stay home today (snow day!!) so I can give her some time off from the cone.
  10. She's slowly adapting to life in a cone... purring... and then trying to get it off. I keep laughing at how comical she looks, but then feel guilty.
  11. I didn't even think of that. Thank you for the reminder.
  12. Ha, that's awesome, but it's a... rear end issue.
  13. Maggie has to wear a cone for a while because she won't stop licking a wound. I'm worried that it's going to strangle her, or that she'll get it partway off and suffocate, or something. Is it safe for her to wear it when I'm not at home? At night? She looks rather hilarious but I feel really bad for her 😞
  14. A whooshing sound like you describe woke me up a few days ago! Luckily it only lasted for a few hours. It was very unnerving. I hope yours goes away goon.
  15. Yes, me too. I wear gloves in the grocery store (it's winter, so I'm hoping it's not weird) to push the cart. I can just picture 50 germy hands touching the cart before me. I actually specifically looked today, and I was the only person wearing gloves while pushing a cart.
  16. Rice cakes are a good base for snacks. At my grocery store they have really thin ones which I like a lot. You can put butter and jam on them, or peanut butter and banana, cheese, etc. I'm too cheap to buy GF bread, plus it has a lot of weird stuff in it, so I just use rice cakes when I want something carby.
  17. Sorry to hear about your cats 😞
  18. I guess it's possible. It seems weird to be worried about germs from other people, but clueless about your own germs. I think you're going to have to spell it out for her over and over and over, like someone else said. How annoying. I would always be paranoid around her family after this. Now the word "germs" sounds so weird in my head!
  19. That's great! May I ask what therapy you're doing for auditory processing?
  20. I do think they're ridiculous, but I would totally do it anyway for love of my pet 🙂
  21. Oh em gee. I would be beside myself. Come on, people... how hard is it to understand how illnesses spread?! Maybe spreading germs genuinely doesn't occur to some people (BUT... WHY NOT??)... or maybe they simply don't care about other people getting sick. I got a stomach bug after a New Year's get together, and one of the families there had recently had a stomach bug go through the whole family. They prepared homemade food, kids were all putting their hands in all the food bowls... yuck. These are super nice people, so I was surprised they didn't forewarn anybody. You would think with Dr. Google, people would know at least the basics of germ transmission. (I think I know too much now... eek!)
  22. Comparison is the thief of joy, as the saying goes... it must be especially hard to have twins to make the comparison that much more obvious. Your son is lucky to have a mom who meets him where he is, and is proud of his successes, no matter that they look different than his sister's.
  23. This is definitely something to celebrate! Yay!
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