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Everything posted by happybeachbum

  1. Well, I wasn't trolling for trouble. I came across a thread I found interesting and responded.
  2. Not a book, but I did find this interesting https://www.academia.edu/2494445/_Black_in_Camelot_Race_and_Ethnicity_in_Arthurian_Legend_ http://www.historyextra.com/featuring/missing-tudors-black-people-16th-century-england
  3. Just like you have White hispanics, Latinos etc. you also black black, asian etc. hispanics, latinos etc. Hispanic and Latino are not a race or color of people. You might want to look up black Mexicans etc.
  4. but also take into account Christians differ all over the world. The main reason being is culture
  5. Thank you! I think the main reason is that we didn't know the land while the Indians did. When you learn about what happened with the Arawaks and other cultures with the arrival of Europeans you will see it was more than NA's not having "strong enough of constitution)
  6. Or we could say North Americans like Spanish, but that brings a host of other issues
  7. I know the whole Republican or Democrat bosses was a bit scary. Almost like a crime syndicate or something.
  8. I think both Eleanor and FDR both had issues with their mothers. She most likely realized them while he didn't. I really do think him going to that school crushed him. How do you go from a free loving family, educational environment to harsh treatment disguised as character building. Wow! I have heard stories of such schools still being in existence in the U. S. His mother also never really let him go. I wonder if that and the generational home aspect of their family in that dynamic hurt his and Eleanor's relationship. Eleanor's mother well. That just ticked me off. To disparage a child, because she doesn't have so-called classically beautiful looks. It's sad that her father died while she was young. I loved how she noted how her father treated her as a child. I have so much respect for Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Eleanor, and I suspect FDR suffered from Depression. There are presidents who suffered from depression. Can you imagine being a leader and suffering with depression. http://www.healthcentral.com/depression/c/84292/150467/7-depression/
  9. I know older post, but here are some books 12 Years a Slave by Solomon Northop Incident of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs Frederick Douglas Talked and Wrote about his experience as a slave. The Slave Community: Plantation Life in the Antebellum South by John W. Blassingame Before the Mayflower Lerone Bennett (of course not all about slavery, but a great book) The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism by Edward E. Baptist (it's controversial) Author of pretty well received George Washington Imperfect God wrote Master of the Mountain: Thomas Jefferson and His Slaves by Henry Wiencek ( When I say that The Half Has Never been told is controversial it has nothing on how controversial this book was and still is when it came out is an understatement.)
  10. You might want to check out https://www.amazon.com/Arthur-Welsh-Arthurian-Medieval-Literature/dp/0708313078/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1473625903&sr=1-4&keywords=welsh+arthur it is a book for someone older, but maybe for later
  11. I loved the Family Math Books Mystery Math: A First Course in Algebra by David Adler The I Hate Mathematics Book and Math for Smarty Pants by Marilyn Burnes Apple Fractions and The Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar Fractions Book by Jerry Pallota Card Games http://bedtimemath.org/trading-card-games-for-kids-build-math-skills http://www.crewtonramoneshouseofmath.com/math-with-playing-cards.html http://www.guided-math.com/p/card-games.html http://teachingmahollitz.wordpress.com/2011/09/11/math-games-gin-rummy http://engagedfamilygaming.com/board-games/7-board-games-that-teach-math-skills Can't forget Mancala http://www.teachingace.com/mancala-and-more-math-mania or Dominoes http://mathwire.com/numbersense/dominoes.html Senet Though no one really knows or agrees on how the game was played, because there were no existing instructions how the rules of the game unlike the Royal Game of UR or (20 squares) http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~storer/JimPuzzles/GAMES/Senet/Senet.pdf On another note a great text (though this is the high school board so yes young) is Ray's Primary Arithmetic. I used it to teach my younger cousins with vase-fillers during the summer. I had a lot of aha moments. Because it's oral, using real objects, how it's structured. The addition lesson alone taught not only addition, but also subtraction and multiplication. The main reason is teaching someone else helps you to learn concepts or at least a journey to better understanding. Another great textbook is Mathematics: A Human Endeavor by Harold Jacobs I found this as well. http://www.mrbenson.org/math-unplugged/
  12. I know this post is old. Here are some suggestionsThe Joy of Mathematics: Discovering Mathematics All Around You and More Joy of Mathematics: Exploring Mathematics All Around You by Theoni Pappas What Is Mathematics?: An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods by Herbert Robbins Mitsumasa Anno books Math Games & Activities from Around the World and More Math Games & Activities from Around the World by Claudia Zaslavsky
  13. Sadly not here. There are exceptions. And then some schools won't even take the AP credit.
  14. You might want to read Therese Huston ' s Teaching What You Don't Know. You'd be surprised at how many college professors teach outside of their expertise. It's not just T'S nor non tenured.
  15. It could also be that people tend to focus on the subjects they struggled with as children. If it was reading that might the focus. Math that might be a focus etc. The things that came more naturally could be assumed to be the same for their child. Then there are those who focus on things that came naturally to them or were easier and a assume the same for their child. I have seen plenty a discussion on TWTM forums as well as others shocked that their child is having a hard time in math and now hates it. The same with reading. There are just too many factors to consider. Lack of interest etc. You should really read Fluent In 3 Months by Benny Lewis when it comes to languages.
  16. It's been shown that someone who is a few steps ahead of a student can be teach it better (well somewhat) than someone who's 50 steps or.more ahead. They tend to forget the steps they had to go through in order to learn a subject because they've done it so long. Some who just learned a subject understands and remembers the steps, process they had to go through to learn the subject. They tend to be better at explaining it, because they aren't that far way from where students are. In other words they still remember what they went through and can relate to the students. They tend to focus on the concrete more than the abstract which is great but has its own set of problems. That's when someone who understands how to put more of the abstract in can be an aset. Or the teacher remembering to put the abstract in as well.
  17. The book Christy really opened my eyes about U.S education in the past. Especially pertaining to one room schools etc.
  18. https://www.noodle.com/articles/can-students-pursue-stem-careers-when-math-majors-dont-teach234 http://www.usnews.com/education/blogs/high-school-notes/2011/06/08/many-stem-teachers-dont-hold-certifications
  19. Joseph Cambpell's Hero With a Thousand Faces. Interesting fact. George Lucas spent months working with Joseph Campbell with the Hero's Journey for Star Wars.
  20. Pimsleur is ancient, but it does help you to remember. Same for The Cortina Method
  21. Yes, but does that mean that from Kinder to 5th they should be made to have several teachers throughout the day. I remember taking the same thing over and over again until I thought WTH is the point. We are just learning the same thing over and over again. Even in college you see kids saying why are we still learning the same thing over and over again. I thought college was supposed to be different. Just because colleges want something doesn't mean professors are in agreement I've heard and read many say similar about science courses.
  22. I recently found out about Tutor in a Book Geometry Maybe check out Euclid first and then a text like Jacobs Geometry. Dummies Guide to Geometry Don't care for the title of course, but I love the Dummies Guides, Idiot's Guides, Demystified series etcs. great intro books especially for breaking these down. I also love the Baron's Painless Series. I have the Algebra book, but not the Geometry book yet. I loved this book Algebra Unplugged An ancient Algebra book The Compendious Book of Calculation by the man the algorithm gets it's name and Algebra gets it's name from the title of his book. His book was supposed to be for practical use. It's pretty interesting. Never thought I'd say that about Algebra. LOL Always interesting to see ancient math books. Like ancient recipe books. Just weird to see how they explain something. Algebra by Gelfand A kids book but Basic Algebra Mystery Math I read it just to see what it was like and I actually liked it. Would have been great if I had read this when I was younger.
  23. I think there was a book posted on the forums a while back. It was a vintage book. It was in the public domain. I think from google books. I don't remember what subject or even if it was just a teacher's manual. I remember the book had a schedule of the typical school day. Doesn anyone know the name of this book?
  24. Geoffrey of Monmouth everyone! People are still trying to figure out if King Arthur was a real live human being, if his name was even Arthur, if Geoffrey's account is just a composite of different people, and if he really was a king even if he was real. And for goodness sakes why did Arthur kill his son Amhar, what happened to the stories of his other son Llacheu (He was just as popular as Arthur, if these people existed)? Interesting that Geoffrey never said he was a king nor anything about Camelot, but anyway.
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