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Everything posted by cintinative

  1. Thanks MamaSprout and J-Rap. We have read The Importance of Being Earnest. My oldest read Frankenstein. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) we have read so many classics it is now getting hard to choose ones they haven't read or will read for one of their scheduled classes. My memory of Grapes of Wrath is that it is really depressing but I read it over 25 years ago. I am not against depressing. I just want to give us a lighter book before proceeding back into the somber stuff. @Lori D. suggestions for a lighter book? Maybe Northanger Abbey?
  2. Thank you. That is helpful. My kids are fighting the idea that we could still get/be sick. It's frustrating, but I don't think we are out of the woods until at least Tuesday, and even then, I am not sure. Fortunately I have 12 tests left, but that's not a lot if the three of us test every day. Probably we will retest Saturday.
  3. That's what I am hoping for. I am mostly masking in the house--he is isolated in a room with attached bathroom that we are not using at all. So far we are all testing negative and he tested positive on Tuesday. Do you remember when you tested positive? And did you self-test every day? I have tested the last two days but did not self test on Tuesday (the day he tested positive).
  4. It's been what feels like 12 million years since my kids were this small (Kindergarten I mean), but I did let them play quietly with legos, unifix cubes, counting bears, pattern blocks, etc. while I read to them. Or they would color while I read. Other options include stringing beads, lace cards, etc. You are probably already doing this, but I thought I'd mention it just in case! If you aren't anti-computer, you could see if Starfall is still any good (it's been years for us!) I loved watching PBS' Between the Lions too--there might be videos on Youtube.
  5. We have read some Jules Verne. I read Around the World in 80 Days and the boys have read 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. I was considering The Mysterious Island as an assigned book or read aloud possibly.
  6. UPDATE in last post We are just wrapping up Heart of Darkness by Conrad. Before that we read To Kill a Mockingbird. Before that, David Copperfield. I have no real theme with our read-alouds. I just randomly pick them. (I know that's probably annoying! To be fair, their actual lit classes have time periods attached.) I was thinking of reading some of Flannery O'Connor's stories next, but I can't remember if they are on the heavy side or not. I could try an Austen novel (my oldest has read Pride and Prejudice). Some others that we have not read that are on my potential list are: Anna Karenina (although I am hesitant because David Copperfield was so long, and this one is too.) The Great Gatsby Lord of the Flies (I think too dark following Heart of Darkness, but maybe later?) Tale of Two Cities or Great Expectations (although we have read Christmas Carol and David Copperfield and my oldest will read Hard Times this year for a class) Story of My life Helen Keller The Chosen by Chaim Potok My Antonia Willa Cather One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Fahrenheit 451 Any other suggestions? Or favorites from the list above? We do like science fiction, but I am not sure what we could read. We have read Wells, C.S. Lewis, Verne.
  7. you could put a mark next to the class, like a footnote, and indicate on the transcript that grade was assigned by the parent. Then in your course descriptions and/or list of outsourced providers you can explain that this provider does not assign grades, so you assigned grades based on mastery.
  8. What Farrar said, and there was a discussion here that might be helpful.
  9. I don't have any experience but I do know that people on here have awarded grades based on mastery before. There is probably a thread in the pinned HS Motherlode. I will see if I can find it.
  10. DH has Covid. I am hoping to avoid it if possible but I feel like the chances are slim. Running a test now. thanks for the input on this thread.
  11. For young kids, My Father's Dragon series. There is a dragon in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia). Maybe The Chronicles of Prydain? Apparently there is a dragon in one of Edward Eager's books, Seven Day Magic. I'm sorry to say I don't remember. There is a movie called "Reign of Fire" about dragons The recent movie "Shang Chi" has a dragon.
  12. Ours are the loud kind too mercy. I am so sorry. We have two sound machines and a bathroom vent going but nothing can cover this up.
  13. And so is my poor dog. It sounds like they are trying to blow the neighborhood up. I am so tired from not getting enough sleep the past few nights. How can people even afford so many fireworks? Between the grocery prices and gas, it is horrible. I know— waaaaaah. I feel curmudgeonly right now
  14. We tried FundaFunda's Spanish I and it was not for us. There was a once a week meeting for conversation practice (starting a couple weeks in) but the rest involved watching very short videos and playing games on various sites on the internet. For my kids and I, it felt random and disjointed. I know a couple of boardies who liked it, but we found it very frustrating. There was one case where we didn't have a vocabulary list but were expected to play a game with farm animal names until mastery. It did not give the english names in the game so we were guessing and using google to look up the Spanish words for some animals where the graphics were not super clear (e.g. lamb v adult sheep). Plus, although everything was due Thurs night, the new assignments wouldn't post until Saturday. We ended up using that day (Friday) for review. Anyway, we toughed it out for maybe a month (shouldn't have gone that long) and quit and lost the money, and then I taught them from home using Avancemos which was 100% better. YMMV of course. Some people liked the Fundafunda Spanish.
  15. Praying for you to have the words you need when you need them.
  16. I hope they update on what it is. I saw this on their site. They have ruled out the usual suspects. So it has to be something rare. https://www.daily-harvest.com/content/french-lentil-leek-crumbles-advisory# While additional testing is underway, results to date rule out the following: Hepatitis A Norovirus A range of mycotoxins, including aflatoxins Food-borne pathogens including Listeria, E.Coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus Aureus (Staph), B.Cereus, and Clostridium Species Major allergens including egg, soy, milk, and gluten
  17. We used Latin for Children and Latin Alive, which have classical pronunciation I have heard good things about the forms series--I am hesitant to encourage you to switch. Hopefully others will chime in. With Latin, I watched all the videos but there were still things that they needed help with (beyond the videos). YMMV, since I used a different provider. CAP used to have some sort of tutor service but I am not sure if they still do--it wasn't available when we did Latin, but I definitely would have used it if it was.
  18. yes, this is a copy of part of the TOC. My edition is older than this one though.
  19. Is this something you would feel comfortable sharing with me via PM so I can copy your idea? Thanks for considering.
  20. Here is our drawing. I think that the big difference is that regenetrude drew the current first and then the direction of the boat off of the same point. This is why I wanted to have someone draw a picture. I think ours is drawn incorrectly. Sorry for the bad picture.
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