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Everything posted by Jules

  1. Which Saving Dinner cookbooks are you referring to? I see that the author has quite a few. I would like to invest in just one....so would love recommendations on which. Thanks.
  2. We make our own homemade crackers. It is easy and something you could even do with the kids. They love running the pizza cutter through them to cut them in shapes. My daughter has a website: http://www.littlehouseliving.com She has many frugal and good recipes, since she has allergy problems to many foods. It may work for your "picky" eaters, too. She just made homemade cheese its the other day and posted the recipe...check it out and maybe you can get some good ideas.
  3. Check out http://www.littlehouseliving.com there are lots of frugal recipes, ideas, coupons, etc...on that site
  4. I would suggest some type of stew/chili/or soup, made in the crockpot. You can stretch a few ingredients to make enough for everyone to get full from. Serve in with some homemade bread and thats all you really need. Maybe a cookie tray (if you have some Christmas baking done). If you need some ideas on soups, let me know. I make about 3 each week to stretch our budget.
  5. A Lantern I was looking at the camping section in our local Walmart, and we have seasonal camping here, too...in the summer. But, there was neat camping plates, cups, coffee pot. The blue/enamel type stuff that looks authentic. I think that would make a nice gift. Marshmellow/hot dog roasting sticks
  6. You can find them year-round at a Hardware Store that carries kitchen items. You may want to check that out. Some grocery stores also carry them.
  7. I absolutely love my Bosch....and wouldn't second guess another machine. I use it for everything. I have never had a batch of bread that fails me. I also have the food chopper and blender attachments and, again, I use these very faithfully. I think you will be super happy with your Bosch and sounds like you have a connection in Canada for them. That person can prove to be a wonderful resource for you, if you have any questions/problems down the line. Good luck!
  8. My kids 9 love listening to audio CD's. They really like Adventures in Odyssey, Your Story Hour, or Johnathon Park Series. Some of these, especially Adventures in Odyssey, may be available at your library or you could ask other families to borrow.
  9. We bought the High School Homeschool Student kit from Homeschool Buyers Coop.....that has been the best $75 I spent. I have been watching the DVD's with my teen and have learned so much from it. My teen has a workbook to work through as we go. It is from the Financial Peace University, but geared toward younger, with some special segments for teen/college age. I highly, highly would recommend it.
  10. I order much of our produce from the once a month coop truck. I have ordered oranges, pears, apples and other various boxes of fruit and bulk vegetables. I have no problem keeping it for one month, plus. I do have an extra refrigerator, so generally, that is where I keep it. If you don't have the frig space, I am not sure on how long things will keep.
  11. Yes, I know exactly what you are talking about. My mom and her mom, both went through menopause at 42. I thought I would, also, then. I had been having changes since I turned 40. This year in February, I opted to have the hysterectomy. Best decision that I have made in a long time.....don't miss a thing. (I am 46 now, btw.....)
  12. One more question: what size do you normally buy?
  13. Wow....thanks for the input (and to think my order was going to be small)!!!!:lol:
  14. I just received a catalog from Penzeys and want to order some Pizza Seasoning....what are your other favorites and how do you use them? Thanks...
  15. We have a computer game called "Grammar Rock" and the kids have enjoyed that.
  16. For online places, I have ordered from Encore Ink several times. I usually just buy color replacement cartridges from the store, but I buy the black ink in bulk to re-fill myself. It is easy to do and they send instructions out for the specific printer that you have. I believe they are a homeschooling family that owns them.
  17. I need a couple recipes for shredded pork loin roast. I made one yesterday and we have lots left over......ideas???? and recipes, please...
  18. I have a Bosch Universal and love it. I do everything with it and for the last several years have added on the extras when I got birthday money. At least I felt like I was spending it on something for "me"!! I use mine every week for bread. My recipe make 4-5 loaves. It seems to be the perfect amount for us, as I make two loaves of bread and form the rest into buns of some sort, either dinner rolls or hamburger size buns. I also use it for pizza dough. I actually quadruple my recipe and use one portion for that nights pizza and I divide up the other three portions and put them in ziplocs and place in the freezer. That way I have a quick, go to meal of pizza any other night. My chocolate chip cookie recipe is huge....and it has no problem mixing it. The complete bowl is full when we are done with that batch. I use the blender mostly for smoothies, but also to mix up salad dressing, etc. I bought the food processor and shredder/slicer. I haven't used the food processor that much, so if I had to choose between those two, I would take the slicer/shredder. It is a huge bowl and that is nice when you have extra garden produce to slicer or shred to put away in the freezer. I would definitely recommend that, if you had to choose attachments. I don't have the grain mill, but will probably look into it one day when my current one decides to quit. I have been using a Champion for that, and while it does a good job, it is heavy and cumbersome. We grind a lot at once and stick it in the freezer. It would be nicer to have the Bosch attachment, as it is always out on the countertop anyway. Good luck with whatever you decide.....
  19. OK...thanks for th suggestions. I will look into them. I am going to freeze some for nachos/taco meals. But....I would really like to know how to make up a green sauce for enchiladas/burritos. I have never done that and it would be nice to have a homemade sauce inside of the store bought stuff with all the additives.
  20. OK...I just received a batch of roasted green chilles from New Mexico. I understand how to peel, de-vein them. What does one do with a whole bunch of these? What would be the best way to preserve and I am also wondering about making a homemade green chili sauce for enchiladas. Do you have any tips or recipes you could share on this? Thanks in advance....
  21. Praying for you. I have been there, personally, and know what that is like. Actually have been there, twice. Hospice is a wonderful program and there is peace in being in your own home and being able to have those around that care so much. It doesn't make things any easier......so my prayers are with you. I am coming up on the two year passing of my dad and it so happened on my birthday, 9/11. Thinking of you and hugs.......
  22. How about an easy breakfast for supper meal? Pancakes and scrambled eggs.....
  23. Other snack ideas for the car: cheese sticks, sesame sticks, dried fruit, homemade fruit rolls ups, make a snack mix with m and m's, peanuts, raisons, go gurts Also, one of our favorite things in that area is Canyon De Chay (not sure if thats the correct spelling).
  24. I am getting ready to order some extra pans of cast iron. I have a 12 inch, but am looking to go larger and smaller than that. Do you have a favorite size? Just curious. Also...what do you use for a saucepan? I didn't see any Lodge cast iron ones, but am curious that if you use the cast iron skillets what do you use for saucepans?
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