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Everything posted by JustEm

  1. Those are great questions to consider. One of his main reasons for moving in with us rather than continuing to rent an apartment is to save money. Our main reason is to have someone's rent going towards our mortgage. Assuming it goes well, I don't anticipate us not wanting to rent out that room. But if we do change our mind there won't be hard feelings and we'll certainly give plenty of time for other arrangements. But we will discuss those questions together at our meeting before he moves in.
  2. Thank you all for the suggestions. I certainly hadn't considered everything so it'll be greta to bring to the table later this week when she and I sit down and hash out of expectations before sitting down with the renter. Some things won't be an issue like bathroom sharing because he will have his own. Also, cleanliness won't be an as he's very clean and courteous about dishes and kitchen cleanup. But others are legit things that didn't cross my mind like laundry. Food is tricky because I can't afford to offer to have him join us at all meals for free. He's a professional dancers so can pack away the calories. But we are very much a sit at the table for dinner family and it'd be weird knowing he was home but not able to eat with us. So, I'll have to think a lot on that.
  3. He's moving into a house with 6 kids so I'm pretty sure the noise issue will be with him having to deal with it, ha. But it is certainly something we'll discuss before hand. Food is another one I'm still contemplating. He is currently already welcome to eat with us twice a week for dinner. So, the idea of adding food cost into his rent and just always having enough for him if he joins us is an option. I'm just not sure how much to add to rent if I offer that option.
  4. We'll be renting a room in our house out to basically a family member. We aren't new to renting a room out entirely because my parents have lived with us for the last three years. But that is a bit different than having anyone else. So, what things do you think need to be discussed and agreed upon ahead of time other than rent amount. We have a few things but I'm just looking for other minds to catch things I might not have thought of. Thanks
  5. Shucks, there aren't any close enough near us
  6. I don't really know how spendy this month will be. We have deck pieces that need to be replaced so that'll probably a couple hundred. Dh's and my birthdays are this month but we don't tend to go crazy for bdays. So, maybe an extra $100 towards that. We have a costume party later this month so we will need to by a few costume pieces. Other than that it'll be a relax by the pool month. I have two pet sitting jobs this month, which will bring in about $400. I plan on just socking that into savings for various things.
  7. I have a hard time not seeing something like that as intentional incompetence though. My entire family used to be like that. They'd immediately ask me if I knew where something was even before looking for it. And at a certain point I just stopped telling them where things were because I viewed it as them shifting the mental energy of finding something from them to me without even trying. I made it a point to tell them exactly why I was no longer telling them where things were, especially food because if it is in a certain cabinet, like the baking cabinet, they can spend some time looking through the cabinet to find it. And that is exactly what happened. All of a sudden everyone in my house knew where things were supposed to be. Sometimes it took them longer than it would take me to find it but they could still find it. Now I will help with obscure things like where are our tax forms for xyz year, social security cards, etc. I don't expect dh to know where that is because I handle that stuff almost exclusively. But I would expect him to know the layout of our house well enough to make a pretty good educated guess of at least what room they were in
  8. I'm assuming it was their tenant who they've been trying to get out of the house. If that is the case OP has to follow the legal time frame or she would be liable for compensation if he were to take her to small claims court for tossing his stuff before the legal timeframe
  9. Depends on the state
  10. A published author who can thrive on their income
  11. Morning all! Our gym workout was pretty good. Breakfast is done for the kids that are awake. I'm feeling really scatter brained this morning so I'm just going to make a list but not care if I stick to it too closely. I'll just try to get things done that need to get done. -clean up kitchen and dining after lunch - kids quick clean living room - help dd3 with her garden - 30 minutes of yard work - sit poolside and read - track all food consumed - finish laundry - finish book group book with dd8 - drop ds14 off at D&D - buy sneakers for ds14 and myself - pick up dancers - pick up ds14 - clean up after dinner, dh is cooking tonight! - book ground at 7
  12. @history-fan I'm so sorry for your family's loss. What a beautiful pup.
  13. Morning! Glad you enjoyed Wicked, I've never seen it but have never heard from anyone that they disliked it. Dh, ds14, and I made it to the gym this morning. Great workout as usual. I need to start tracking my eating again because while I'm getting stronger in the gym I'm not seeing the measurement and scale results I'd like. I really hate needing to lose weight, it seems like and endless battle, but I have quite a bit to lose. The rest of the day will be hanging out with the kids while trying to fit it some regular Monday tasks that generally don't take to long because they are routine tasks now. - laundry washed, folded, and away - finish book group book with the girls - clean my room - kid's quick clean living room - yard work for 30 minutes - phonics with dd8 - pick up dancers from intensives - dinner - clean up kitchen and dining room after dinner - quick clean quiet room before bed - track all calories consumed - drink my goal amount of water
  14. I understand that. I will say, that as a pet sitter for almost 20 years, your story is not surprising at all. Many of my jobs are from people looking for someone because their trusted family or friend was terrible at caring for their animal. The worst situation I had of this was a client who used me to give their dogs their extensive list of medicines once a day but had a long time neighbor do the feeding and care other times during the days. I could tell that the dogs were being fed and given water daily because I was monitoring the sick dog very closely. What I didn't know, because I was specifically only doing medical care, was that the neighbor wasn't taking the dogs outside at all. The dogs were peeing and pooping in a bedroom upstairs. Normally, I do a daily walk through of all rooms the animals can get to just to make sure there are no accidents. But didn't that time because someone else was in charge of that aspect of the care. All that to say, that the people who care about other people's pets are not always their friends and family. Many say yes to the job as a courtesy or because aren't good at saying no. But they aren't actually suited for the job
  15. What does not close mean? Because not all students live on campus. So, you still may be able to find someone willing to come to you, especially if it is an overnight gig. But it also would depend on what you pay them.
  16. Do you have a college near by with an ag school? Or you could ask at your vet's office if anyone pet sits. When I worked as a vet tech most of the techs made extra money pet sitting
  17. I'm sorry you have to deal with people not respecting your birthday wants. I hate my bday too, but I know why I do. I really wished I liked my bday and think I might some day. But for now, it brings me massive amounts of anxiety and a sense of dread. Even the great bday years where I somehow find a way to enjoy the day still have me anxious the weeks leading up to it, which is actually right now🫤
  18. I gave up on trying to get the rest of the living room completely done. I did organize 1 of the closets in there and vacuumed. I'm going to relax and do fun stuff for the rest of the day.
  19. And our basement freezer isn't working!! So I just spent the last half hour cleaning up the freezer in the kitchen and rearranging so things fit. Didn't have to toss anything thankfully. But that is another thing we have to deal with
  20. So, instead of starting on the rest of the living room I got sort of side tracked and mopped the kitchen after cleaning up breakfast. It was pretty needed because dd3 spilled powder sugar all over the table and floor, but still a distraction. Right now I'm relaxing and hydrating for about ten minutes before I go back to tackling the living room. I'm really glad I got the other half done yesterday and was so ruthless with decluttering because the kids have been loving it. We made enough room to rearrange the kitchen set and a low table so they have a little shop/restaurant/office in one corner. I also made enough room to make a nice sitting area in there for reading. Not sure how much I can declutter the other half of the room but hopefully I can make a good dent.
  21. I have no idea what I'm doing today. I might keep working on the other half of the living room. But it is also nice out today so I'm may just do yardwork
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