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JustEm last won the day on May 9 2022

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  1. My dh is an onboarding manager for one of the big banks in their customer service department. You do not need her name to make the complaint. That phone call will be recorded and connected to your account. So, anyone with access, like the woman's manager, should be able to pull that call up and listen to it by you just telling them your information and when you called.
  2. What about a cupcake decorated like a beehive
  3. This behavior saves me so much time every day on I95 in a construction area. I am the person staying in the ending lane until the last minute. It has been an issue since this construction started 8 months ago. In the beginning the backed up lane would be backed for 2 miles. After 8 months daily commuters have basically been forced to utilize the zipper technique.
  4. Jaywalking certainly isn't anywhere else I've ever been. But in our college town on the main roads, if it wasn't enforced then traffic would be bad and students would get hit because they rush around corners, don't look, and dash across the street.usually it is only enforced the first two weeks of classes every year. By then students learn not to do it because they can't afford the fines
  5. In our neighborhood we acknowledge each other as we drive by, pedestrians too. It isn't a one finger wave though. Generally, four fingers are lifted off the steering wheel. I wish people did the zipper merge method here. It is a chaotic free for all when merging is required. We're in a college town, yielding to pedestrians would cause way too much traffic. And the pedestrians get tickets for jaywalking.
  6. Since I believe I'm the only one who said 'living in fear's I'm going to assume you are referring to my post. But I was replying to someone saying another poster lives a privileged life for not experience daily fear. One can take precautions against men without fear.
  7. That is simply not true though. Not living in fear of men doesn't mean your life is privileged. It can simply mean you are not a person who lives in fear. I have been sexually assaulted. It happened in highschool at a friend's house by her brother. Despite that incident I've never been fearful of random men simply because I'm alone with them. I've been on alert in certain situations and have separated myself from men but it was not fear based. I am constantly aware of my surroundings and I know how to defend myself if I need to. But I am not afraid to walk down a sketchy street alone at night (not that I go out of my way to do it.) My dh, who is a professional martial artist and has fought in amateur cage fights is more uneasy on an unfamiliar street at night than I am.
  8. We always pick high deductible low premium. But that is because we can comfortably pay deductibles if issues arise, not that that has happened. We've only ever been in accidents where the other person's insurance paid so we had no deductible to deal with.
  9. I sneeze, cough, and blow my nose loudly when I'm sick. It helps get more gunk loose. I'm far louder than my dh
  10. They're asking it to get people's opinions on whether they are in the wrong in a situation or if their reaction was appropriate and the other person was the one in the wrong.
  11. I love that it was about Bandit picking what was best for his family non-financially instead of chasing money they didn't need. Had they not had the moments where the parents were struggling with the choice and where Chili specifically talks to Bluey about not being ok about it, I may feel more negatively. But I think it showed an important thing kids need to see.
  12. Or you could ask them if they are comfortable with you going into the guest room at specific times to rotate the eggs
  13. @Scarlett that all sounds so difficult. I hope your dh is able to get it resolved this week.
  14. The eclipse trip was so much fun. And budget wise, we were a little over what I had in mind but we're still on track for not blowing the budget for the month since I just anticipated needing a bit more in our miscellaneous category. Just gotta keep our goals at the front of my brain. No more side hustle income coming in this month, which is fine. But I would like to start picking up some more pet sitting gigs soon. I think ideally 4 a month would work for my schedule. I'd really love for more in home ones because I miss regularly having a dog in the house. So, maybe in the summer I'll start advertising that service.
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