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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. It looks like the posting has dropped off substantially in both groups. Did people migrate to FB?
  2. He needs to be evaluated by a mental health professional -- ideally a psychiatrist -- immediately. Please take it seriously. Go to the ER if he feels that he is currently a danger to himself.
  3. I went to a liberal arts college for ugrad and a private law school, so I think I'm desensitized to the sticker shock. Having said that, my kids are also citizens of Canada, so I'm keeping those options in my hip pocket.
  4. I'm mobile, so can only link: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/4963850?&ncid=tweetlnkushpmg00000056
  5. Exactly this, and I have to thank many of the posters in this thread for generously sharing their wisdom and experience. You have no idea how helpful you've been for me. (We are Jewish, but use secular materials.)
  6. Ominous. http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2014/03/16/malaysia_airlines_mh370_investigators_examine_9_11_style_plot.html I'm mobile so can't paste the story.
  7. Food costs are very regional and vary widely by preferences, but I'm convinced that people who meal plan do save quite a bit. I budget $1600 per month in Southern California for a family of 4, shopping mostly at Whole Foods and Trader Joes. I basically do what Regentrude does.
  8. Focus on Chinese separatist group: http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/03/15/flight_370_disappearance_missing_airliner_apparently_flew_to_central_asia.html
  9. I came here just to check. Mazal tov! Fabulous news!
  10. DLI graduate as well. Russian basic class 0492. Geez, I can't believe I remember that.
  11. As an Army veteran, who financed college in part through her service, I would gently point out that it isn't just fathers and sons who pay for college this way.
  12. We're in the process of switching from MM to Singapore. MM has too many problems for my son, and the format is a bit cuter in Singapore. But, my son likes workbooks.
  13. We bought Dreambox this year and will not be renewing. Haven't used the others, but am considering Reflex Math and Mathletics.
  14. Wine tasting Sailing HBO Travel USC football games The beach Parks Pool/jacuzzi Dinner parties Theatre and concerts
  15. That's interesting. It seems that the vast majority of homeschoolers I know are so very unschooly. On the order of 90%+.
  16. It is an old thread, but I wish I'd read it before trying the book with my 5 year old (who enjoys lots of late elementary/middle grades read-aloud books). He normally doesn't have a problem with heavier content, and I don't like to censor too much, but this was just...no.
  17. "If you care at all about the Common Core standards, MiF is aligned with them, while California just rejected the new CC edition of Singapore Primary Mathematics because the scope & sequence is ahead of CC (insert banging head on wall smiley here)" Typical. <Eyeroll>
  18. So, this is for after the Sentence Composing for Elementary book?
  19. If you do incorporate the IP and CWP books, are there suggested schedules posted somewhere?
  20. Thank you again for your input. We have MM1B mixed review and pictographs left and then we are done. I showed my son the samples of Singapore online and he got very excited. He's been doing basic multiplication all day. :) I ordered the IP for 1A and B, to go along with CWP1 this summer, to make sure that he's solid going into level 2 in the fall. I really understand why people spend so much money in their first year homeschooling. It takes awhile before you figure out what works for both parent and student. But, we're getting there. Slowly...
  21. I'm new to homeschooling, so I don't have much to offer in the way of experience. But, I wanted to thank you for starting this thread and sharing your experience. Although I wouldn't wish mental illness on anyone, it helps to know that others are grappling with similar issues and asking familiar questions.
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