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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. If you Google San Diego Math Circle, you can read about it. I'd link you up, but I'm mobile. Aops is also in SD. I believe some of their folks are involved. We also have ThoughtStem and a lot of other cool STEM-related resources.
  2. We're very happy here in San Diego. Museums galore, three universities, very international, lovely parks, laid back homeschooling requirements, charter school classes, a great math circle, and the best weather in the country (outdoor sports year-round).
  3. Welcome back! As a Jew, I live vicariously through your bacon. ;)
  4. I have been thinking about the efficacy of intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation in various situations, and was hoping that we could discuss philosophies or strategies relating to developing intrinsic motivation in our children. Some questions: Recognizing that every child is different, do you take concrete steps in your homeschool, or during extracurricular activities, to foster intrinsic motivation in your children? What are your specific strategies? What results have you seen? How do you balance the use of extrinsic motivation, such that it serves to encourage intrinsic motivation vs. the child becoming dependent upon extrinsic motivation? How do you deal with lack of motivation or underachievement -- i.e., a child of sufficient ability, but insufficient will? What sayeth the Hive?
  5. A daunting, but invaluable, undertaking. Thank you for this, and all that you do.
  6. Not at all. Most of the curricula we use are CC aligned anyway.
  7. I'm with you. It's going to be 90 on the water this week. I'm so over the heat, but am not ready for the fall time change. I really love long days.
  8. Yep, Gnocchi al Pesto is still my electric chair meal.

    1. EndOfOrdinary


      I do not know that I have considered my electric chair meal...might just have to think on that one. Never know when it might come in handy.

  9. I identify as a Libertarian, but register as a Republican to vote in the CA primary. I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal, but more interventionist/pro-national defense than many Libertarians, so I voted neither in your poll.
  10. I gave up with it as well. The grammatical errors were too distracting.
  11. When I am thin, Lindsay Lohan. When I am fat, Wynnona Judd. :(
  12. I'm new to Fit Bit. Thanks for adding me and for the motivation!
  13. Shana Tova to all who celebrate!

  14. Echoing the others, I wouldn't use BJU materials due to philosophical objections.
  15. There is also a great FB group that I've found helpful for advice called Little 4 Eyes.
  16. My husband had one over the summer. In on a Friday afternoon, took the weekend off, didn't lift for a week. No serious pain and recovery was quick. No affairs or spiritual/physical/emotional changes. We have two children and I have bipolar disorder. Each pregnancy has brought terrible PPD, so our family is complete. ETA: He was 33 when he had the surgery, but had wanted a vasectomy since after our first child was born. We had a vasectomy scheduled, but I accidentally got pregnant with our second child two weeks before the procedure (I ovulated two weeks late due to being on the hospital).
  17. I think that his reluctance to read may be tied to the fact that you are making him write these summaries. I would personally just drop those (and certainly not add more of them!) and stick with whatever output you are doing in WWE and SOTW.
  18. AAS and ETC were cruel and unusual busywork punishment for my DS. We've dropped spelling and are just doing copywork from ELTL for now. He likes it.
  19. Do you mean the fresh water tanks? We don't use the tanks in a marina. The water is coming straight from a hose into the boat. My husband just took apart the kitchen sink and said it was clean as a whistle. They seem to hover mostly in the kitchen and sometimes the kid's bathroom. We are really stumped as to where they are coming from.
  20. We bought some gel that is supposed to eat the organic matter in the sink. Did nothing. It's also complicated by the fact that we are on our sailboat, so I can't just pour Draino down the sink. It goes straight into the ocean. We're not even sure where they are coming from! Gah!
  21. Just to clarify, they are drain flies, not fruit flies. I tried the vinegar + dish soap method before and it did nothing. I also tried pouring boiling water down the drain, but nothing seems to stop them. We're going crazy!
  22. Does anyone have a sure-fire method for getting rid of drain flies. We are not even sure what drain they are coming from, but they are taking over our home! Any BTDT advice?
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