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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. I live in San Diego, and am partial to the Hyatt in Mission Bay. Great waterslides and wonderful staff. We keep our boat there in the summer.
  2. Last day of Kindy!

  3. I just realized that Jinger is not pronounced Jing-ger. Wow, that poor girl. Not sure which name is worse.

    1. swimmermom3


      How else would you pronounce it? Do I want to know this?

    2. SeaConquest


      Apparently, her name is pronounced like Ginger, but with a J. I thought it was Jing-gur rhymes with ring and her.

    3. vonfirmath


      I prefer the Ginger spelled with a J pronounciation. I too thought it was like Jingle Bells


  4. My DS6 has been interested in learning to type and code, so we started this year.
  5. For new members: https://www.groupon.com/deals/audible-com-chicago?z=skip&mediaId=256902&utm_medium=afl&utm_source=GPN&utm_campaign=200760
  6. Colleen, the blog owner, is a high school friend of mine. I believe that she used to teach gifted ed, and I know that she has authored several books on gifted ed for Prufrock, as I recall. Seconding her blog, and welcome to the board!
  7. This is what I was going to say. I worked retail throughout high school and college, and this is a standard business practice for companies with decent customer service. Yes, live and learn. I won't be buying again from them.
  8. Great deal! https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/discovery-education-streaming-plus-free-trial/
  9. They send you a code for 50% off the premium bundle if you purchased another bundle. Which is fine, I just wish it had been communicated earlier. I would have bought another bundle and then used the 50% off coupon to buy the premium bundle. Instead, they have pissed off customers who likely won't buy from their sales in the future. Not the best way to handle it, especially when your customers write to express their frustration.
  10. We started Beast Academy this year, but I am excited to continue it next year. I wish that I had learned math this way. We are starting MCT Island in the fall, and I have high hopes that my son will enjoy it. I'm also excited about seeing where we go with Latin, Hebrew, French, and Spanish.
  11. Sacha completed his first year of Hebrew today. Mazal tov!

    1. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Great accomplishment!

    2. quark
  12. We have been using R&S Spelling 2 this year, and it has been fine. I'm not really sold on spelling as a subject altogether -- not because my son is fantastic at spelling (he's fine), but because I feel that spelling is likely going to end up just being busywork. I think most ALs will probably learn to spell well just from reading, and don't need all this reinforcement. But, since he is my first kid, he gets stuck with the busywork until I am positive he doesn't need it. Not sure if I am making sense. :) I am told that the phonics exercises become more difficult in R&S 3. We switched to R&S after AAS because I wanted something more independent. It's worked out well in that respect. I just cross out anything that is religious.
  13. Right, but, had this been communicated earlier, we could have bought a cheaper bundle and then used the 50% off on the more expensive bundle. Their customer service emailed me back and said that they would not credit me. I feel completely duped. If all the spammy emails weren't bad enough, now people who didn't wait until the last minute get screwed. I am seriously annoyed.
  14. Did anyone else get the email that the premium bundle is now 50% off. I paid full price and feel a bit misled. I emailed them to see if they would credit me the difference back to my PayPal account. We will see.
  15. My 6 year old uses my husband's old phones and our tablets for apps, games, internet, texting (usually to Grandma, but also to friends), and making phone calls (he is well versed in what to do in case of an emergency). We don't monitor his internet access; we simply talk about what things are appropriate to watch and not. He came to me the other day to let me know that one of the videos he wanted to watch (a Minecraft video on YouTube) had bad language. I asked what was said, and he relayed that they used the word "stupid." He has not given me a reason not to trust him. YMMV.
  16. For DS6, our LA plan next year (1st grade) is to do MCT Island, WWE2, R&S Spelling 3, New American Cursive, Mosdos Opal, and Junior Great Books 3 &4. It's probably ambitious, but we will see how it goes. We are saving W&R, TC, and Killgallon for 2nd.
  17. I used to skip periods with my BC pills when I was out in the field with the Army and didn't want to deal with a period + no shower for weeks at a time. But, I agree with the others that it might be tough to do if you weren't already on the pill. Some BCPs caused me to have break-through bleeding, so it is hard to know which one will be best from the get-go. Everyone is so individual when it comes to how hormones affect them. I hope you both have a lovely vacation regardless.
  18. Sorry. This is from 2010. I don't know why it popped up on FB feed.
  19. I didn't see this posted yet: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/30/nyregion/30medschools.html?smid=fb-share
  20. My oldest was 25 lbs. at 6 months. You would have sworn that this kid was going to be a linebacker. He is now 6.5, the 10th percentile for height, and barely over 40 lbs. soaking wet. He's currently a string bean. My youngest is 21 months and over 30 lbs. Everyone says that he is going to be a "big boy." I just shrug. I've decided that I just overfeed my babies to make them happy. It seems to work. :) I worried about food issues as well, when my oldest was little (since I struggle with my weight), but I have let that go.
  21. We've started early with my oldest, but I am not convinced that this is the best plan. I'm also not really convinced that there is necessarily something special about Latin that can't be learned from the study of modern languages. But, we are forging ahead with Latin because my son has an interest.
  22. I don't know if this is helpful, but I'm sharing it in the hope that it might be. We have the opposite problem. Sacha is bordering on overconfident about his abilities. It's not just academic stuff, but even in soccer, I don't think he fully grasps how much better the other kids are. Granted, he plays in a very competitive soccer club, but it's almost like he is oblivious to how much harder he will need to work if he wants to catch up to the others. I don't know if I am just a ridiculous Tigermom who is constantly sizing up the competition, or if my kid is perfectly content to rest on his laurels. Perhaps, a bit of both. ETA: I am hoping that some of this is just being 6.
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