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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I've always wondered, when other people say that (love and support etc). In my head I always add exceptions... (serial killer/rapist, drug dealer, prostitute, porn star, stripper, heartless investment capitalist that destroys lives, etc.) Oh, and btw, it was not just THIS thread that got her into troll trouble.
  2. With the number of programs they've been running on television the past few months (probably longer, but I've only noticed it since the spring), I'm not surprised. They had me ready to dig a bunker :glare:
  3. I find that some people forget that regardless of another person's religious beliefs, that person would still be the child of their God. IOW, I'm a Christian, in my belief all people are children of God, even Athiests. God would speak to them, they would have already ingrained a sense of right and wrong and the spirit they have came from God. IOW, they have all the same spiritual workings as I do, they may have percieved it differently than I did, but it's still there.
  4. Up until last year, we had good experiences with our local ps. Ds's pre-k, k, and 1st teachers were all great ladies that strove to keep him challenged and interested.
  5. I vacillate. Sometimes, it seems like the world can't get any worse, we've reached the pinacle and now it's all down hill from here, but then I read a little history ;) I just try to be ready, just in case, but I'm not concerned about needing to outrun fire and brimstone just yet :)
  6. A troll is someone that "trolls" the internet, looking for places to put mean and spiteful comments in the hope of causing strife in online communities. Some of your posts wherein you mention your beliefs, come across as mean spirited and trollish. You seem intent upon causing arguments and strife. I've read your apologies and I think you may just lack tact and, perhaps, need to practice writing things in such a way as to not cause such upheaval. In other words, think before you type. Try to see other points of view before you click submit reply. Finally, if you were one of the people you casually mention, Catholic for instance, ask yourself how YOU would feel being referred to in such a way.
  7. I found out my dad's family was great friends with the Bordens (Fall River). I knew, because I'd dug up an obit. for one of dad's uncles and a Borden was listed as a truly close friend... Didn't realize Dad's dad, aunts and uncles were all friends with THOSE Bordens. (Lizzie... ax... )
  8. We avoid it, it comes up every now and again, and when it does I ask them to find a more specific word. I find hate too strong of a word for general use. Now, the words "never" and "always" on the other hand ;) The kids are not allowed to use those words unless they actually apply to something. IOW, I never get to... results in loss of whatever it is they "never" get to play with, the same for , 'he/she always gets to...'
  9. I love geneology :) I was able to trace dh's family back to the early 1500s. For me, my roots are scattered every where and very difficult to trace, that was quite an accomplishment. I was an Ancestry member for over a year, but just didn't have time for it. One day, I want to get the leather bound book for my dad and then one of the gigantic posters for us :)
  10. I have, for school and for some arguments with family members. I have found, though, that it's like having read the entire New Testament. Sure, I have, but that doesn't mean it all sunk in, or that I was able to understand every bit of it.
  11. They do cover print I and A. Perhaps, the reason they used the print I and A on the cover was because of the A and I lessons wherein the child sees the print I and A. Since part of the lesson is to tell them, these are the letters you will see used in print, in books, it makes sense that they would use them on the cover. It's the first and third lesson, they should have an idea by the end of week one.
  12. Memoria Press has Rome and Greek History courses (memoriapress.com). They go along with their Latin class, Latina Christiana.
  13. Biology, living things; Earth Science, Earth (geological features and weather)
  14. I wasn't aware you were Pagan... I've never heard of any flashlight that required a specific type of battery... All the same, any particular cake, any particular creature, needs the "right ingredients" and the definition of right depends on the person. Some people prefer Duncan Hines, others made from scratch. Different strokes for different folks, so to speak.
  15. Me neither... Dh is the grilling master! No propane here, only harsh coals (ooweeooweeoobumbumbum) Lol, really, he is GREAT at cooking on the grill.
  16. LOL! I read the title and thought....... uh, I would have to say, go with God's design........ Totally misunderstood, but it was hi-lar-i-ous!:lol:
  17. Do you mean to come across as high mighty? I'm curious, because what I've just read, in your post, is a bash on someone's parents. Oh, your parents were nice, but my parents were great people. Was that the intent?
  18. Camping can bring out the questionable in a LOT of people. I wouldn't do it. It's a situation where too much is not in control of the adults in charge.
  19. It sounds like you're doing really well on your own. Keep at it and he'll start to see that he will be okay. If he's worked himself up over it, so much that he's trembling, then it is going to take time to get him to understand that it's safe. :grouphug: btw, love the smackdown ref :D
  20. Sometimes I wish I could hug you, or at least punch your arm.

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