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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I had those and I loved them. Now, they're all at my mom's house and all of the kids (boys and girls) play with them and love them :) I can't remember what the name of the house was, but I had a pink two story house with four (I think) separate rooms. I also had the school house. I'm sure your dd will love them :)
  2. I have a long term goal (upstanding, God fearing, well educated, moral) and a vague plan about how to get there (homeschooling until they can get into the CC, transfer to a good college, etc). Then, I have a slightly more detailed plan for the current stage (finish SotW, FLL, WWE, etc). An even more detailed plan for the current year (Cover x chapters per session, to insure completion of Y book). Finally, an actual plan for every session (Week 1, day 1, page 1). I love to daydream and look ahead, so sometimes I will spend too much time pouring over plans for the Logic Stage... and yes, the Rhetoric Stage too. Or even better, I'll start planning out vague plans for what we'll cover each year in order to have the boys ready for college by 16 :lol:
  3. It could backfire. She could end up feeling like you are "against" her grandma. Ime, that makes them hold on tighter and build up distrust and resentment against the person making the comments. Also, consider that she may wonder how you portray her to other people. Ie, if she does this to Gramma, then why not me?
  4. I'm wierdly lucky enough to not have to be the bad guy for my dd. She lives with my mother, so I get to be the 'cool' one that 'rescues' her from her grandma. One thing that has helped my mother a lot in dealing with dd (and her sudden belief that nothing will ever work out for her and her grandma is just an evil woman that stays up nights plotting ways to make her life miserable) was me sitting down with her and explaining hormones and body chemistry and those sorts of things. I told her that sometimes some things will seem like the end of the world one day and the next she would be horrified to think how she overreacted. I recommended that she keep in mind, always, that her body is going through LOTS of changes right now and things that seem extreme (both good and bad) were being seen through chemical glasses. Then, I gave her a journal and told her to write down how she felt and what was going on. When things seemed really, truly, life changingly horrible, write it down and sit on it for about a week. If she's not sure if it's something that will wait, she calls me (9 times out of 10 it is). Is there anyway you could have a completely understanding conversation with dd about this? It made a world of difference for mine. She knows that I understand, she knows I went through it, and now, she trusts me to help her with it. The journal and a warning that she could do irrepairable damage to her relationships in one of these hormonal fogs would be a good idea too.
  5. I don't think they're supposed to be familiar with whatever you're dictating. Using their own answers, imo, would not count as dictation.
  6. It's pretty self explanatory, you'll see if you get the books :) They both cover the same things at the same time. For FLL you learn it (particular part of speech, for instance) and WWE you use it for the dictation/copywork exercises. Lol... it's so easy that... I can't think of how to explain it :lol:
  7. The only reason I mentioned making it a career is because he could end up trapped there either way. Once he gets so far up the ladder, ime, he will be scared to hop off, iykwIm. How exciting, so many prospects already :)
  8. Lol, I waited for a month to borrow The Well-Educated Mind..... once I got it I realized I really needed my own copy... best laid plans and all that.
  9. paper towels? till you can make it to the store.... or tissues if you have those, but you have to use a lot :glare: trust me
  10. Ask him if he wants McD's to be his career (there is NOTHING wrong with that). My bil has worked at the same place since he turned 18 (he's now 38). His loyalty to this company has resulted in a VERY comfortable living, good benefits, and great job security. He can retire after five more years (43!). At first, he was unsure about making UPS his career, but as he's stayed and his seniority has grown, he can't imagine a future elsewhere. If your son DOES want to make this his future, then it could be a very comfortable future doing something he already enjoys. All the same, if the idea of McD's forever turns his stomach... get out now, before the benefits become chains.
  11. I'm assuming there is some discussion among the group. :shrug: I'm sorry your Bible study has gone bad for you, I hope things start to look up.
  12. Of course, having read about all these boys killing each other you do have to wonder if she was just bored :(
  13. :lol: fate worse than death? no computer. how do I know? I couldn't get on HERE yesterday!
  14. If you get the activity guides with the SotW books then you'll have a reading list all ready. Great books that correspond with where they are in their history studies :D
  15. I tend to go stone cold silent, gently set down whatever we're working on, quietly stand up and quietly walk out of the room. Once he's ready to listen I tell him the rest of the assignment and sometimes whatever he'll be doing next and say, "I need a break. I'm getting frustrated. I'll be back in a few minutes. Please be quiet." Then I go either jump on here :p or outside and take a time-out. I don't know why it works so well, but they both (younger ds too) calm down and behave after that.
  16. My favorite part of Bible Study is when we disagree :p (last week it was whether or not David was arrogant concerning Bathsheba, Uriah, etc) I've learned more from disagreeing and listening to others disagree than I have from just sitting and taking it all in. You have a lot to contribute :) If you think she's wrong, say it. Everyone will learn something that way, and isn't that the point?
  17. I'll admit, the cold bloodedness of how she killed him, coupled with the fact that she did not even try to cover it up or deny it, made me think she had (she thought) good reason, or was, at least, at the end of her rope and thought of no other way out. My first thought was sexual abuse too.
  18. Me too... lol, I just thought the baby was so big that it would spread out and up whenever I was on my back and the sculiosis in my lower back pushes my hips to the left... I always thought the left side thing had to do with that. Thanks for the education :)
  19. Sleep issues were my first guess too. I've felt like that (it's more to do with my back than my breathing, though). :grouphug: I know you are already doing a lot, but maybe letting him take a nap (not over two hours, though, that'll just make him MORE tired ime) could help, at least temporarily? :( I'm so sorry this are so tough for you two. Hopefully, the sleep study will clear it all up.
  20. Story of the World is a four year cycle. It's what we use and we LOVE it. I don't use CM method, but as history goes, Sotw is great!
  21. http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/menu.html We enjoyed clicking around this one. If I remember correctly I think there were quizes and things too, but it's been awhile ;) http://www.easyfunschool.com/IndexHistory.html I never used this one, but it has links to all kinds of things... Someone else must've found it useful and recommended it at some point :p
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