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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. So... you guys are saying... everybody's doing it? I'll have to go tell dh... :lol:
  2. :001_huh: Maybe, they're using their clothing to take attention away from their words?
  3. Mr. Q is awesome :D He posted a link to the hive on his page ;)
  4. I love too many things..... How many chemistry classes can one boy take?!? :lol:
  5. Carmen, that looks so good. Do you ever wish you could justify using two or more classes to teach one class? :p
  6. :iagree: (what she said) Ds is really flying with languages for us too. We did PL last year, but didn't finish it. I'm grateful to it, because he does already know some words, prayers, sayings, etc. I think he could've started without it, but it might have been a little frustrating, because LC does cover grammar. IOW, PL gives you a grace period to do some of the easier stuff and get a feel for it, but I don't believe it's necessary.
  7. LOL I'm so going to tell dd to stop being so Tara at some point :lol: Sorry, at first I was trying to figure out what Tara meant, er uh duh...
  8. Would it be worth losing your 'me' time to get some 'us' time while cleaning up? If he helps (giving up some his 'me' time), giving you a chance for a little 'me' time (albeit less than you had before), would you go to bed early? Consider giving him a massage till you fall asleep. The idea usually makes me pretty sleepy :p I think THAT would really create a new sense of closeness.
  9. If you have to ask, then it already matters to you ;) ETA: :grouphug: just so I don't seem snooty
  10. :iagree: Both overlap so well that a little time spent in Prima Latina (memoriapress.com) goes a long way in Latina Christiana. I do not use Minimus and I don't have a link for it :p , but I've looked at it and it seems like an interesting approach as well.
  11. Dh used to be very secretive about making brownies. He told everyone (who wanted to know why his brownies from a box tasted so good) that the secret ingredient was bacon grease :lol: My mother can tell you, bacon grease is not a good substitute for veggie oil. Then, he let me in on his secret and I told everyone :p
  12. God's been working over time. Convicted doesn't even cover it, iykwIm.

  13. moody hormonal difficult moody :p oh and did I mention moody?
  14. They'll tast SO much better. If you use milk instead of water they end up really thick and creamy (it's hard to explain).
  15. eequalsmcq.com Use the free curriculum ;) It's a download, so you'll have it immediately :D
  16. :lol: Sometimes people just need a sounding board... maybe you should send her a link here :rofl: I do that sometimes, I always feel like such a heel when I hang up and realize I didn't even allow time for any sort of response. Then I call back and have an akward conversation full of long silences :p
  17. Right on! I'm glad it's working out. Can you tell invitations/unvitations/family relations is a sensitive topic for me? :lol: I think I'm going to try to build up some callouses now ;)
  18. I'm working on a better relationship with God and it's made me a lot more sensitive to being uncharitable towards others. I'm much quicker to say I'm sorry :p


    Glad to know it was all fun and games till I dumped my big wet towel on it (lol)



  19. I'm reading your post and it almost seems like travellers are the anti-conservative religious whatever you wish to call it, iykwIm. Ultra tiny clothes for women, deeply devout in being self-centered (how I see the trash dumping), etc. How very interesting.
  20. :party: Then, maybe she really isn't sure if she can, but really does want to come. Maybe she has to cancel an address to the people or something :p
  21. Lol, I tried to edit down your post so I could respond without taking up too much space, but it's really hard to do that without completely losing the sense of what you wrote, so I chopped off some and bolded what I wanted to respond too. The idea that she has nothing to do is, imo, disrespectful at the very least. I'm sure she has some semblence of a life. It may not seem like much to anyone else, but it means something to her. The invitation/olive branch coming late, even if it was a casual affair, would have been monumental for you both, right? I do think the delay implies... "I don't know if I want to invite her, or really want her to go, but I don't want it to be my fault that she's not there. Now, the ball's in her court and if she doesn't go it's her own fault." How would that make you feel? If it seemed like the olive branch was only sort of extended? If you know she feels alienated and disconnected then it would seem like you would try to change those feelings for her. At least, try not to add to them. I'm always amazed at how I allow the little things to cause huge chasms in my own extended family. I will bull headedly refuse to yield on something simple and for what? To prove myself bigger or better? When I could just give a little and reap the rewards of a closer, happier relationship. IOW, I do this, so please don't take my 'you need to be more flexible' as 'I am so much better than you.' Rather, see it as one alcoholic saying to another, it's so much easier going an extra block than walking past the ABC, iykwIm. My responses to invitations are nearly always, I will do my best or I will try. I've had to cancel because of things out of my control so many times that I am downright terrified to accept an invitation without some caveat. I have, literally, missed things I was committed to do, because my home was destroyed. I still have people that see that as a smirch on my character and my word. I said I would be there. Hurricain Isabelle came and devoured my home. I was not there. Therefore, I can't be trusted to be where I said I would. Is it possible that she's had those situations before? She promised to do something, but couldn't and now tries to keep from breaking promises by not making them? As for timing, at least a week, especially for a celebration. :iagree:
  22. You know, my family does this to me ALL THE TIME. After all, I'm a sahm, I don't have a 'real' job. We homeschool, it's not as though I have anything else to do than to sit around here while my children go wild and just wait for invitations to things. Now, she may not actually feel anything like that, but having btdt I can say it's disrespectful at the very least. She is an adult and imo, should be treated as such. Oh, as for the olive branch, maybe it didn't seem like you went halfway. Halfway would've been, imo, an invitation with enough time to actually make arrangments. Why should they bend over backwards because the invitation was last minute? Again, I would've seen it as a. an UNvitation and b. insulting.
  23. When I read the dates (in your letter to her), my first thought was unvitation. Looks like she thought the same thing. I think she may have felt a little insulted by your invitation, given that it didn't really give her time to plan for it. I would keep mum, or else even apologize for not having sent the invite sooner. (ducking)
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