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Everything posted by Athena

  1. Oh my, that was hysterical!! I haven't had to do it in a long time. But I remember mastering the art of the ninja cone! Blessings, Christy
  2. I'm with quiver. Make sure you get enough fruit!! :lol::lol: -Christy
  3. Congrats! I'd rep you but I'm out! I wonder what I'm up to..... Blessings, Christy
  4. I read on the Firefox website that you might not be able to access some websites. That they won't load on any other browser then IE. I don't know anything more then that. Sorry. But that is what I am nervous about. Thanks, Christy
  5. Hey computer guru's, I need some advice. I am still running IE6. I know, it's bad. I hang my head in shame. In my past life, I was a programmer/analyst. You would think I could make software decisions like this but...I just can't bring myself to switch to Firefox. My main concern is that I don't know which websites I will lose. So the question before us today is: IE7 or Firefox? I would make it a poll but I haven't the time this morning to play with it. I am upgrading the browser tonight!
  6. DH lost his job in the mortgage collapse. He has a new one and we are making it but we don't have much extra money. Gas is a big consideration. My oldest was disappointed that he couldn't continue baseball. He still mentions it every once & again. I feel horrible not being able to afford lessons. But you know, he isn't going to die. I made sure we are involved in hs group that is active (no neighborhood kids to play with here), he gets sports equipment for bdays and we play together often. I also try to talk openly with the kids about finances & the choices we make for our family. Xavier & Marie have started asking why they can't each have a Nintendo DS like their friends have. And on it goes.... :grouphug: Blessings, Christy
  7. Thank you so much! That was wonderful. I will be sending you a voodoo doll for Christmas this year! -Christy
  8. Do they still shock pools? Yep, that'd be me. Dump a boatload of chemicals in there. Sorry you found him in there! :ack2: -Christy
  9. I am jealous of those who have financial stability. Every morning I get up and wonder if my car will be gone. We turned it over in court so I know its going, just don't know when. But I am grateful for the financial mess in some ways because my DH has completely been freed from the stress. He is like a new man. Fun, joking & playing with me & the kids. It's good to have him back! -Christy
  10. I just wanted to say THANK YOU! I needed a cheap :D American history book to use as a spine and my 11yo ds was caught between grades here! This will fit the bill perfectly! I already downloaded the first unit! I love this site! I could not hs without all the other folks here! Thanks again, Christy
  11. Not for wimps! :svengo: He, he. Actually we are having a nice quiet day. And if the weather cooperates we can go to the pool! Blessings, Christy
  12. Joanne is right. Make sure you read the points she made. They are accurate. Right now I have a 10yo for partial care during summer & his 3yo sis. She has been with me since May. I will most likely add 1 more in the 3yo range. Perks: $$$$. I don't have to leave my kids with anyone else. Or depend on DH for childcare (he's a doll/wonderful dh but....) I also make sure to be allowed to take the kids on field trips (not to the grocery store but to the park, hs meetings, zoo, etc) Ughs: long hours. annoying children that aren't mine. Different standards. Guilt over not 'parenting' other kids but still parenting mine. Lost time hsing my kids. That's all I can think of right now. But I might come back later and too this! It's not a bad job if you go in with your eyes open. But it's also not for everyone! HTH, Christy
  13. I love the younger grades of Oak Meadow. They are gentle and fun with beautiful stories. But they are super parent intensive! I have a hard time doing a Waldorf-flavored (for lack of a better term!) hs with 3 kids. Honestly, I would not recommend it for the amount of money you are going to spend there. You might want to look at alittlegardenflower.com. The 1st grade is similar but the download is only @ $25 and it includes the stories. And you might want to add the OM art book for K & 1st grade. Still a LOT cheaper & usable with more then 1 kiddo. HTH, Christy
  14. Sorry you're so upset! But where was that smiley last week when I was going to explode? My sis spent 4 wks here with her kids and left on a sour note & without saying thanks! ACK! I need better boundries! Hope your day improves! P & PT, Christy
  15. OK, sorry for the tantrum! You guys are great! I have more then doubled now! :D Thanks, I feel special!!! Christy
  16. Everyone here already said everything I would say so here is a cute story for you. My sis had the first kid in the family a much gushed over, adorable, strong, stubborn little girl. Who refused @ 3yo to eat. Anything. DSis got scared and took my dniece to the doc who handed the girl a lollipop. DN stuck it in her mouth. Doc said, "She's fine. She'll eat when she gets hungry." I just remember that being so cute and funny! Stand gently firm and you will get through it. Blessings, Christy
  17. Honestly, I would give them one more chance. This activity might not have fit the bill your family but HM is very common and they did try to include you guys. I will say, we also would have skipped the party. Blessings, Christy
  18. Aww, I feel for you. Try to relax and have a good evening! They will all be back before you know it and you will be recharged for them to come home. Blessings, Christy
  19. YOU'RE KIDDING?!?! I started with 10? So the first ten don't even count? ARGH! I have a rep of 13. 13! Can I quit now? I have been on these boards for yrs. I hate rep. However I can now prove to my DH that I am a loser. He is super popular, always has been. Has a million friends. Great guy, my perfect match. Absolutely required to balance my un-popularness. :glare: grrr...... ps. I have pms and am fighting a migraine.
  20. I have an accelerated 5th grader also. This year I am looking at having a school day of @ 5 hrs. It just takes longer at this point, the time adds up. An hour for math, an hour to read, at least a half hr for latin, I would love to add in an hour for writing (he'll kill me but he needs it!) and that doesn't count anything fun or art, science, ss, read alouds, etc! You know, this is going to start a war. The other 2 kids only need @ 3-4 hrs a day (starting 1st and a 3rd grader). I don't suppose one of you want to come over and reason with this kid over why he is still working and his little bro & sis are playing?!?! What no takers? Good luck, I feel your pain! Christy
  21. I am sure she has heard this from countless others but here goes anyway: My dad had one last yr and I was terrified for him (mostly the embaressed part) and he said it was no big deal at all. Actually it seemed a lot like this article. He went to sleep, didn't feel anything & was fine afterwards! Consider this just one more reassuring voice! I hope she goes, my in-laws are super stubborn about going to the doc. Drives us all crazy worrying about them! Blessings, Christy
  22. I about died reading that. Then my kids wanted to know WHY I was laughing so hard. BWAHAHA. I can't even explain it. :smilielol5: That was hysterical, thank you, thank you, thank you! Christy :lol:
  23. I know that R&S first grade is heavy on the sight reading at first but then turns heavy on phonics later. I am wondering if my middle son would benefit from that. He hasn't been tested (can't apply till September) but it's pretty obvious he has a problem. I am leaning towards dyslexia. He is almost 9 and still reads super slow & choppy. He can't remember words from one sentence to another. The Frog & Toad books are a real stretch for him. I feel really bad for him. We are using ABeCDarian phonics and I have seen good improvement but I'm not sure where to go next. ABCD doesn't have readers past the first level. Did I mention I have a rising first grader and if I did put them both in R&S 1 I would only have to teach one class? But what would that do his self esteem? Waaa. I don't know what to do! Thanks for your thoughts, and for letting me whine! Christy
  24. Hi, I just thought I'd let you know there are a few people on this board with the book chosen for the coming year. But I don't know of anyone who has actually started using it yet. I have spent some time with it but also haven't started yet. Here are a few extra thoughts for you: - Good for a wider-then-intended age range if you are willing to supplement. My 7, 9, & 11yr olds will be using it. I will be adding library books to it. Library titles are listed for each lesson. - The set up is annoying. Multiple streams sounds good in theory but is hard to work through in real life. - Reminds me of 'real' science, instead of play science. A lot of the stuff I have looked at and used is really fluffy with no meat to it. My kids are ready for real science, this should feed them without being overwhelming. - Easy to use experiments! HTH, Christy
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