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Everything posted by maize

  1. I understand the realities of difficult spouse dynamics, I've dealt with plenty of challenges in that direction. I am so sorry this is looking like an increased burden rather than a blessing for your family. I do hope you find personal comfort and encouragement in the Conference talks.
  2. (((felicity))) That is such a hard situation to be in. Amira mentioned the idea upthread of some units taking advantage of the extra time to socialize with other members. Even if this is not happening on a ward or branch level maybe it would be possible for members who desire or need more time for spiritual nourishment for themselves and their families to find ways to spend time with others with similar needs and desires on Sundays? I think it would be worth discussing your concerns with your bishop or Relief Society leaders or ministering brothers/sisters and see if there is a way to turn this into a blessing for your family.
  3. My dd's and I are looking forward to the Women's Session.
  4. I always enjoy Pres. Hinckley stories, I still miss him and the twinkle that was always in his eye.
  5. Yeah we have more ADHD people than not in this household. 3 hours was an impossible length of time to focus. My 6 year old always says he hates church and I know it's just because he really can't sit still and focus for that long.
  6. Yes! I think planning in some social time maybe after church meetings when everyone is already gathered together is a great idea.
  7. My kids think I must have been writing letters to President Nelson because the schedule that was announced today is pretty much what I have been saying I would prefer for years. I've always thought if we would just shorten meetings a bit and cut out most time taken with announcements at church it would be really easy to shorten the overall time spent without losing anything of real value.
  8. I missed out on who is speaking right now (I'm listening not watching) but appreciate the message about not letting fear rule our lives.
  9. I am curious to learn how Primary (children's Sunday School) will be handled under the new Sunday schedule. Also whether there will even be a standard pattern or if more will be left up to individual unit leadership. A small branch with ten Primary aged children has very different needs from a large ward with eighty children in the Primary.
  10. The idea is to set aside time every week for the family to gather, do fun activities, and discuss spiritual matters. The idea can be adapted to fit the needs of any family. It's been a part of LDS culture for a long time, and Monday nights are always kept free from church meetings or activities to make that time available for families (between adult meetings, youth activities, sports, family activities, scouts, etc. pretty much every other evening sometimes has a church related event).
  11. I was hoping you would weigh in on overseas and smaller branches.
  12. I appreciated the reminder that Family Home Evening did not have to be on Monday night. This is something that my husband and I have not seen eye to eye on--he tends to be a very by-the-book thinker and has not been really comfortable with holding FHE when it best fit our family schedule rather than trying to fit our family into a box that didn't work for us. I prefer Saturday or Sunday, earlier in the day. By the time my family can gather on a Monday evening everyone is tired and cranky.
  13. Seems we haven't had one of these threads recently but, for any LDS boardies watching/listening to Conference this weekend, I hope you will come discuss! I'm so excited about the new 2 hour church schedule--this is exactly what I have been wanting for years (for non-LDS folks reading, our Sunday church schedule for decades has involved a three hour block of meetings that, well, gets really, really long for babies and little kids and their parents). I know the two hour schedule has been followed in some places where many wards needed to share a chapel.
  14. Seems its been 50-60 mpd on weekdays lately, mostly shortish trips driving kids here and there. Fewer on weekends.
  15. No harm intended. No harm done. Not vandalism.
  16. Some teenage girls can easily pass as adults. People (women) thought I was my five year old sister's mother when I was 13.
  17. My ten year old called me from school this morning: "Um, I forgot my shoes..." Shoes have been successfully delivered ?
  18. Good morning. I have a kitten climbing on my bed.
  19. I don't think having a healthy marriage qualifies a person to give advice to those with difficult marriages. I guarantee if you and your spouse were dealing with the mental health challenges that have plagued my marriage you would struggle just as we have struggled. And I also guarantee that I know more about managing the challenges of my marriage than someone who has a nice high quality marriage relationship does. I am very grateful to the few excellent counselors we have been fortunate to work with. Even among fully credentialed counselors there are plenty of poor ones. I am afraid that someone without extensive professional background attempting marriage counseling could do a lot of harm.
  20. I could see myself sharing a home with a sister or friend quite happily. A pleasant person I get along with and who doesn't burden me with expectations? Sure! I can also see myself living alone, I'm enough of an introvert that that idea doesn't feel oppressive. It might be fun to have a travel companion to adventure with at times. If I have grandkids nearby so much the better.
  21. Yaknow, we don't have a culture of thinking we ought to replace other family members (parent, sibling, child...) or even friends who pass away. I know remarriage isn't necessarily about "replacing" a spouse but sometimes it feels like we are somehow more uncomfortable with letting that particular relationship hole just be there.
  22. I've had a rough marriage due to dh's mental health difficulties. In many ways I've adjusted to living and acting independently. I don't know what a more companionable marriage would be like, I kinda think I wouldn't want to give up my independence. When I try to imagine falling in love with and marrying someone else I draw a blank.
  23. Ugh it sounds like you need your regular judge back.
  24. My oldest just came home with a 65 on her first biology exam at brick and mortar school. Looks like I need to dig into how to make and follow a study plan with her.
  25. I am sorry. It is so wrong that mental health coverage is not required.
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