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Trivium Academy

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Everything posted by Trivium Academy

  1. can I put it in the crockpot now (9:30 am) and expect it to be done at 6:00 pm? It's only 3.5 lbs. I've never done this but a little online hunting shows it can be done, I'm here to talk to the real experts. Shameless brown-nosing, I know but I trust y'all more than websites. :bigear: How much water do I add?
  2. From Rainbow's website: We familiarize the students with the theory of evolution so that they understand it and are adequately knowledgeable to discuss it with others. However, we reject it as a belief. We openly acknowledge God as our Creator.
  3. Janice, First I would check for any local programs your state parks, aquariums/museums may have- you may be able to outsource this with a fabulous opportunity for him. I know I'm not teaching 6th grade yet but I have bought the Project Earth Science books (4 of them) by Brent Ford, published by the National Science Teachers Association- http://www.nsta.org/store/product_detail.aspx?id=10.2505/9780873551311 But there are other titles there that are interesting to check out, I think the Project Earth Science series is more for being teacher led than independently done. Earth Science Success: 50 Lesson Plans for Grades 6–9 By: Catherine Oates-Bockenstedt and Michael Oates The JASON Project is another fabulous resource, they have Resilient Planet and Monster Storms they have a new Energy curriculum that will be available soon. I love that students get to interact with scientists! http://www.jason.org/Public/Curriculum/Curriculum.aspx These are just a few options not typically mentioned. :) Hope you find something.
  4. "Thank you." Annie is a classic movie, whether or not you wish them to see it is up to you. I wouldn't talk to her about the gift at all except to thank her, it seems to me that it was probably a thoughtful gift with good intentions. Annie is a good story with a good ending, she thinks your kids have the same- I think that's wonderful. Imo, you're reading a little more into it than is needed.
  5. How about allowing her to color them either before or after she's done the work? Or ETC Online is colorful, http://www.explodethecode.com/01_about/ :)
  6. :pI reference Simply Charlotte Mason Ambleside (for articles mostly) Mater Amabilis (Catholic CM) Tanglewood (too schoolish for me) When considering using a program, I look at the books involved. If there are books considered as spines that I know we won't use, the program is no good to us. I look at all the books available and if there is a gem, I'll just add it to what we're doing. I'm very persnickety :p
  7. After all your thoughtful posts and insights, I think I have something that will work for us and keep the joy without feeling like I'm cutting us too short. Math- Math U See Gamma/Delta with Math on the Level (30 min) Spelling- Simply Spelling (15 min) LA- ILL with Writing Aids' support (up to 30 min) Latin- Latina Christiana I with DVDs (up to 30 min) History- TOG Year 4 with Evaluations and MapAids (up to 30 min daily) Science- General Science (Inventions, Milestones of Science, etc.) (up to 30 min daily) Music- instrument lessons (piano) (1 lesson a week and 15 min of practice daily) Poetry Memorization- cutting down to one poem a month (5-10 min daily) Time spent total approx. 2-3 hrs. If ds4 will be at home for K: ABeCeDarian (only thing I need to buy) Math on the Level Handwriting Galloping the Globe To be limited to 1-1.5 hour of work each day So homeschooling can be done with both of them in about 4 hours a day, dd8 will have independent work to do while I work with ds4 (they will be a year older next year) and she can do art, informal logic and other things as she pleases or in her free time. It would be nice if I could teach them simultaneously but I'm not going to hold my breath on that. I'll probably have to do phonics with ds then do Latin with dd, giving him a play break. Math together, possibly if not I can do math with ds while dd does her independent reading or piano practice. Handwriting with ds while dd completes her ILL lesson Galloping the Globe as a family type activity after dd's history and science work has been completed. Somehow it seems more manageable but I am just thinking aloud as I type. If I did put ds in public school for K, I would have more uninterrupted time for my college work. With him home, I don't know how I'd get that time. If he did go to school, we could still do Galloping the Globe as a family, with bedtime readings. I think his maturity level at the end of the year, in June or July will be a major determining factor. Let's be honest, it's also dependent on how I can juggle college, homeschooling and part-time work with just dd8 plus maintaining consistent discipline. Thanks for letting me talk about this! :)
  8. Eek! Sorry, a friend emailed it to me, seemed legit. I'm sorry.
  9. English, Writing/Handwriting, Narration, Dictation and Copywork. Yes, combined within Primary Language Lessons, we'll use Writing Tales next. Spelling (copywork and dictation) - Yes, Simply Spelling Reading/Phonics Yes but about to finish Math Yes Science Yes History, Art Appreciation, Music Appreciation, Read-Alouds combined Yes Poetry Memorization Yes Foreign Language- Yes, Latin we also have: Informal Logic- 1x a week Art instruction- 1x a week Piano lesson - 1x a week, practice everyday Nature Study- 1x a week at least What do you leave out? Formal Grammar instruction, dropped French recently. How do you schedule it? I use products that allow me to streamline as much as possible. Scheduling depends on each curricula, how many times a week I think we should do it, what pace my child is able to learn at, etc. It's an individual thing.
  10. This was interesting to me so I thought I'd share it. From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality, which the children could remember. The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ. Two turtledoves were the Old and New Testaments. Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love. The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament. The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation. Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit-Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy. The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes. Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit-Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control. The ten lords a-leaping were the Ten Commandments. The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples. The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in The Apostles' Creed.
  11. Using the library for non-core books and borrowing from a friend what curricula her family isn't using and giving her what curricula we're not using which will work out for both of us. I made a few different cost changes putting aside an expensive program for a lesser cost one but time was also a factor.
  12. thank you Linders, I have the Vox Music masters already, I've been trying to squeeze in Opal Wheeler's books which is really the approach I want to take and back it up with Vox. This would be so much easier with a vicacious reader!!! Lol :lol:
  13. He's at Montessori which we don't pay for, FIL does so it's not a drain on us. Sending him to public school K is another decision I have to make. A lot is doing to depend on some testing he's recently undergone, when I get the results, I'll be better able to decide. I'm going to hold off on that decision as long as possible. D's gone from 9-3 Mon-Thurs and it's been a blessing, the house is clean, lessons get done and then he comes home and we can all have a little bit of fun (unless I have to work). I'm okay and taking care of myself. You're so sweet Chris, you're dear to me too.
  14. I agree, but I'd also have picture books about the parts of speech, I like using Grammar Tales by Scholastic and Ruth Heller's books alongside PLL.
  15. I typically buy the next year's curricula right after Christmas, usually with gift money. I'm starting college in February, I'm working nights and weekends and although I do have a set amount of time during the day to homeschool 9-2:30pm, I feel I should streamline as much as possible. I don't have many to talk to about this, esp. not anyone who knows what in the world I'm talking about when it comes to curricula so I thought I'd post this here and see if anyone can provide thoughts. Planned for next year: Bible- Explorer's Bible Study Discovery Level: History of Israel* Math- Math U See Gamma/Delta with Math on the Level (Math U See is my safety net although I do wish to do Math on the Level only) Spelling- Simply Spelling (copywork & dictation) LA- Intermediate Language Lessons*, Writing Aids Poetry Memorization- The Harp and Laurel Wreath* Informal Logic- Building Critical Thinking Skills 1* Latin- Latina Christiana I with DVDs History- TOG Year 4 with Evaluations and MapAids Science- General Science (Inventions, Milestones of Science, etc.) Art- Artistic Pursuits K-3, Book 3 Modern* Music- 4 composers* and instrument lessons (piano) I put a * by things I think could be dropped or substituted in some way. If I had to trim down to the essentials. It would be: Math - Math U See Gamma/Delta with Math on the Level Spelling - Simply Spelling (copywork & dictation) LA - Writing Aids Latin - Latina Christiana I with DVDs History - TOG Year 4 with Evaluations and MapAids Science - General Science (Inventions, Milestones of Science, etc.) Music - instrument lessons (piano) Although I'd hate to do it, I could eliminate ILL from our LA and use Writing Aids and Simply Spelling only. ILL is a little more open and go than Writing Aids is, but Writing Aids has much more teacher helps. In fact I could milk TOG for all it's worth and cover a lot of subjects. For poetry memorization, we could just review all the poems we've done so far and work on 1 poem a month instead of a new poem every 2-3 weeks. I could drop Artistic Pursuits and just allow art projects with TOG be it for the year, dd could also continue with Draw Squad at her leisure. I could drop the 4 composers and just let her have piano lessons. I have to make a purchase decision soon so I can budget for what we'll get. I appreciate anyone's input on the curricula, the life situation will not change but I do hope by the end of 4th grade, we'll be ready to transition to a different situation.
  16. scavenger hunt idea Can you find 2 blue items in the house? On your mark, get set, GO!!!! Most of it is just talking aloud as you do stuff. Mommy is going to put 3 tablespoons of flour in this bowl, count with me. 1..2..3 Good Job! This YELLOW cup is yours today. I'm turning LEFT at the STOP sign that is red. Tracing letters and coloring is the only seatwork my ds4 does. Not saying it's right or wrong, it's just what he does at home with me. Yes, he is in a Montessori PreK, I'm only talking about what we do at home. :)
  17. gift certificates, a baking stone, pizza peel and waffle weave bathrobe and I'm not even expecting to actually receive those, I'll probably get Bath & Body Works and PJs from extended family members. Due to finances, I've asked that I not be bought for--just the kids.
  18. The earth science lessons are 18 lessons, space is 10 lessons but it is open ended to learn about asteroids, comets and NASA. There are notebooking pages also included. The life science at Lulu is WTM suggestion based with everything scheduled out, it uses the Kingfisher First Human Body Encyclopedia for human body. I incorporated projects, review cards and other things into the lessons, really just provided exactly what we did. We have chosen to revisit the human body this year in 3rd with a deeper focus and those lessons are at my blog for free although they aren't formatted like the ones at Lulu. None of the books we've used this year are recommended in WTM and we're only studying Human Body and Botany this year instead of combining the subjects with Animals.
  19. Here are the earth science spine options: Usborne's First Encyclopedia of Our World Kingfisher First Encyclopedia of Science World and Space (Childcraft) or The Geography Book by Caroline Arnold (includes text & experiments) space spine options Usborne First Encyclopedia of Space A Child's Introduction to the Night Sky World & Space (Childcraft) The Space Book by Robert McCrutcheon Experiments, Activities: Hands-On Earth Science Seeing Stars Professor Noggin Space game Poems: 101 Science Poems and Songs There are vocabulary words and scientist profiles as well. Then there's a list of living books that you can pick from for each week to check out from the library. It is topic oriented so if you want to use different spines you can, it is worth purchasing just for the living book list of books for each week, I priced it pretty cheap at Lulu.
  20. Jen, I would advise changing one thing at a time, doing it all at once would be too much for you to keep up with. Shorter lessons is a good place to start overall imo then work on habits. After you read you can go through each subject and see how you can modify your current lessons to conform to a more CM philosophy, you may find some subjects that you want to drop curricula and change to something that is more open ended. When we switched it was gradual. Shorter lessons and habit training (one habit at a time, this is ongoing so it's not something to start and think, it's done...next. lol) History: SOTW to TOG (using whole and living books) Grammar: FLL to Primary Language Lessons with a few mistakes in-between ;) Copywork: From copywork in history, literature and science to just doing poetry copywork plus what is in PLL Adding nature studies, composer studies, art, handicrafts and the things that are specific to CM philosophy Foreign Language- CM started French and Latin and added other languages, I've dropped French until after Latin at this point but read about Latin extensively in her books and on Ambleside Online before deciding to start Prima Latina. This isn't to say your experience should or will be like mine but I do recommend going subject by subject to see where you may want to make changes in approach or curricula to accomplish what philosophy you decide you like. You don't have to like it all, I saw where someone said that CM works if you use the entire philosophy, I can't speak to that but I know our lives have been greatly enriched by adopting a great number of CM philosophy and techniques.
  21. I've found that using the same line for skin care helps- the same brand body wash and lotion. I use Medicated Chapstick or a moisturizing lipstick even when my lips aren't chapped. Personally I've been happy with Dove products and I use Oil of Olay occasionally but skin types are different. Hope you find something :)
  22. :hurray::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::hurray: Y'all are great, I'm feeling good physically b/c of working outside of the home but I want to build strength/stamina and lose weight but losing weight isn't my ultimate goal. I want to be healthy in every way I can. Thank you so much for your recommendations, I'm very grateful.
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