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Trivium Academy

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  1. Thank you for the helpful responses, I have resources that I can pull from if I need to (Writing Aids and other LA) and I will preread SOTW4 as soon as I dig it out from its box :p If it's not appropriate, we may do a year of geography instead. I'm not entirely ready to adopt a new curricula unless the options I currently have (we own ILL) do not work for us. Thank you again for your input!
  2. I came here to get help figuring out what to do for curricula, not life. I have enough battles in my life to fight right now, the last thing I need is more on a hsling support board. Time is too precious.
  3. I don't think it will be an issue b/c outside of school time, we do things together. When he's at school, dd & I will be doing our schoolwork. He enjoys going to preK now but I also take him out on Fridays when I'm not working to do a 'family' field trip, that won't be possible with ps K but Sat. is 'our' special day just me and him so that will stay the same. We (dd8, ds4 and I) play together all the time, we spend quality time together and I give both my children their own time with me. Dd8 tends to get less from me b/c we have things to do when we're alone (hsling, cleaning house, errands) whereas ds4 gets the complete Mom without the teacher when we spend time together.
  4. I think I've got it now: ILL for English, it's pretty straight forward and includes all the elements I feel dd8 needs for 4th, I'll even use the poems from it for memorization. SOTW 4 for history with audio and AG. I need map-work and comprehension questions, the audio will be good for when I do need a break. One long read aloud each month, one assigned book to read each month with a book report to simplify our time and focus on needed skills. God's Design for the Physical World set Latina Christiana with DVDs Math U See regularly with a Living Math day each week Nature study With science and history, we'll be fulfilling a lot of LA skills while ILL will provide a varying scope of concepts plus keep our picture study and poetry going. Okay, I'm breathing a sigh of relief...this feels very doable while maintaining some intimacy in our lessons.
  5. These are just the changes I've made that are making a difference, not based on anything (no books or programs). I've said goodbye to soda completely and replaced it with V8 Fusion (2- 8oz. glasses = 1 day's fruits & veg.), Fuze Vitamin drinks or water, only 1 glass of sweet tea a day, 2 cups of coffee, and SlimFast 1x/day. For meals I eat a fruit or veggie, smaller portions of meats & breads. I snack in-between meals with light yogurt, WheatThins with Laughing Cow Swiss (very filling and yummy) or fresh fruit. I've cut bread out dramatically but give myself a 'treat' once a day, whether it be an apple danish or chocolate bar. Breakfast is now either a Slimfast, Quaker's Weight Control Oatmeal or other healthy cereal with a banana. My total lifestyle has changed, I'm working nights so I'm not sitting down to a home-cooked dinner every night so I can customize my own dinners from work (grocery store). I have two dinners that I typically eat when I'm at work: 5 Chicken fingers from deli Fresh fruit (grapes, apple, or what is appealing) Fuze vitamin drink or orange juice or Turkey/Swiss sub (no condiments just lettuce/tomato, smaller than 6") Trail Mix (fruits & nuts) Fuze vitamin Drink I've realized that I can make healthier choices without having to follow a 'plan', dd8 and I are about to have salads and yogurt for lunch and do some kickboxing. ;)
  6. I don't have flexibility anymore, I have college, night/wkend work, housework, parenting, counseling and just plain taking care of us to do. I need to be able to do my college work during the same hours of homeschooling or stagger them just a little plus do housework before I have to leave for work for the night and then come home to do whatever college work I can before I go to sleep (10:30pm nights). There is no favoritism, it is a different set of circumstances for each of my children which is reflected in my posts. All I can say is that I'm doing my best to be/do what each of my kids need in short-term and long-term.
  7. Boxed curricula just doesn't tempt me at all except for the time-saving factor. I did consider ABeka for about 2 seconds yesterday but as soon as the complete thought passed, I passed. We enjoy Memoria Press' DVDs but I think I can create a 'do the next thing' schedule with more planned out products like using God's Design instead of creating a reading schedule myself with experiments. I will not comment further about ds4 attending ps K other than the fact, he needs it. He's grown so much going to Montesorri PreK and he needs a little more maturity time for me to be able to have him at home. It's just not a good time to add more to my plate just b/c I feel it's best. I will pull him out if I feel the need but we're in a great school system and he'll be tested in May by the Sp. Ed. specialist to see where he is developmentally. There are other factors I've considered as well that I don't wish to address here but this is the best decision for the situation at this time. If I were to choose a 'boxed' curricula, I'd probably chose a Catholic line (Seton or Kolbe) although we're not Catholic, from what I understand I can eliminate what I wish. I need to pull out my SOTW 4 and really look at it. We could use Galloping the Globe for year too and add timelines for historical events for each country. Maybe a country a month with one longer read aloud each month? I want an easily planned/executed approach: read Chapter 1 of X, Chapter 3 of Y and complete the exercises. As little fuss as possible, very little brain cells being used on my part...hee, hee. :p
  8. I have to admit that in the past when I've seen, "we need curricula in a box, ready to go so that my child can work independently most of the time", I've cringed and felt sorry for the child. Now that I'm working 20+ hours a week at night and my children have missed me reading aloud for a month and half now, I have college work looming over my head in February and housework and a life to maintain still needing done plus spending quality time with the kids...I GET IT! ...and I'm sorry. We haven't had a nature walk since Thanksgiving. I haven't read a long read aloud since before Thanksgiving. We haven't even gone on a field trip other than to see Santa. {Exasperated sigh inserted here} So I need to decide about next year. For 4th grade only because I am 90% sure ds4 is going to public school K. Here's another tidbit that I've decided that has been very strange, we're not going to do TOG for Year 4. I decided on TOG for the long-haul not just for the time-being so I don't feel an immediate need to do TOG for 4th and I think just using SOTW will be a better fit for our situation. I'm even considering switching to SOTW (I have all the books) for the rest of this year. 4th grade Math- Math on the Level/ Math-U-See combo, I think...still unsure Poetry Memorization- One poem a month History- SOTW 4 (not sure about using the AG but we need mapwork) Writing- Intermediate Language Lessons Latin- Latina Christiana Science- original plan was to do History of Science/Inventors, I may use different resources than what I originally planned which was The Storybook of Science and Inventions and their Inventors by Bachman with Milestones of Science. Nature walks. Right now we're consistently using: Writing Tales 1 TOG Year 3, Redesigned Math on the Level loosely, focusing more on multiplication Prima Latina Exploring the History of Medicine by J.H. Tiner Explode the Code Book 7 We have dropped so much...eek, gotta go- I'll come back
  9. I don't think you'll find an answer that fits by this survey b/c each child is different and each program is different. I think it is more about matching the components of the program to the learning style of the child and your teaching style.
  10. I'm unclear and the opinions vary in the resources I've read about a fitness regime. What does a complete fitness regime look like to you? Do you focus more on cardio or strength training? Isn't yoga/pilates more for maintaining a lean frame than it is for working towards one? Is there a sequence to follow outside of making healthier eating choices and exercising daily? My current exercise daily takes various forms but I make sure I have 20-30 minutes of continuous activity, mostly kickboxing although I spent the weekend working in my parents' yard, raking and digging. I'm about to measure myself so I can identify where I've lost inches. I'm just wondering if there is a sequence I should be implementing?
  11. I would have to say that we don't eat any of those but we do eat yogurt, fresh fruit, spinach and other "good" foods regularly.
  12. Until he legalizes paternity, he has no rights. He doesn't seem to want visitation from your post, or does he? If he does then he needs to get his signals straight- if you want something, you do whatever it takes to get it, establishing parental rights is his guarantee of being able to see the child, if he doesn't do that- then he doesn't truly want to be a 'father'. Until he shows responsibility, I would not pursue any type of relationship with him. It's not about being a deadbeat dad, money is not the true issue here. You cannot force someone to be responsible or to be a father, clearly it's not what he wants at this time. The woman did not make that decision, the man did - so hold him to his decision until he changes (establishes fraternity, shows vested interest in the child). I don't think a child deserves to be treated that way and I would look to the best interest of the child, not the father or even the mother.
  13. When I have to explain it, I will tell dd8 that Santa embodies the Christmas Spirit which originated from Jesus' birth and then we'll learn all we can about St. Nicholas. http://www.stnicholascenter.org/Brix?pageID=38 It'll be interesting to read other responses!
  14. It's fabulous. Except for the fact it is not entirely pick up and go. You have to manage it, plan it out a little where other math programs are more pick up and go. You have to be comfortable with living math and stay in-tune with what your child needs because you have multiple paths you can take with the curricula. You can use each volume from start to finish, you can follow the suggested teaching sequence (easiest, esp. if you want a little bit of spiral approach) or find your own sequence. I have nothing negative to say about Math On the Level, it is fabulous- it's just not for everyone. :)
  15. I think this is exactly why I've lost 12 lbs. in the last 1.5 months. I'm back on the schedule! I don't have it figured out yet but I do know I want strength and stamina as well as being healthy. I don't care how much I lose, although it is VERY nice to tuck in a shirt and feel confident. I am making sure I eat more fruits/veggies than any other food group daily and I exercise each day for at least 20 minutes if not 30. I do not count working as exercise but the physical activity has been helpful. My arms are already stronger from lifting, I'm less tired than I was when I first started working. Dd8 and I went on a bike ride today and my legs screamed, "WHAT are YOU DOING to us?!? Stop IT, RIGHT NOW!!!" Lol. Burn, baby, burn.
  16. Charlotte Mason, Trivium, Latin You could read WTM, Charlotte Mason, Latin-Centered Curriculum and think we follow each b/c so many elements of our homeschool are components of each of these. Classical/Neoclassical- that depends on your definition and I don't agree that Neoclassical is without Latin, WTM is Neoclassical with Latin.
  17. Yesterday, I decided to sit down to figure out how to pay off dh's bills too and I figured out that he could be debt free too by July/August 2010 if he were willing to live as we have been until then. If the minimum payments were made, he'd have this debt for 4-5 years and there are more medical bills on the way... I was excited that we could both be debt free but decided that I needed to ask him what HE wanted...more money per month or to be debt free by 2010. I wrote out all the bills and how they could be paid off by doubling and tripling payments as each of them are paid off smallest to largest. I also figured out how long it would take at the minimum payments to pay the bills off, one is 46 months! He chose...more money each month instead of being debt-free. He choose more money to spend and waste. I feel so sad. Our finances are separate right now, I'm working on my bills (bills in my name, not entirely all my debt) with my own income and we use his income to pay the household bills. I manage everything. I've been trying to get him on a budget for 6 months now. I'm sad for him. In a way I was giving him a gift- managing his finances and taking care of him so that he didn't have debt when we finally split which will be in 2010. He would have a clean slate to start over with but he doesn't want it. He knows I'm leaving, I told him I want a separation which has been followed with empty promises of counseling and devotion on his part. Sharing probably more than I should...
  18. It's between the couple whether or not they are done, so I cannot comment on your life. I have dd8 and ds4 and at this point in my life will not have anymore but there's a lot of life left ahead so who knows. It's not on the immediate forecast, while the door is not closed indefinitely, it's just solidly shut right now. Bolted, with multiple locks, and a security system in place. :lol: I'm laughing but dead serious. Consider health issues, economics, and current responsibilities. I know that with my 2 if I were to have just one more child, we'd need a bigger house, car and grocery bill as well as more furniture (bigger kitchen table), etc. What has stopped me from having another has nothing to do with economics though.
  19. I will say that I wish I would have read The Total Money Makeover months ago but so glad that I bought the book now and I haven't had many reasons to jump up and down with pure and utter excitement lately so bear with me while I shout... I WILL ACCOMPLISH BABY STEP ONE BY THE END OF THIS MONTH!!!! I WILL BE HALFWAY DONE WITH BABY STEP TWO BY MARCH!!! Baby Step Two with dedicated gazelle intensity can be accomplished by December 2009!!!! It will take sacrifice, tons of sacrifice and good ol' fashioned stubbornness on my part not to yield to any temptations but I think it's doable. I watched Dave Ramsey last night on Fox Business and I wanted to reach through the tv and hug the man after reading TMM. Now I want to read Financial Peace which I'll get through the library. disclaimer- I'm working solely on accounts that have my name on them only with only my income, this has nothing to do with our current household/medical accounts which are in dh's name only. He does not wish to participate in a budget other than one he sets for himself. If I had to do his medical bills on top of what's in my name, it would take much longer to complete Baby Step Two. in other personal areas of my life...good things are happening but I can't share too much. I finally have personal counseling with the right type of counselor which is worth its weight in gold. I'm doing well at work, I've lost 12lbs. since the beginning of Dec. and I FEEL great. The life road right now is still a bit bumpy but the decision to shed barriers and walk a different road has been freeing in many areas. I'll probably read Dr. Henry Cloud's One Life Solution next, I saw him on Dave's show last night.
  20. :scared: I dropped my jaw and cannot find it...it looks very nice but I think I'll just replace a few things on my own bike for now. That is definitely a luxurious bicycle!
  21. Do you go for quality and pay more or settle for something that looks nice but is cheaper? In the long run, is it better to buy the better quality or do you feel furniture has a time limitation? Meaning, it no matter what you purchase it will still wear down and need to be replaced so cheaper is better? As someone who owns very little furniture personally (I live in a parsonage where it's all provided) I walked through Rooms to Go and La-z-boy Furniture stores today on a whim and noticed a huge quality difference as well as price. I'm just curious. :bigear:
  22. I have a Next 10 speed, mountain bike and I've had it for 6 years ? I think. I think I want a cruiser bike, old-style Schwinn-like that I can have a basket with rounded handlebars. I looked at Target and Walmart- Target has 5-10 speed Schwinn cruisers for $200-$250. Walmart has a Jeep bicycle for $227 that seemed nice with a kushy seat but 10 speed style . I want to be able to ride comfortably b/c I'm considering riding my bike to work- I did it day before yesterday and it only took 10 minutes but my current bike's seat keeps going down while I ride and a basket for carrying stuff is a must. I know I'll have to buy the basket as an additional purchase. Now the questions... 1. What are the cons to having a cruiser, rounded handlebar type bike? I haven't rode one so I'm not sure if it would be a great fit for me, it stinks that stores discourage riding bikes IN the store. :001_huh: 2. After riding a 10 speed, will I dislike having a 5 or 7 speed? I typically use the 2nd (left) and 5th (right) gears although sadly I have NO idea what that means. 3. Is there a recommended place online to shop for bikes? I prefer having it shipped to me b/c I don't know how I'll get a bike home from a store in my current vehicle without investing in a bike rack (which I want to). 4. My only concern is that 'what if' I want to ride the bike down trails in the woods? I have in the past and I haven't yet taken the kids to do it but I can see myself wanting to once we get a bike rack for our car. Will I regret getting a cruiser style then? 5. Should I just get a basic 10 speed at the lowest cost and put whatever add-ons I want to customize it? Like a better seat, basket, water bottle holder, etc? These $200+ price tags are a little hard to swallow but I will budget for it if it's better to get a certain name-brand bike over another like Schwinn vs. Huffy or Next. I know that if I pay $200+ I'll still have to get a basket. Sigh. Thanks!
  23. I didn't read the other comments before responding but abuse is not something you can kill with kindness. It originates from the person who is being abusive not from external circumstances. Walking away was the smart decision, it was a sign of love for yourself and whomever you were protecting and for the person who was abusive. You told that person that the behavior was not acceptable and you would not take part- that was a very loving thing to do towards that person. Even if that person doesn't see it that way ;) Without any other details, I don't think you have anything to regret or that you went against anyone's teachings. I don't think Jesus or Buddha was calling anyone to be a doormat or punching bag (in any way shape or form) but to teach about controlling your own emotions and actions. That's just my thoughts on it. YMMV
  24. Here's the good thing...if he wants to come, he'll be able to. Is your ex unwilling to work with you on visitation? It is a LONG drive and plane tickets are still expensive unless you have some way to get them cheaper, it's approximately $350 roundtrip from FL to NC. Amtrak is $125 roundtrip but it's a 15 hour trip each way which would severely cut his actual time visiting if he were to visit from Friday to Sunday. While it's heartbreaking to leave him, it's his decision and if he wants to try it then I would let him. Neither you or he is falling off the face of the earth, it seems like he will be okay esp. with your Dad there you have added reassurance. Maybe video visits through the computer would be the best way to go and then try visitation for the school holidays? It's going to be hard on everyone emotionally but it is open-ended. I would make sure all expectations and concerns are out on the table with ex, your dad and what you and your dh decide to do as well as your son. Even putting agreements in writing would be a good idea like a contract between the adults and your son. I hope you have a good relationship with your ex, it will help tremendously during this time - otherwise it'll be just another stress. :grouphug: This is very hard. I'll pray that this doesn't become a legal issue.
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