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Trivium Academy

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Everything posted by Trivium Academy

  1. Great points, Zee and Hannah! Before transferring I will do my best to make sure there is room for advancement within the time frame I need, otherwise I'll stay put where I am and look for a different company that I can be at for a longer time frame. Thank you so much for your thoughtful replies!
  2. In this situation- no. I would seek marital counseling and seek the reason why dh told me about the previous fling if that is how I found out. If it was through gossip that I discovered this, I would seek counseling on my own to determine whether to approach dh or to forgive quietly.
  3. In my current position, I'm not making much money although I've had higher management tell me (I didn't ask) that they see me in upper management more so than the position I'm in. Huge praise, esp. for just being in my position for under 90 days. I've received two job appraisals which were great. I've realized that at my current store the opportunities for growth are stifled due to the comfort level of my immediate supervisors, I haven't even been trained fully for my position other than self-training using a training manual that I asked for. I've taken the initiative to figure out what areas I still need training in and sought company resources to further my training. With the praise of upper management, I decided there's no reason not to pursue a higher position and since the opportunities in my store are not readily available, I sought positions at other stores within the same company. I have an offer on the table to transfer to another store with higher pay and more hours. I approached my supervisor regarding this on Saturday and while she will transfer me, she promises the higher pay and more hours where I am, as well as the training. I'm cautious with my current supervisor b/c if the training/opportunities were sufficient I wouldn't have looked elsewhere to begin with. I'm going to the other store today to check out the store climate and meet with the potential new supervisor and store manager. To be clear, I haven't really gotten myself OUT there in the market, the position I have now was the only one I applied for and I was hired on the spot. I didn't look for higher pay b/c at the time this was just a stepping stone job- part time, nights and weekends to pay off debt. Now I need a position with more money to be able to achieve financial goals faster and a true opportunity to advance within a short period of time within the company which means I need support from my supervisor and Store Manager in order to accomplish! So I'm not only looking at transferring to another store but applying for positions at other companies which offer more money. I currently have two applications out, meanwhile today I'm going to the other store to see about transferring...BUT I don't want to go through the process of transferring just to leave the company completely for another opportunity. Is that the wrong perspective to take? If I find something that will financially support the kids & I sufficiently, I will stay there until I finish my degree. I'm starting in May for Associate of Science, Business Administration and I want to earn a BBA (Bachelors in Business Admin). I'm not comfortable stepping on someone else to get ahead- so any thoughts about my current course of action? The prevailing advice I've gotten from IRL acquaintances is to get my name out there or I won't accomplish my financial goals. My worst fear is that I'll waste time trying to achieve training and advancement with ONE company and NOT reach the goal while I could have been 'shopping' around for the best opportunity to begin with. I also don't want to switch jobs too often just b/c the next company is willing to pay me $1-2 more an hour, it would be great to find the right opportunity at the right time but it's hard to turn a position down in this job market! My head is spinning,
  4. I picked Usborne Internet Linked WH but I would go to a bookstore and see about comparing it to DK's History: The Definitive Visual Guide - from the Dawn of Civilization to the Present Day. I bought both Kingfisher and Usborne, kept Usborne and donated Kingfisher to the library. I will be purchasing the Definitive Visual Guide soon, we'll be done with the Usborne in a couple of weeks. For 1st grade I think Usborne is enough but it also depends on how you're using it.
  5. I used those rubberbands thing-a-ma-jigs and it was great but beginning last night...ow, ow, ow....now I cannot stand up or sit down without acute pain in my upper thighs. Can I exercise again today and try to avoid using that area or just wait? I really wish it was my lower thighs that hurt. :glare:
  6. I'm trying to figure out if I can afford health insurance for myself and I'm unsure what I should be looking for. The higher deductibles have lower premiums but $20,000 deductible is outrageous isn't it? Plan Type PPO Deductible $20K Co Insurance 30% Office Visit $30 copay for the first 3 visits;then 30% coinsurance after deductible . $73.85 Monthly Cost Or Plan Type PPO Deductible $5K Coinsurance 20% Office Visit $30 $94.20 Monthly Cost What factors should I be looking at? What is appropriate coverage without overspending? This is insurance just for me, I haven't had any in 5 years so once I have it I would be going for a physical, pap smear, blood test and I have a few dermatology issues to be diagnosed/treated. When I've had insurance, it's been through work and I won't be eligible for insurance at work unless I go full-time or work for a year. I really appreciate any help or a reputable place to get the information!
  7. What a great idea! What I did with Artistic Pursuits is to allow my dd8 to choose whether to do a project, if she wanted to do a variation, I allowed it- she always wanted to do at least one of the projects. She's always creating something. I can see setting out art supplies for an afternoon and just letting them create, thank you so much for sharing!
  8. Ours is divided by subject with subdivisions. -TOG books are divided and in totes by year with the level, week used written in the inside front cover with one shelf dedicated to the current unit -Science books are divided by field: biology (human, animal, plant), geology, ecology and physical geography, space, physical science (chemistry and physics), scientists biographies and encyclopedias. Experiment books are organized either by focus or on the science reference shelf. -Music and art books are grouped together but all the art books, then the music books -Reference books are together: dictionary, atlases, etc. things we use often as well as our notebooks. -Nature Study shelf with field guides and helps -I have storage drawers for math, science, reading and art that house our supplies and manipulatives.
  9. 1. Tapestry of Grace Years 1-4, and all the LG, UG, D books that we'll need 2. Equipment: microscope, telescope, binoculars (have in various powers), I'm sure I can write a pretty list from either Carolina.com or Home Science Tools. 3. The best field guides I can find for everything, local ones especially. 4. DVDs for science, history, etc. I can make a very extensive list! 5. Power tools- equipment to MAKE stuff. 6. I would buy all the curricula for 5th and up that I want to use and evaluate it. 7. A French tutor or even better, a French tutor/housekeeper/nanny. Not-too-pretty woman with clear pronunciation and never-ending patience with a good disposition. :D 8. Museum fees, enrichment classes in our area- such as at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography- amazing classes for 5th graders and up. I would support every educational or conservation effort in our area by donating time, money and or energy. We'd have season tickets for music & arts. 9. A truck and a boat (true southern gal!)- you need a truck to haul a boat, so there. A Jeep Wrangler would be a great substitute although then what would I bring home lumber in? You need a boat anywhere near water. 10. One 3 week vacation each year to a new place, whether it be through a mission or just exploring. If I had to choose K-6 it would be, K-USA Roadtrip, 1-Brazil or Peru, 2-Australia, 3-Africa (Egypt & safari), 4-France & England, 5-China & India, 6- USA Major City tour 11. In our home we'd have an Art room, a library and a science lab area complete with all the critters they want to take care of and observe -which the fabulous French housekeeper- would take care of while we're away on our 3 week excursion. Each child would have their own bedroom and bathroom decorated to their tastes. Instead of tv, we'd just have a home theatre with sound proof walls for the occasional DVDs we'd watch. It would double as the music room since there's sound proof walls. A baby grand would be nice... 12. Fully equipped kitchen with a huge welcoming island with varying levels for little ones to reach to help. ;) Goodness, I can DREAM!
  10. In order to minister to someone else, a pastor must live by example. If s/he's not partaking in the ministry then s/he will not be able to convince others to do the same. You can be a part of the ministry without leading it, the ministry of the church belongs to the church, a pastor shouldn't 'run' it but should be involved according to his or her strengths (gifts). Not that I think pastors are blameless and sinless but I think of Jesus. He said follow me, he didn't say do what I tell you to do and ignore what I do. Isn't it every Christian's yearning to be like Jesus? In my opinion, a pastor is someone who has dedicated their life to following Jesus and has a gift of sharing the good news, as Jesus would have them do. If a pastor is not spreading Jesus' message by following Jesus' example as much as they can- how effective can that person be as a minister to others? To be clear, I'm not talking legalism or that pastors should be held to an impossible standard but no one forces a pastor to become a pastor- it should be out of a calling, a passion for Jesus, a use of God's gifts to glorify God. Now there are two types of churches- first are the chapels where people gather weekly (or more often) to worship God and then go back home to their lives. The church is for social gatherings and it makes everyone feel good. Then there are churches where there is a true gathering of individuals yearning for God and wish to do all they can for each other and their community. I believe most churches are a mix of chapel and church. I'm not 100% sure where to place the mega-churches b/c I've never been to one.
  11. Keep it simple but make informed decisions. With math programs there are different formats, do you want something mastery (focuses on one concept until mastered) or spiral (introduces multiple concepts over a course of time)- the teacher's manuals differ greatly from each product to another. I think selecting a math program is one of the largest stresses of curricula picks b/c the range of products are so varied. Thankfully there are samples online of the teacher's manuals and student pages for just about any math curricula. It'd be good to try them on before deciding, work through the sample lesson and determine if it will work for you and your child(ren). Selection of math programs is very personal, some like to have a script, manipulatives and extension activities while others done, they just want to open and go with very little prep or afterthought. The only right way is what will fit your teaching style and your child's learning style. Cathy Duffy has a book called The Top 100 Picks of Homeschool Curriculum which helps you evaluate learning and teaching style plus provides 100 reviews of products. In first grade, if you keep the focus on reading, math and handwriting- that focus will pay off! In 2nd and 3rd when you're starting to amp up the studies, you'll appreciate whatever time you focus on the 3R's now. You may even spend 2nd grade focused on the 3R's. Science is an excellent way to incorporate fun and foster strong relationships with your child and the world at large. We took the formal route in first grade, following the WTM but I wish I would have focused more on nature study and allowed a year of exploration into what we found on our walks. :svengo: I'm a HUGE planner and by golly, I wanted to cover all the bases. Now that we're in 3rd and approaching 4th, I realize there wasn't much that I taught my dd in first that couldn't have been done informally through nature studies. The best thing I did was make one day a week just for field trips and nature walks. The kids and I look forward to that time and it creates fabulous memories as well as builds on their natural curiosities. There is probably abundant resources around you, state parks, historical sites and museums to explore. Most can be done pretty cheaply but if money is a hinderance, a walk around your neighborhood/yard can yield plenty of adventures with the right perspective. Check out My Nature Journal by Adrienne Olmstead, there are inside pages at ChristianBook.com and I think Amazon. Geography- It sounds like you have this covered, it can be done informally for first through games and activities like sending postcards or a Flat Stanley. My dd8 just received Leap Frog's Smart Globe for Christmas and she LOVES it. She now knows where Denmark is whereas before she'd have to look for 15 minutes with clues. Keep it fun and informal, no need for bookwork at this time. Having a laminated world and U.S. wall map is fun, to be able to write with dry erase on them if you're doing history or just to play games. Cover up the ocean/continents names with a piece of paper and let them identify them. Talk to the piano teacher about readiness for lessons. S/He'll be able to determine if your child is ready and give you an idea of what to expect. If the teacher is unable to give reasons why they think your child is ready, I would find a different teacher. My dd8 tried the recorder in first grade (as per WTM) but wasn't interested, by the end of first she was in piano and excelled at it. BUT I cannot imagine putting my ds4 in piano in 2 years, he'll probably wait until 7 or 8 due to maturity and focus. Everyone has their favorite curriculum, they've chosen something that fits for them. Although others like certain things, it doesn't mean it will fit your homeschool. Be wary of others' enthusiasm, weigh your options but don't over stress about curriculum. If it doesn't work you can sell it and try something else, no one is perfect and there is no perfect curriculum. Every curriculum has strengths and weaknesses. :)
  12. A friend was considering this, I thought the sample file sounded like a professor- I would explore Diana Waring's products or Drive-Thru History before listening to a man give a lecture, esp. for younger kids.
  13. I would get the What Every Woman needs to know book b/c it will help in more areas, if you need help crafting a parental agreement without emotion, the other is worth getting too. I have a fabulous co-parenting relationship with my ex, dd's dad but there are a few issues we haven't even covered that is covered in the book that help promote a neutral standpoint. Having something that covers all the bases helps keep the emotions out of it or reminds the parties to keep emotions out of it. Definitely get the How to File in Florida, it will help you understand the process and what Florida law is but I would purchase What Every Woman Needs to Know now if you can only get one book.
  14. This would be sole legal custody with a joint physical custody agreement. You can separate the legal and physical custody terms.
  15. If you have total control on educational decisions...are you seeking sole custody? I think a provision stating that you both agree to pay 50% of the educational supply costs and fees should cover it. I wouldn't list out books, games, etc. but make it more broad, and fees would cover any outsourcing you may need to do or extra-curricular activities. Go to the library-get, How To File a Divorce in Florida. Also get, What Every Woman Needs to Know about Divorce and Custody; and finally How to Write a Parental Agreement that Works. Whatever he offers, you have to have a lawyer look at it. There is no other alternative, if this was an uncontested divorce without kids, it would be another story. Depending on your state's law, support is not based on how much time you spend IN your home but who is the custodial parent, income and a few other factors. The better educated you are regarding this, the less you will regret later. How to Make a Parental Agreement that Works will illuminate a few things you're possibly not thinking about right now, such as what happens if one of you needs to move? I hope this helps,
  16. I've been reading up on the laws concerning custody, divorce and what perimeters are used. Dd's education is a separate entity than ds4's, providing evidence that I am willing to do what is in the best interest of each child consistently (ds4 was going to public school next year already), ultimately shows that I am in fact putting the children first in light of whatever life circumstances are present. If homeschooling would serve them the best, I would do it -but at this time, the kids need stability and boundaries much more than I can positively provide. They need an outlet too, one that won't involve more responsibility such as extracurricular activities. In the near future everything in their life will change, to some degree- even me and the load I have to carry will affect them. My ultimate goal is not to be a homeschooler but to provide my children with the healthiest environment I can in order to nurture and support their development in all areas, not just academically. I can supplement what the public school does, I can be the Mom I have been but just in a different way. Meanwhile I cannot control what another will or will not do, I can do my best to lessen the consequences of another's actions for the children. This situation is not just about whether to homeschool or not to- it's much bigger than that unfortunately. Regardless of what happens to my current marriage, I have to be in a position to support myself and the kids economically, physically, spiritually and emotionally. I cannot do all that by myself overnight, I have to work towards establishing that security. I have to be 100% honest with myself as to what I can do effectively accomplish regardless of my ideals. Being consistent and effective is much more important than approaching the situation ideally. I am preparing for what may come, good or bad, the best I can. I am grateful for all the maturing and developing I have done since starting to homeschool. I am a changed person, mother especially. Between being in the trenches & learning from all of you on this board, the change in me has been immeasurable. I am anti public school, very much so but I don't have the resources to send the children to the school of choice (outside of hsling) at this time. With a few of your posts, I also realized that I would be a terror to whatever other hsling parent decided to help me with dd, that it couldn't be a long term situation or even as long as I may need to accomplish the goals that are essential. Praise God, I do have a homeschooling acquaintance that has reached out and offered to help but I refuse to bring my life situation into hers unless I have no other alternative. Your responses reminded me of what I was truly asking as I asked for help. I do have emergency help now which is comforting. It's been a very eye-opening couple of days, to say the least.
  17. After talking with dd's dad, it's been decided. For the time being, she will remain at home but I am talking to the public school about enrollment for next school year. I have been blessed by another homeschooler who has reached out from the homeschool group and offered to help. I know I have to give up a LOT by having dd8 go to school but I will attempt to afterschool her in the subjects she won't get at school, like Latin but both the kids need stability, a schedule and I need to be able to accomplish working full-time and doing my own school. I can do that if both the kids are in school next year, and keep house. It's not permanent. I am a highly motivated, conscientious, goal-oriented person...no doubt, but this has been one of the hardest things I've had to make a decision about. In the end, I know it will be best for the time being and once I have stability in my life (work, personal) then I may possibly be able to bring the kids home and provide them the stability they need for homeschooling. If not, I'll have a TON of curricula to sell and will look at private school options in our area. We do have two Christian Classical private schools in our area that I know about. College will start in May, between now and then I have to study math to score well on the college placement test, I have Life of Fred books coming from the library. Dd8 will be tested in May (GA law), as will ds4 and I have help if I'm working full-time from now until next school year. I can focus on finishing up dd's 3rd grade year in that time. I can only do so much and I'm much more focused on being the best mother I can be instead of being a homeschooler. For me, that's what homeschooling has been about- doing my best for the kids. I can continue to do that while realizing my own limitations.
  18. It'd only be the days I work during the morning like 7-3. Hopefully I'd only have 2 days like during Mon-Fri. I don't make much money, isn't the babysitting rate like $10/hr per child? I don't even make that!
  19. I suggest tackling something small and manageable, like one of your dresser drawers. Organize it and reap the benefits, then move on to your other drawers- one at a time. Small successes will inspire you to do more and feel GOOD. You can't turn into a label-maven with neat wicker baskets overnight (I'm not even that good). Read 1 organizational book, only one b/c you'll overwhelm yourself. Emilie Barnes is a great author.
  20. I will need to start working full-time, although my schedule will be varied and not consistent. Working 7-3 one day, 4-10 the next... Given the circumstances, would you approach the local homeschool group to see if there is a family that would adopt dd8 into their homeschool during the time I'm working? She would have her own work to do, I'd assign it to her. I don't think I want to make another person responsible for her schoolwork. I have a few trust issues. Would you do this? Would you offer to pay or just tell the circumstances of the situation to the homeschool group's Yahoo group acct and see who responds?
  21. Yes! I buy the TN-350 for my DCP7020 from InkJet Superstore (I think that's the name) for something like $20 and it's all I use. Providing link http://www.inkjetsuperstore.com/brother-tn350-toner-cartridge
  22. Silestone. My parents have it and it doesn't scratch. I would make a pros/cons list between the two choices, I think Silestone will win.
  23. He seemed very nervous and I really felt for him. Dave was funny but it was at Joaquin's expense, it seemed like he's ready to be done with films and just did this 'interview' as a way to finalize his commitments. It's very apparent he didn't want to. I think he's doing something very difficult right now, changing careers and his public image works against what he wants to do. I never would have paired Joaquin and hip hop/rap together, he's going to have a difficult time unless his music is undeniably great- he's already typecast as a clean-cut, good-looking actor. Reason for the beard? Who knows.
  24. Anywhere between 5:30-6:30 am and my alarm clock is ds4. "get up Mommy, get up" If I get to sleep till 7:00 then I count that as sleeping in. :)
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