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Everything posted by Alexandra

  1. I think a pretty picture would make any husband smile - but I would want it to be something that I would be comfortable showing a girlfriend. Nothing too provacative - you know just in case I run for Supreme Court one day. :)
  2. I just came across this term - never heard of it before. It comes from the movie Gaslight. It it a system of abuse where an individual keeps on changing his or her story or version of the past. The victim trying to organize his or her thoughts and refute the lies begins to doubt his/her reality. I never knew there was a name for this. In the movie, the main character keeps on making the lights dim and brighten in the house. When the wife points it out he questions her sanity. So if someone suggests you are mistaken when you know you are absolutely correct...well you have a name for them!:glare: I have a meeting with just this type of person coming up and it makes me smile me to have a name for this behaviour!
  3. I am using his history book - A Child's Story of America by CLP. He is 10. I might try having him retell the paragraph as well as reread it if need be Thanks
  4. what the original sentence was about. He looks at his key words and draws a blank. Any thoughts on how I can help him with this? Thanks
  5. I love a glass or two of wine but I am not sure it is a good idea for everyone. I understand there are studies that indicate it is good for you but don't you ever wonder about the studies? There are plenty of studies that indicate casual drinking is bad for your brea$ts. I just think some data is bought or subsidized by industries who could profit. Yes coffee is good for us too - thankyou Starbucks. Many, many people have major problems with alchohol why would you keep trying if your body or tastbuds reject it? Put the pretty glasses away for company.
  6. I do about 6-8 loads per week and wondered how much energy I use for this task. I have found it difficult to ascertain how much electricity a drier uses. It seems that most information is on gas driers or other appliances. Thanks for any thoughts on this. Alexandra
  7. that one day you will say...that you were glad you took the class. Yes (gazing at the coffee grounds in my cup), I see it all now. You will have situation where some bit of knowledge will come to you and you will save the day with your Accounting 101. Knowledge is never wasted. You are just using the side of your brain that has been ....erm underutilzed. (Just a guess.) I can say this because I am a fellow right-brainer. I would feel the same way about Accounting (shudder).
  8. I have a df who has trouble with recurring bladder infections. She takes cranberry tablets and know about going to the bathroom after $ex. I told her to drink unsweetened cranberry juice as well. Is there anything a woman can do about this? Could a kidney stone cause this? Thanks for any thoughts on this. Alexandra
  9. I came across a book called Veganomicon that was very well reviewed. Maybe it would have some recipes that would help.
  10. I would get some fabulous read-aloud suggestions (Artemis Fowl, Sea of Trolls, Rick Riordan's trilogy) and I would spend some time doing that. I would also get some gaming magazines for him to read. I would let him play video games too. Does he like politics? If so discuss news articles - watch PBS Newshour and discuss. You might really hit on some great stuff to do together or for him to do on his own. It is just a paradigm shift - he could still be learning tons. I hope that you find something that years from now you will remember as the silver lining in the storm cloud. Warmly Alexandra
  11. Oh my - this was good! My kids and dh loved it. It is frugal and can be made ahead. http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Shepherds-Pie-VI/Detail.aspx
  12. When I hear about foreclosures I wonder if they are pockets of the country where this is much worse than others? I do not know one person who has been foreclosed upon and I see tons of commercial building projects being undertaken. My df who owns her own business has more work than she can shake a stick at. All I hear is massive Doom and Gloom! Is the D&G just taking a long time in getting here? I live in Texas btw.
  13. The first comment struck me as somewhat gracious - the second was pretty irrelevant and rude.
  14. I find the word problems to be very challenging for my ds. He has done well in math in years past. This is our first year with SM. For example: The difference between two numbers is 2184. If the bigger number is 3 times the smaller number, find the sum of the two numbers. Does that seem difficult to you? :tongue_smilie: It was on page 40 of SM4A. Thanks
  15. When dealing with difficult situations or impossible people don't you ever muse...."Hmmm what would Remudamom tell this person?". I just thought about this while reading the friend/child/stomach bug thread. :)
  16. I consider myself to side with conservative thinking on some issues but very liberal on others. I always like to read what you have to say on political therads btw.
  17. Tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini and beans. I will be adding swiss chard and spinach this week or so. I just read that it is helpful to soak the spinach in the fridge in a little water 24-48 hours before planting. I plan on trying that this time around. This is my first time using a raised bed - I will never go back to a garden plot. Love, love love my raised bed! Also, it is super helpful to have your garden near the house. Both my dh and I go and tend to it much more than when it was a little ways from the house. Good luck in your garden!
  18. I know next to nothing about economics but this made me wonder a few things...is this going against the free-market system? If this company is suffering, isn't it reasonable to think that it is because it made a few poor choices along the way? If it were to fold, would that not promote and reward better business practices among the surviving companies? Why was this company helped and others left out in the cold? I really have some mixed feelings about all this. On one hand, there are people that I care about that still (maybe) have a job. On the other hand - well that is a bunch of money they are being loaned (or whatever). Alexandra
  19. Andrew Weil cited a study that found that calcium worked as well as anti-depressant meds. He said that you would not find immediate relief but would feel better after a month or two. :tongue_smilie: As far as pretty quick relief, I find that taking a Stress B Vitamin helps enormously. Don't cook tonight girl! Get that dh to pick up food! I always feel like the sun is behind a cloud when this happens to me. I hope the sun comes out for you soon. Alexandra
  20. your lymph glands pumping and releasing lymph ...uh fluids. It seems that the article suggested that was a good thing. I think it subsides after you have been working out a while. Hope I'm not being too scientific for you!:tongue_smilie:
  21. I read the link to part one and it seems to be the exact thing that was on Nightline. I have not read subsequent transcripts but part one is the same exact interview as on Nightline. Does the editing take place in later segments?
  22. You are hilarious!:lol: (and I have never used this smilie before!)
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