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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. My kids made their own dinner. The two youngest made PB&J sandwiches with carrots on the side. Oldest dd, the instigator of the protest, made an interesting combo of brown rice, deli meat, and an unheated can of Rotel tomatoes:001_huh::lol:. They kept asking me to help, so I kept bumping into them and asking for a snack;).


    They may need therapy later, but at least they'll have a sense of humor.

  2. I have to leave the room when my child plays with play-dough because I lose my mind when the colors get mixed together.


    I must have been a very boring child. :tongue_smilie:


    That is not weird. If the colors were meant to be mixed they would come mixed. Each color has its own little container for a reason. The colors don't like each other and should not be forced to be near each other. That's just plain common sense.

  3. Complete with picket signs. Why? Because I served them spinach with lunch. Usually we just grab a sandwich for lunch. I decided to be a nice mommy and make pizza roll-ups. Whole wheat tortillas, pizza sauce, mozzarella, and a little bit of spinach. They actually protested. Made signs. Marched around the living room chanting "No more spinach!" while I was kinda proud of their "fight the power" spirit, mostly I was just annoyed. So guess who is on dinner-making strike right now? This girl!


    Tough love is sometimes kinda fun:lol:.

  4. I've had 7 babies ranging from 6lb. 3oz to 8lb. 12oz. I noticed no difference in the recovery based on weight of the baby.


    FWIW - my most difficult recovery was my first baby which was 6lbs. 10oz. It was my only epidural. IMHO - I think epidurals allow you to push when you are not ready so the skin does not have enough time to stretch naturally.


    :iagree: I only had an epidural with my first. She was 7lbs2oz and I needed a stitch. Baby 2 was 8lbs4oz, not epi, no tearing. Baby 3 was 8lbs5oz, all natural, teeny tiny tear.


    I hate how doctors scare women into thinking they can't naturally birth a big baby. I've known tiny little Asian women who gave birth to monster babies (and walked out of the hospital with their pre-pregnancy jeans:glare:).

  5. The Quebec voters have elected a separatist government yet again.

    I personally hope their agenda is fulfilled and that the Quebec people get what they have clearly mandated their leadership to do.


    I'm tired of feeling that we are held hostage by this one province.


    (surprised that we are being allowed to talk Canadian politics???)


    Canadians are so much nicer about politics than Americans. Plus, this feisty Americans would LOVE to see any Canadian being slightly less than polite:lol:.



    Seriously. I twitch when I see the kids squeezing the tube from the middle. It is common sense. From the bottom! There are no reasonable, rational alternatives.


    I cannot just bite into a Butterfinger bar. The chocolate MUST be eaten off before you get to the middle. The universe has deemed it so.

  7. OK, I have to admit that I was actually thinking more highly of SIL when I thought she was bi-sexual and that she, your brother, and the other woman were a threesome in all senses of the word.


    But this whole "being fine with your best friend having s*x with your dh" thing just absolutely and totally creeps me out. :ack2:


    And I don't care if I'm not politically correct on this one.


    :iagree: My best friend knows better than to even think about my husband *that* way.


    Op, I am sorry you're dealing with this. I hope and pray your mom recovers. I hope and pray your brother pulls his head out of his arse.

  8. :lol: I'm going to be putting a hurtin' on those two in the next few weeks. I haven't bought myself new fall/winter clothes in years, and my old standbys (mainly Eddie Bauer) have finally worn out. So I get to do a little shopping soon! :D


    I am in curvy-girl heaven! Eddie Bauer has new curvy jeans, and their petite length is perfect for me! Yay! I wonder if Eddie Bauer is acceptable in "those" social circles. I consider it a splurge.

  9. That's quite the announcement! Wow. Sometimes I joke that I need a wife to do the cooking and cleaning for me, but mostly I just want a maid. It doesn't sound like that is what your brother and his wife/wives have. Is this a religion thing? Though I do not agree with that particular doctrine, I could respect that and probably not laugh too much. I would stay out of it if everyone seems happy and healthy in the relationship. And if I did have to see the happy trio, I would try really hard not to bust out in maniacal laughter.


    :grouphug: Families are interesting.

  10. Ladies, step aside. Wendi is bring uni-boob back! Fresh from her workout, Wendi is killing the uni-boob look, courtesy of her 10yo classic Target sports bra. Her top is in the ever-classic neon coral shade, accented with strategically-place grease stains. This look says "She can work out and fry up a mean batch of fried chicken!" Versitile indeed! Her red sweaty face complements the coral color of her top. Wendi is also rocking the ever-fasionable black spandex shorts, which highlights her to-die-for three-baby belly. She brings new meaning to the phrase "You can't touch this."

  11. I would tell your dd to keep the gift card and buy something for herself with it.


    Why would you encourage your dd to give a gift to a kid who purposely excluded her from a birthday party that she knew your dd was very excited about attending? :confused:


    I'm sorry, but I just don't buy into the whole "be the bigger person" thing. How are you being a bigger person by rewarding a person who intentionally hurt your feelings? Why should Lori's dd be gracious when the other child was not?


    If you really want her to be gracious (and again, I don't see why you would,) have your dd send her a birthday card. NO GIFT. A gift is not required if she wasn't invited to the party.


    (And because the mom specifically asked you for your address so she could send the invitation, I wouldn't be feeling particularly friendly toward her right now, either. She really messed up in a big way, and she was incredibly inconsiderate of your dd's feelings. :glare:)


    I get what you're saying, and I agree to a point. However, usually it is the mother that plans the party and sends out the invitations. While I would teach my kid to be the bigger person and give the friend her gift, secretly I would be glad to be sticking it to the other mom. But I'm a little mean like that;).

  12. That's not cool. If the other mom told you about it and didn't invite your dd, that's just wrong. And posting about it on FB? Klassy:glare:.


    What should you do? Your dd should still give her friend the gift. Teach her how to be gracious. I know she is hurting right now because she was not invited, but giving the gift to her friend anyway will teach her how to be the bigger person. Maybe you can make a date for the other girl and your dd to go to the American Girl store together. Most importantly, tell your dd that she is special, despite not getting invited to this party.


    :grouphug: It stinks when we see our kids excluded.

  13. This year will be a personal nightmare for me. I have a 7th grader, a 4th grader, and a kindy kid. Here is our schedule:


    Mon.- dd12 has piano at 11:15-12:00. Ds has piano from 2:00-2:45. We all have karate at 7:00.



    Tues.- Nothing!



    Wed.- Dd12 has confirmation. I will be teaching confirmation starting in Jan..



    Thurs.- (nightmare day) Homeschool PE from 12:30-2:00 Dd5 has dance from 4:00-4:30. We all have karate at 7:00



    Fri.- Nothing!!!



    Sat.- First Lego League @ 9:00 for dd12 and ds9



    Sun.- Church (I am a Sunday School teacher)



    Add to all that 4-H projects and a dh who will essentially be unavailable from Oct. 1 through the end of November and you have one super stressing momma. We live way out in the country, so going home between things is next to impossible. And this is after refusing to sign up our soccer-loving kids for soccer! I think I failed to remember the "home" in homeschooling. And if anyone asks me about socialization I just may punch them.

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