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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. As a Christian, I don't *do* this sort of thing. My parents used the "second coming" to scare the ever-loving snot out of me as a child. I was constantly terrified that Jesus would come back when I was doing something wrong/behaving as a child. Every little thing was a "sign" that Jesus was coming RIGHT THEN AND THERE. The video made me want to vomit as I remembered that childhood terror. I still feel sick. This isn't what Jesus was about. Jesus was/is about love, grace, mercy, and compassion. He didn't scare people into believing in Him. He ministered to the lost, sick, hopeless rejects. He showed love, grace, mercy, and compassion.


    You won't win any converts with the Law. Jesus said to share the GOSPEL, not the Law.

  2. All three names are beautiful!


    Adelaide- My G-maw has a cousin with that name. I always thought (even as a 10yo when I met her) that was a beautiful, classic name, Cannot go wrong.


    Amelia/Amelie- I almost named my 4yo Amelie (pronounced Ah-meh-lee). I am Cajun. My great-grandma was named Amelie. I just didn't want to have to correct everyone's English pronounciation. I love the nickname Millie, but I would have gone with Camille instead.


    Annika- Not my very favorite, but still a cool, respectable name.

  3. You do realize that you'd have to change your avatar...;)




    My husband is an artist. No, really, he paints. Not houses, not your living room. Paintings. No, he doesn't wear a beret. Yes, I like the smell of turps. He has a degree in commercial art; worked as an illustrator for a publishing company, now he is his own boss.


    I did it! Well, I didn't dye my hair, but I did change my avatar. Appropriate, yes?:lol:

  4. :grouphug: I really wanted to love ECC. We used it for about 13 weeks. I do think it is a great program, but just not for us. I sold mine on here for about half of what I paid. Most things were included, except for the few student sheets we used and the upper-level geography workbook.


    Since you are withing the return window, I would ask MFW if you can return it, even with a few student sheets removed. If they say no, I would just try to sell it on here, knowing you will not totally recoup your costs.

  5. What does it say about our character as a nation that we bail out banks and then they won't give loans to people?


    What does it say about us that we're quick to point fingers at the poor but not help them, much less point fingers at the rich?


    Why do we assume those who are poor could, with minimal effort, be Warren Buffet? Why do regular people stand in solidarity with the super rich? Why do we assume someone who is financially poor is also morally bankrupt?



  6. Depends on the day. If we have dinner leftovers, I will set aside a smaller serving the night before. If not, dh will either pack his lunch or pick up something at work. If he is working nights, I will sometimes pack a "lunch" for him if he is running a little late. If dh worked reasonable hours, I would get up and pack a lunch for him, but he usually leaves the house at 5:15am. I love dh, but I really, really love sleep:tongue_smilie:.





    I hear you, Wendi. Believe me, as a long time (nearly 12 years) Sonlight customer and a person who takes great pains to patronize businesses whose principles I support and respect, I share your frustration. Having said that, SL has always been the backbone of our homeschool and that will continue to be the case. As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'll no longer prioritize SL as far as financial support is concerned, but we'll be using (most of) the history and literature just as we have all these years. I do think you need to give the greatest consideration to the fact that in terms of your children's education and enthusiasm, SL is more than meeting your needs. Yes, it's disappointing to discover that in a broader sense, SL isn't the home you'd prefer. But I think it's possible to still glean the essential benefits from the program and maintain the integrity of your values. Best to you.



    I hear you. I will likely continue with Sonlight, purchasing a few cores before the change and looking for used IGs. It will not be as nice and simple as ordering a big old box of books, but, well, homeschooling isn't easy. I'm still sad.

  8. Or snakes fall out of the washing machine. Or snakes slither across the kitchen floor.


    :lol: I am laughing with you, not at you. I posted earlier that every single time my dh was underway/on deployment, my oldest would get sick. Now that he is out of the Navy, ER visits happen when he is working and cannot leave. Whoever said women were the weaker sex never met a mother:tongue_smilie:.

  9. :grouphug: There are some seriously nasty bugs flying around this year. Dh and I were almost completely out of commission for about a month due to a nasty cold. Just as I finally got over the cold, allergy season started:glare:.


    I know all about the crappy things happening while dh is deployed. My youngest got sick every.stinking.time dh's sub was underway.


    Another :grouphug: and prayers for the health of your family. I really wish someone would invent a Lysol bomb.

  10. That's not the children's version. This is the young reader's edition, http://www.amazon.com/Light-Glory-Young-Readers-The/dp/0800733738/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1332172261&sr=1-4



    • Reading level: Ages 9 and up
    • Paperback: 186 pages
    • Publisher: Revell; Reprint edition (November 1, 2011)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0800733738
    • ISBN-13: 978-0800733735

    So we shall see.


    :iagree: There seems to be a bit of confusion over the adult and children's versions. The children's version is just a reprint.


    What would be courageous would be to openly discuss the change of course and let people decide for themselves based on real information whether or not they want to use Sonlight, instead of relying on the reputation they built up under John.








    I am Episcopalian and heading to TOG. I feel like its the strongest option academically and I'll use Sonlight as a book list for historical fiction. I've investigated it a lot and from everying I've seen, the Reformed rhetoric has mostly been edited out in the Redesigned series. They've moved in the opposite direction from Sonlight, trying to appeal to a broader audience of Christians.


    That is good to know. TOG has always looked appealing, but I absolutely hate planning. That is why Sonlight was such a good fit for me.


    This is why I left TOG and why I'm so happy to have found Sonlight. I need open and go.


    Me too! Too many choices makes me crazy.

  11. How sad for you that everything you read that I am saying and you don't know me at all, is nothing but condescending. I don't know that I have even seen a post of yours before now. I loved Sonlight, totally supported it, bought things from them that maybe I could have gotten cheaper some where else. Told others about them. In fact I just met with a lady and spent 2 hours with her talking about Sonlight and how to use it, gave her one of the coveted 2010 catalogs.


    But 17 years with a business, did give me a different feel for it. What many of us have tried to say it wasn't just a company to us, it was family.


    yes I agree don't want it to stay stagnant but I also don't want it to go in a direction that is far off the course it was on. That is what we are seeing.


    I think Sonlight is about to do much more hand holding than they ever did in the past with the newer IGs.


    What is so hard for newer people to get and what several of us have said it wasn't just a company with John at the head, but a large extended family. That is what has brought out the passion in people.


    I am a newer Sonlight user. I just purchased my first core (D+E) in January. I chose Sonlight because, as a member of a mainline Protestant denomination, I felt as though they were my only choice for a scheduled curriculum. I held out for a long time. I had many excuses why I shouldn't buy a core. I have an aversion to overtly Christian curriculum companies because they seem to be "my way or the highway" types. After talking to many long-time Sonlight users, I realized that, while Sonlight didn't hide their Christianity, they didn't shove their flavor of Jesus down your throat.


    Then the changes started rolling out:glare:. At first I was ticked that they would include Bible and LA in the cores. After a few days, I could see their point. I thought I could work with those changes. While the included Bible resources may not be our flavor of Jesus, it could be informative. Plus, while I am happy with my current LA programs, I could always use some of Sonlight's writing assignments (since I have a hard time coming up with writing assignments).


    The THUMB thing and the inclusion of The Light and the Glory (which, btw, is only a REPRINT, not a REVISION) really, really bugged me. Now it seems like Sonlight IS in fact trying to shove their specific flavor of Jesus down our throats. Again, I thought I would gradually learn to accept those changes and work around them. Then I saw what was happening on the forums. All opposition was squashed. Questions about the books were answered in a snarky, condescending manner (if they were addressed at all). Threads dissappeared. Unfavorable comments were edited, even on threads not directly related to the changes. It seriously creeped me out. And it made me sad.


    I had finally found a home. Sonlight has been everything I expected it would be. My kids are absolutely loving it. They love the books. We are having such wonderful discussions. They are following rabbit trails. They now love school.


    It really stinks that I may have to leave Sonlight on principle. After reading tons of threads about various kerfuffles, apparently I, as a mainline Protestant, am no longer their target audience. I have no idea where I am supposed to go. The fundie Evangelicals have their homeschooling advocates and curriculum providers (VF, Ken Ham, BF, HOD, HSLDA, etc.). THe Reformed people have TOG and VP. The Catholics have all kinds of cool stuff. Where do I belong? I thought it was Sonlight, but I guess I was wrong.:001_unsure:

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