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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. Supplement SOTW with American history? We are just beginning our homeschooling journey and I'm quite paranoid I will not cover enough. My kids are coming out of ps in 3 weeks (or less if I get really annoyed). Until now my dd (3rd) has been mostly exposed to American history. DS is in K and hasn't done much. We will be starting with SOTW vol.1. I really like the idea of studying history chronologically, but just can't shake the feeling that we should be doing American history as well. Frankly I'm appalled at the lack of knowledge most Americans have concerning our history (and history in general) and just want to avoid that in my kids if at all possible.


    So, does anyone supplement? If so, what do you use? If I decide to go this route, I'd like something light and fun, but accurate. Christian is definitely ok. TIA!



  2. Well, I was going to introduce myself on a new thread, but this seemed more appropriate to me.


    -I am a Christian (not a very good one), but I'm homeschooling because I think the ps in town is full of simple-minded fools


    -Though I am a Jesus person, I would push the previous poster out of the way to hang out with Willie Nelson and engage in illegal activities. (God created cannabis, so it must be ok, right?)


    - Just because I'm voting for Obama doesn't mean I'm a terrorist, baby killer (actually I'm kinda pro-life), tree-hugging hippie liberal.


    -I don't think liberal is a bad word


    -(This is the hardest one to confess so far) I voted for Bush. Twice.:banghead:


    -I'd probably be considered an old-earth creationist as well, though I'll teach my kids creationism and let them decide for themselves


    -My head would explode if I lived in a suburb


    -I often think I'm smarter than the people around me


    -I think Sarah Palin is evil


    -I'd rather hang out with kids than adults sometimes


    -My oldest was born six months after dh and I married, and she wasn't 3 months early


    -Complain and sarcasm are my middle names


    -Despite the above confession, I love my life, my family, and my God

  3. Hi everyone! I've been lurking here for a few weeks and finally got brave enough to ask questions. I'm pulling my dc (8 and 5) out of ps after Thanksgiving. I've wanted to hs since my dd was 5, but never had a real kick in the behind moment until we moved to a new school district. Long story short, new school just wasn't up to par.


    Anyway, I've been researching non-stop and finally came up with a curriculum, or so I thought. My ds, who is 5 and in kindergarten, is apparently doing 2nd grade level math at school. I was going to use Ray's just to finish out the year with him, but he needs more than that. So, I was thinking about Singapore. Is this good for an "advanced" math kid? Do I need to buy the Home Instructor guide with the lower level? Should I supplement with anything?


    Also, is he too young to start Latin? WTM suggests starting around 3rd grade, but ds has been tested and scores extremely high in language usage. I was going to let him just tag along with big sis, but I just don't know!!!:willy_nilly:Should I push him, or keep reminding myself that he's just 5?


    Sorry this is so long. Thanks for reading!

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