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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. Oh sweet Jesus! If only that darn office was open!


    Dh is working his 4th night in a row. 6pm-6am. He works again tomorrow night. My kids go ape-poop crazy when he is on nights. I taught Sunday School to moody 6th-8th graders today. We got to church at 8:30 and didn't get home until 1:00. My kids just took over 2 hours to do dishes. I never knew doing dishes could be so LOUD and violent.


    :grouphug: Rum kinda helps.

  2. You guys found the phantom pooper! I will inform my dh that the phantom pooper has been discovered. His/her identity had been a mystery until now. When the phantom pooper first appeared, many extra workers were in the plant. No one knew the identity of the phantom pooper. So, big thanks for solving the mystery.










    And yes, I tried to use the term phantom pooper as much as I could.


    Also, can you guys not do anything cool during Downton Abbey? I missed commenting on the dinner troll thread because I was busy with other things. I didn't mean to cheat on you guys, but the little people needed me. They should know better.

  3. Somehow I tend to end up in restrooms that don't supply paper towels -- only those air dryers. And I stand there trying to figure out how to NOT touch anything, including the door handle, but without a paper towel. Use up the toilet paper?


    Overall, these discussions are leading me to believe I need to start looking for higher quality restrooms -- I also tend to find the ones with only cold water.




    Would you say the fact that I'm totally enchanted with the phrase "phantom pooper" tells you that I should probably go to bed?


    (Alas, teen is at Winter Jam and won't be home for another hour, so y'all are stuck with me.)


    Everyone referred to him (we are assuming it was a him since no woman I have ever met would do something like that) as the phantom pooper. In our town of 3500 people, this was the story of the year.


    My dh is working the night shift tonight. I could talk about poop all night.


    Not nearly as bad, but this reminds me of something that happened last year at my dh's school. A student took a dump right in the doorway of my dh's classroom. About 10 yards away from the restroom. On camera. :001_huh:


    It wasn't a student my dh had/has or knows, so it was random that the student selected his room to relieve himself of his load. His coworkers really seemed to enjoy that my dh, who is normally a beloved teacher, was the lucky one. :tongue_smilie:


    :lol: I will never understand that mentality. When I was still living with my parents, I witnessed a public pooper (totally different than a phantom pooper). We were exiting the interstate (I-10, a well-traveled highway) when we saw a public pooper holding onto the stop sign and relieving himself. Right there. With traffic. In broad daylight.:confused:

  4. I highly recommend Ecco's. My dh has had his 1 pair for 4 years and they are still very NICE and don't look worn down at all! Very much well worth their money! The warranty on them is awesome.




    This is the particular shoe my dh owns. http://www.eccousa.com/shoes/mens/dress/new-jersey-bicycle-toe-slip-on/2425/detail.aspx



    :iagree: My dh LOVES his Eccos. He is not an expensive shoes kind of guy, but he just absolutely raves about them. Well-made, comfortable shoes are worth every penny.

  5. I recently purchased a Spectrum Writing workbook (yep, I know) to give ds8 a little extra writing practice. He needed more specific, step-by-step instructions. Anyway, here are the instructions for his writing assignment for yesterday:


    Imagine you are a scientist or historian who has just found an amazing object. It might be a dinosaur bone or a gold chain, a jeweled bracelet or a stone tool. Write a paragraph about the object or about finding the object. If you wish, you may make up information about where the object came from. (bolding is mine)


    And here, after spending 2 weeks learning about writing a paragraph (not to mention the years I have been talking about it), is his paragraph:


    Earlier today I found a live T-Rex!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately, it's chasing me at the ... Ahhhhhhhhhh! Boy, was that close! It's still pretty awesome, but bye.



  6. We all deal with things differently.


    I am a very honest, up front person. I didn't want others to walk on eggshells. I wanted people to ask me about my miscarriages. I wanted to talk about it. I couldn't stand the pitiful looks in my direction. Just tell me you think miscarriages suck. You won't be reminding me. I could never forget something like that. Just talk about it and get it out of your system. You could not possibly make me feel any worse about losing a baby/babies.


    Again, we all deal with crap differently. You are not wrong for wanting to kinda ignore it. That is how YOU dealt with your loss. However you got through it is ok. Miscarriages suck. A lot. Getting through to the other side is an accomplishment.

  7. I don't remember everything. Who does?


    I remember a lot of history because it was my very favorite subject. Specifically, I remember the defenestration of Prague (because I thought it was funny) and finally making the importance between Martin Luther and Guttenburg inventing the printing press.


    I always used the zeros in multiplication, but now that I am teaching my kids, I make sure to talk about place value.


    When I was 18-20, I was in Navy Nuclear Power Training School. We took all kinds of physics, calculus, heat transfer, chemistry, engineering stuff, etc.. I can hardly remember any of it, and I passed with flying colors.:lol:


    I think we, as adults, remember the things that were important to us. The things that meant something.


    I consider myself somewhat smartish. I may not remember everything, but I can figure it out. I have no doubts about my ability to teach my dc.

  8. Depends on the activity. If I'm going to end up looking like a dork, no, I don't participate. I'll use ice skating as an example for that. I also would no roller skate or get into a bounce house.


    I never shy away from an opportunity to look like a dork;).


    I have to participate. I can't let those punk teens think they can beat me on the bouncy-place inflatable obstacle course!!! I tend to participate in the physical activities and hide from the crafts.


    :iagree: This exactly.


    Those kinds of activities? Heck yeah! I'm not going to let them have all of the fun. It makes me sad if I have some reason I can't participate in the fun.




    I am basically an overgrown child. I love participating in neat activities with the kids. And I have to prove that I am much more cool than all those other homeschool nerds.

  9. :lol: I was just suffering from baby fever. I'm over it;). I'll share a story to make you feel better.


    Ds, aged 2 1/2, and I were home. Oldest dd was at school. I had somewhere to be, so I plopped ds down in front of The Backyardigans and hopped into the shower. I figured I could get a quick shower and be out before the show was over, preventing any boy child destruction. I got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around me, and checked on ds. In the 5 minutes I was in the shower, ds had eaten all the blueberries, knocked over the trash, and broke a dozen eggs all over the floor. I started to clean up the eggs (still in a towel wrapped around me) when the mailman walked up. You could see into the kitchen from the mail slot. My towel had opened a bit. Yep, the mailman got a little show that day. I don't think I ever looked that mailman in the eye again.

  10. Actually it turned out fine. I found a rather clinical picture by searching Google Images and uncircumcised doesn't look that different from circumcised to be honest. Here's a link if you want to look for those gals like me who are uncircumcised know-nothings.


    *Edited to get rid of link since a link was posted upthread*


    I also found a picture of what is supposed to be a paparazzi picture of Prince William urinating on the side of a polo field with a close up of his....well, anyway, let's just say he's not Jewish. ;)


    I watch Downton Abbey and miss all the fun!


    And they most certainly do look different in person. Cir'd ones have Darth Vader helmets;).

  11. I guess the thing is, circumcision isn't about morals for us, or a lot of other people. But at the same time, for some it is (like yourself).

    Piercing ears isn't a moral issue for our family. But for others it is.

    Wearing pants isn't a moral issue for our family. But for others it is.

    There are other things that are moral issues for us that are not for others.


    I'm ok with that. I'm ok with us believing differently than others, and others believing differently than us. I don't look down on others who don't agree, or consider them anything but parents making their own responsible decisions for their own family. It's not my business - nor is my business any of theirs.



  12. OP, it's obvious you are vehemently opposed to circumsicion. Good for you. Many, many people are not. It's a parenting decision. You may judge parents for choosing this. That's fine. Those parents may judge your for your parenting decisions. You get to make decisions for your kids and other parents get to make decisions for their kids.



    OT, but I find it amusing that we can go on and on about pen!ses.

  13. :Nodding at Aelwydd:


    I think the time has finally come for more liberal Christians and WTM'ish secular-types to join forces.


    All of you lamenting the riches available to Christians, do you not realize that a certain stripe of Christian is circling the wagons, trying squeezing the rest of us out?


    I am not going to a convention to hear Doug Phillips of Vision Forum give the keynote address. No way.


    I am not going to join a homeschool support group where I have to sign a statement of faith that has nothing to do with the traditional doctrines of Christianity and everything to do with politics. Nope.


    We're the wrong kind of Christians, so we're lonely, too.


    Some of us Christians need you as bad as you need us. We'll bring our experience in organizing co-ops, clubs, and communal dinners. You bring fresh blood, new ideas, nice kids, and a shared disdain for the patriarchy. Deal?




    Not all Christians are evangelical. And not all Christian hs groups are fundie-like. I always complain to my Catholic friends that they have the coolest co-ops and curriculum. Of course, these co-ops are 70+ miles away;). I refuse to attend my state's homeschool convention because it's all about raising good Christian kids, having a good Christian marriage, and resisting the evils of the world.


    Tara, I live in the middle of nowhere. We do have a local group that is awesome, but nothing truly academic is offered. If I want extra classes, I would have to dedicate 3+ hours of driving on co-op days. I am confident in my ability to effectively homeschool my kids, but sometimes we need a break from each other.

  14. Is that because you live in the same small town you grew up in? I don't really understand. In America, unless you have a criminal record, you can move and remake yourself at any time.


    I live almost 1000 miles away. I grew up in a city of 200,000 people.


    I don't think of myself as trashy, but I won't deny my upbringing.


    Ideally, we can reinvent ourselves. Realistically, that is often not possible. Class distinctions are alive and well in America. People judge others based on looks, money, family, etc. It happens.

  15. I've enjoyed the program, but it does make me uncomfortable. It feels that folks who have servants are trying to put a certain apologetic spin on it.


    Servants do not go to parties as guests, or as a rule marry lords ;) etc.


    Sigh. You are right. Unfortunately. Even in America, class distinctions exist. We like to pretend we can rise, but in actuality we cannot. I know that I cannot. Even though I was raised poor white trash, even though dh and I both completed college, even though we make much more than the average American, even though I have embarked on a rigorous self-education path, and even though I have some sweet girl come and clean my house once a week, I will still always be considered "poor white trash."

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