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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. We have Frost (The Road not Taken) and Thoreau (Civil Disobedience.) *facepalm* I see that now:blush:.


    I'm meh about The Grapes of Wrath. She's already read it, and I'm not sure it's worth repeating. I'll probably add a short story by Steinbeck in there. Steinbeck is one of my favorites, which is why I think he should be covered.


    I had Death Comes for the Archbishop on the list, and it might make its way back in, but I was too novel-heavy for AP Lang. Same with Grapes of Wrath, too.


    She's already read The House of Mirth (one of my favorite works ever,) and I like the themes in Ethan Frome better than Age of Innocence from a literature study standpoint. I think Ethan Frome is pretty traditional American Lit fare, too, and I wanted to have some of the usual works on the list. I can understand that. I just always wondered why everyone read Ethan Frome instead of, IMO, the better stuff. That makes sense.



  2. My oldest is only in 7th, so keep that in mind when you read my suggestions;).


    What about The Jungle? I read it in my AP Am. hist. class.


    Grapes of Wrath? Another book I read in that AP class.


    O Pioneers! or My Antonia? Just to add in some westward movement lit.


    Why no Robert Frost? Thoreau? Just wondering is there is a specific reason for not including them.


    Can you explain why you included Ethan Frome over The Age of Innocence or The House of Mirth? I read Ethan Frome in hs and liked it, but I much preferred the other two. I'm just wondering why Ethan Frome, which is great, is included in hs reading lists, but not Wharton's other works.


    BTW, I think your list is incredible the way it is. I am pinning this post for future reference.

  3. I am sooooooooo not creative. I made 3 people. That is the extent of my craftiness and creativity. My 5yo asked me to teach her by using crafts. I thought about selling her. I could not have possibly produced a crafty child. My older two want to produce a play. I almost had a heart attack. I know they're going to ask me to help create a set. I can't even draw stick people!


    Now, I think some extras are nice. Of course my idea of "extras" is "write a paper about xxxx" or "let's watch a YouTube video/documentary about that." if my kids want to make a model of a plant cell, I give them the tools and step away. I don't do crafts.

  4. We did. Dh didn't want to spend the money for a MacBook, especially since this is dd12's first computer. However, the more I researched, the more I favored the MacBook. We wanted a computer that lasted, not something we would have to replace in a year. It made more sense to us to spend more money upfront on the Mac than to continue to spend money upgrading a pc. Also, if you buy a Mac before the 21st (or sometime around then) you get a $100 iTunes gift card.

  5. I hate these threads because there are always nasty comments about teachers in them.


    My sister is on strike today. She is a CPS teacher, who teaches science and math, on the south side to be precise.


    She didn't want to go on strike, it's not a vacation. She still has to go to school, plus she doesn't want this interruption to her classes. It sucks for the teachers, too. Both students and teachers will have to make up these missed days.


    However, what they've been doing to CPS teachers is not right. They have already put up with a lot and didn't strike, but there comes a time when enough is enough.


    We do not want to go back to a time where the working class is just thankful to have a job. We don't rebuild a strong economy by sticking it to public school teachers.


    :iagree: It scares me to think of living in a country where people fighting for their rights are told to just suck it up and are insulted because of the way they look. It scares me to think of workers dealing with pitiful pay, ridiculous hours, and crummy working conditions because the are so thankful for the crumbs they receive from mega-rich corporations.

  6. You deserve a medal for not smacking the other mom. Seriously? She was really arguing with a 40wks pregnant woman about parenting choices? Really?


    And you did the right thing. I would have been mortified if my kids acted that way. I would have hauled them out of there in a heartbeat. I cannot stand it when kids misbehave during presentations. I am "that mom" in the corner giving her kids the stink-eye during presentations if they even move too much. You were showing your son that he needs to respect both you and the person who is giving their time and energy to educate others. It is always ok to teach your kids how to show respect to other people.

  7. My two older kids are natural spellers, so we never pushed a spelling program. I tried AAS when dd12 was younger, but it seemed to be overkill for a natural speller. She's mostly done copywork and dictation. We never had a problem with spelling. Until now:glare:.


    Is this a common puberty thing? How do I fix this problem? (And if you have any tips on how to fix the attitude of a 12yo girl, I'm all ears)

  8. I'll go back and clarify my OP.


    Not DH

    Not Mom


    Thanks for the replies already. Such a weird situation.


    If it isn't from the above people, I'd ignore the comment. Actually I'd ignore my mom too, but that's because she's crazy;).


    My first thought is to tell them "Well, you can suck it." :001_smile:


    Politely, of course, and with a smile.


    I would be tempted to do the same, but I would follow it with a "bless your heart" or "sweetie." The Southern in me would force me to at least be kinda polite about it.


    In 95% of situations I can think of? I'd suggest they mind their own business.


    For realz. Why do people feel the need to "help" everyone around them? Just because you watch Dr.Phil or read self-help books doesn't mean you are a therapist.



    Are Stacy and Clinton nearby with a $5k gift card with your name on it? In that case I just might be receptive to hearing criticisms about my wardrobe. :lol:


    Otherwise? I'd politely tell them to stuff a sock in it.


    Yep. Unless you have $5,000 to give me, keep your trap shut.


    Okay, I am pretty crabby today, so my first though was the middle finger:lol. But seriously, if I had my wits about me, I think I would say with a superiour smile "I am sorry that you find my appearance offensive, but that is none of your business. Something about the plank in your own eye, perhaps?"


    :iagree:, right down to the crabby part.

  9. People say "they don't stay babies long enough" but I notice they never say the same about toddlers...





    :iagree: My 5yo is the first of my dc that I actually have to teach how to read. My others just picked it up with a little bit of phonics. And now the little one wants to do crafts:glare:. I hate crafts. Kindergarten is easier to teach, but I love the discussions I just starting to have with my older ones.

  10. Well, my "ladies" sure looked a whole lot better before I nursed 3 kids:lol:. I don't think I look my age (only 32). I still get carded to buy booze. Then the cashiers feel silly when they see my age. Thanks to oily skin I have no lines. Lady Clairol takes care of the grays;). I feel more confident (mostly I just don't care what other people think of me) so I think that shows. My dh still bothers me all the time. Overall, I am cool with the aging process. I just hate the idea of having to grow up. That I will never accept.

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