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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. Those shoes are fun shoes! You can work those into your classic attire. Wear them with black slacks, a black jacket, and a fun teal shirt. Wear them with long jeans and teal earrings or a teal necklace. I'm not a big wedge-shoe person. I like being short;). But those shoes just beg someone to have fun with them.

  2. Thank you all. :grouphug: I am so glad I posted. With not telling anyone IRL, I feel pretty "alone" in this for now, kwim?


    My progesterone levels were tested with the last two losses (before I lost them, obviously :tongue_smilie: ) and they were absolutely fine, solid, not borderline and growing normally. So I am not too worried about that this time and since my insurance doesn't cover the testing at all, I'm going to skip it. <no tomatoes please>


    I am religiously taking my medications, prenatal vitamins, extra folic acid, and baby aspirin.


    I really appreciate every single post, thought, idea, prayer, hug, verse, and so on. This is so much harder than I expected and I'm not sure how to proceed half the time. So yes, every last letter in this thread is how I will get through it. :grouphug:


    :grouphug: Sweetie, this is the crappy time. This is the time where you know you should be happy, but all you want to do is lie down and eat green leafy vegetables until you push the kid out. Now is the time where you look up at God and say "Seriously dude, I just cannot take yet another loss." You never, ever get over the guilt that lost babies bring. It is so real and so visceral that you never think you will get over it. You get to the point that you automatically cry over a positive test. Then you stop moving, trying everything in your power to save that baby. Then you feel guilty/apprehensive when you reach 12 weeks because you have be a less-than-awesome mom to your surviving kids and you don't want to get your hopes up. Then you get to 20 weeks and you finally think you can move again without somehow dislodging the baby (because pg brain after multiple losses is just crazy). Then before you know it you are pushing out that baby. You look at her and feel relieved/guilty. Relieved because finally your body didn't fail you and guilty because you sacrificed so much to get there.


    This is real. Your feelings are real and completely valid. And many of us understand.


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Those are sticky-baby vibes and prayers aimed right at you.:grouphug:

  3. Thank you for posting this! This last week has been tough with all activities started and packing for a trip. Not to mention allergies straight from the seventh level of he!!.:glare:


    My dd12 and I were driving to confirmation last night. We were talking about middle school. I told her that I had never met a person who looked fondly on their middle school experience. She said to me "I love middle school! The only drama comes from (dd5)." That gave me the strength to carry on.

  4. I'm Muslim and I clicked on this thread with some serious trepidation.


    I can contribute this:




    :grouphug: Thank you.


    I agree with the previous posters who implied that this was a clash of, not ideologies, not quite worldviews, but just a general way of thinking. American (and most western) Muslims put down these attacks. They understand that, while the movie (which I agree wasn't the cause of the violence but the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back) was extremely offensive, this is the beauty (kinda) of living in a free society. Islam did not attack America. Extreme Muslims wanting to blame America for their society's problems attacked America. And insulting the Muslims' God only insults the Christian and Jewish God. We can find a whole lot of common ground if we just sit down and talk. Of course I am all for "Walk softly and carry a big stick" in this situation.

  5. People around here consider me a tree-hugging hippie liberal, even though I go to a pretty conservative church and teach multiple classes there. They forget I was raised in the ghetto and I was in the Navy;). I'm not a big fan of guns, I don't believe violence/military aggression is the best answer, and I think the death penalty is stupid, but if you mess with my family you better believe your life is in danger. And you better believe that if I shoot/stab your sorry arse for messing with my family I will sleep well that night. God is pretty awesome. I think He would understand that the God-given Momma Bear instinct kicked in.

  6. :001_huh: They have everything to do with the strike and all the control and they either don't even know it or refuse to accept it and act accordingly.


    Parents are not helpless. These are their kids!!! Not the states. Not the unions. Not the teachers. Not the administrators.


    Parents could and SHOULD threaten a strike against low performing schools and crappy teachers. Dang straight. They should group together and hand picket signs to their kids and refuse to take them to schools that suck. Refuse to do without textbooks and school supplies until and unless a detail quarterly expense report is published explaining where their taxes are going. And if they aren't going where parents feel the educational dollars should go - they should go on strike then too.


    Kids in seats = $


    No kids in seat = less $


    Kids "belong" to parents. Parents have ALL the power. But they have to have the cajones to use it and get organized to protect it and they need to be willing to risk jobs and comfort to make it happen.




    And are we seriously debating whether or not a teacher of 26 years deserves $86,000 a year? I know most of us have rejected public schools, but really? A professional of 26 years(!!!!!!!!!!!), teaching kids from crime-ridden neighborhoods about the beauty of the world? Providing unruly students with an outlet for their harsh lives? Is that the hill we are going to die on? Really? Are we going to b!thc and complain about teachers working with adequate materials? Seriously? I know people everywhere are struggling. Maybe those guys should rise up and protest their situation instead of begrudging others for protesting. If all the workers in cruddy situations complained, maybe things would change for the better. Don't hate on the Chicago teachers for having the balls to stand up for their God-given rights. Do something!

  7. Oh no! That's how I got sucked into the whole lapbook thing for Dd. I'm thinking the TOG lapbook kits need to get misplaced. Those things seem to drag on forever.


    Maybe I can bargin with her and promise to continue reading Pride & Prejudice out loud if she drops the lapbook idea. Gotta squelch that craftiness young or else they end up like the glue gun ladies selling crafts at fairs. (No offense. I actually own a glue gun myself, even though I can't remember why.) :tongue_smilie:


    I now puffy heart you! I know I have a glue gun here somewhere. Just don't ask me to find/use that bad boy.

  8. :lol:


    My mom is always admiringly saying how "creative" I am, and I honestly have no idea what she is talking about.


    I have seen the blogs with the cute laminated things and the complicated manipulatives and all the gear. Not me. I was blessed BIG TIME....I bought a copy of Reading Reflex used from a homeschooling mom who sent me everything all made up. The little cards were all cut out and organized. This huge package instead of a simple book. That's how I managed to get that done. I swear I am so boring.


    My daughter is begging me to do crafts with her so I think I will have to make her happy this year! Ha


    Now, I will happily admit that if I had male equipment, laminating things would make said male equipment, ahem, stand at attention. Does it make me crafty if laminating things excites me?

  9. Without reading any other posts...


    If my church ever gave out my information, I would throw the biggest hissy fit ever. We give monetary gifts to our church. Those may not amount to exactly 10%. However, dh and I both give much more of our time to our church. Dh is the head trustee. That means, despite his full time job, he gets called anytime anything in the church building is malfunctioning. He has to organize help for and/or fix anything that is broken in the church/preschool. Not only that, but he has to make sure any regularly scheduled maintanace gets done-carpet cleaning, painting, regular cleaning, etc.. I teach Sunday School, confirmation class, and I am on the Board of Education. In November I will be teaching an extra class to the high schoolers about technological sexual temptations, because no one else wants to teach that. If anyone ever complained about the money we donate, I would happily invite them to donate the time we do. Stewardship/discipleship is not only about monetary gifts. It is also about donating your time/talents.


    ETA: We are LCMS Lutherans.


    ETA2: No one but our church treasurer know the monetary amount we give. Unfortunatly, everyone knows the time we donate because we (dh and I) are constantly in front of the congregation asking for volunteers. If monetary information was ever released for anyone, I would leave on principle.

  10. I am so happy to read this! My kids started karate several months ago, and the teacher invited parents to join in - I conveniently had my 2yo to watch, so I couldn't, but I wondered if it would be something I *could* do!


    Our schedules have now changed enough that DH can watch 2yo, and *I AM STARTING MY FIRST CLASS THIS FRIDAY!*


    Kinda nervous, LOL.


    :hurray: You may feel dumb at first, but you will love it. I never realized how nice of a workout it was. And the thought that if I continue with this I could kick a guy's arse? Priceless!

  11. Yay! It is hard to try that first new thing, but it becomes addictive! We started with dance lessons, then kayaking, next we want work on rock climbing. I need to get my whimpy body in shape first, because one climb wore me out lol. We have grand plans!


    :lol: Dh and I have been working out together for the last 4 months. We have been doing Power 90 (the thing you do before P90x). We thought we were so awesome since P90 includes kickboxing moves. Boy were we wrong! We were cataloging our various aches after class tonight. We are looking forward to Thursday night and our next class! No pain, no gain, right?

  12. Tonight I did something I never thought I would do. My dh and I went to our first karate class! I am on such an emotional high right now. I'm so proud of myself for trying something new!


    My older 2 kids started karate about 2 1/2 years ago. They are both green belts. The little one started about a month and a half ago. She already knows her kata and most of the white belt moves. Our sensei had talked about doing an adult class for a while, but he never had the time or support. Last month he finally decided to go ahead with it. My dh was so excited to sign up. He finally talked me into signing up with him. I was so skeptical. Why would I want to try something My kids are better at than I am? Wouldn't that be embarrassing?


    Tonight was our first class. I felt so dumb walking in there with my wimpy white belt while my kids strutted in with their awesome green belts. I was at the same level as my 5yo!!! So class starts in our tiny dojo. Dh, my friend, and I are in class with all the kids. Lame. Then we break off into groups. Our sensei's dd ( a homeschool grad and a brown belt) takes the grown-ups and teaches us the basics. As soon as we started, I felt powerful. It felt so good to use my body in a powerful way. I had my dh and my dear friend next to me. We were sweating within minutes. We were laughing at our various aches while attempting to do roundhouse kicks. We stumbled through our kata like the silly old people we are. I loved every minute of it!


    All of that can be boiled down into "You are never too old to learn something new." Ladies, go out and try something new! You won't regret it.

  13. This. I want to cry every time I see a homeschooler beating herself up because she doesn't do all the cutesy projects she sees on other peoples blogs. But almost every IRL homeschooler I know who does those things is sacrificing other things for the giant amount of time spent.


    We shouldn't feel burdened by seeing a *new* idea, because sometimes it just isn't a *good* idea.


    :iagree: I see all these cutesy little games for teaching your kid how to read. I boggles my mind. I somehow managed to teach two kids how to read with a good phonics base and lots of practice. I have another emerging reading who somehow is managing without "fun" games. Those great blog ideas may work for some families and kids, but I have learned to not beat myself up if our family is different.

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