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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. My first priority would be to get to NEBRASKA!!! Yes, Rosie. Nebraska is a wonderful place:o)


    Now what I would mainly do there is visit with some of the wonderful people. Great people in NE, gals!


    I would eat at Runza and Valentinos and Goodrich Dairy.


    You might like to see some things....



    Along I-80

    Kearney - Fort Kearny (yes, they are spelled differently:o) An old historical fort. There's also Morris Cookbook Publishing that has an outlet store with $2 cookbooks.


    There's an archway over the interstate west of Kearney that has a museum in it and is interesting. I forgot what it's called. It had a McDonald’s in it.


    Grand Island - Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer. This is a FABULOUS pioneer museum with a recreated town, etc. GI has a city waterpark that is quite inexpensive for a waterpark. Island Oasis Water Park. http://www.grand-island.com/oasis/



    Mahoney State Park - FUN, FUN, Fun... All sorts of accomodations and activities… .... waterpark, horse rides, crafts, peddle boats, melodramas, and much, much more! Nearby is Strategic Air Command Museum. It's full of great displays on flight and space, including some full-size fighter planes.


    Lincoln - Home of the Nebraska Cornhuskers!


    Omaha - Fabulous Henry Doorly Zoo. Fontenelle Forest. Lots more.


    Or off the beaten track-- lots of great pioneer and historical places.... You can get an audio and travel from place to place. Homestead National Monument near Beatrice is one neat spot to visit.


    There's Buffalo Bill's ranch. The Niobrara River (canoeing or tubing). Tour a farm!


    There are just so many beautiful prairie scenes and such rich historical places that you wouldn't even need to do the touristy or shopping things. (But definitely buy a Runza!;o)


    Woohoo! Way to represent! Runza alone is worth the trip to Nebraska. And I agree with your statement that NE people (ahem, me) are cool.

  2. I'd go to Ibbygirl's house.


    But I had a dream the other week we were road tripping the US and I got a traffic fine crossing the border into Nebraska. If anyone would like to tell me why I want to go to Nebraska, I'd be interested.





    You would love to come to Nebraska because I live here! Nebraska is actually quite pretty if you stay off the interstate. Nice rolling farmland to the east. The lovely Sandhills in the north-central part of the state. Sandhill cranes along the Platte river during springtime. Chimney Rock in the west. You can follow the route of the Oregon trail and even find old wagon tracks. The Niobrara river in the north has excellent tubing. Let's not forget the corn.;)


    Tonight I'd be in San Diego, to hug Navy girl before she deploys tomorrow. She just texted saying she wasn't going to call, because she just couldn't. So, tonight, that's where I'd travel.


    :grouphug: I feel for you. I hated going to the pier when my dh pulled out. I always cried like a blubbering idiot. Give her a call tonight, cry like a baby later, then show up at the pier when she comes home.:grouphug:


    If I had 6 whole months to travel, I would hit every national park I could. We are taking 10 days to travel to and visit the Grand Canyon and a few surrounding parks. If we had more time, I would stop at every historical marker I found.

  3. The follow up to this all happened today. My advice, always take the advice of The Hive.


    The other mother has cut all contact with us. We have been officially uninvited to a house warming party. She has said that her children are not allowed to play with my dd. I'm not even sure how to tell my dd because these were her best friends and she saw them weekly.


    Oh good gravy! Seriously? That's just.... I don't even know. Your dd can hang out with my dd any time. Well, except for the drive;). That other mom needs a drink and a huge chill pill. And maybe a HUGE slice of perspective pie.

  4. No way, lady. No way, no how, my friend, am I going to endorse the notion that this is on par with a dental appointment!


    Getting married is a big deal. A very big deal. That piece of paper is a legal agreement, and one more thick layer of the commitment that you two have already established between yourselves.


    All of that stuff you are not having, the chicken buffet and the big white dress, is the part that doesn't matter at the end of the day. The big part, the real part, the forever part, the "you" part, is the part you are leaving in: A promise. A relationship. A new way to define an existing family.


    With or without a church. With or without unicorns and glitter. With or without being a starry-eyed virginal 20-something...marriage is real, solid, everyday, and in your situation an extension of the best of what you and him have together.


    It's OK to be nervous, or anxious, or waffly, because you are The Bride. However the moments strikes the two of you emotionally, however life may or may not change because of the day's proceedings....


    may it be the best day of your life.






  5. I agree that was awful. I totally identified with the guy who had a 2000 word essay to write. I write for money, and I do the same kinds of things. I had a client who needed a 5000 word article and gave me a month to do it. By week three they emailed me and asked for a status update. By the next morning, I'd researched everything and had an outline ready, so I was honest when I answered the email that the article was progressing nicely. 3 days before the due date, I pounded out my 5000 words and it was perfect by deadline. I was sweating though!


    I thought that was the writing process. You get an assignment. Stew about it for weeks. Then crank it out the night before it's due. Always worked for me. I write better under pressure. I never procrastinate. Nope. I just function better under pressure.

  6. Haha! My dd's campus is closed today...she's still in the bed. LOL!


    Tulane doesn't have class until Tuesday, but at least half of the students stayed. Sister opted to face Isaac rather than face being stuck with our crazy mother for days. I don't think she regrets her choice, despite the lack of glitter.

  7. I'm here. We got lucky and stayed on the west side of the storm. We have a mess to clean up but nothing we can't handle. We only got 5.5 inches of rain..no levee breaches, etc. Yes, this storm rocked everybody's world. Crazy. I think that the powers that be have been great at getting everybody safe very quickly though when the levee's breached. We have had storms stall out before, but this one, man...he's just not leaving! Trees can only take so much beating and saturation before they come down.


    Wishing everybody my best. I hope everybody faired well and stayed high and dry.


    Glad to hear this! My sister is suffering terribly from the effects of Isaac. She has had no Internet access for almost 36 hours. She is soooooo bored. Worst of all, she is making a collage and cannot find any glitter! The horror!


    On a serious note, I will be praying for everyone in the path. There is some serious rain with that snail of a storm. Poor Mississippi!

  8. I'm sick. Stupid allergies are being exacerbated by the drought. I feel like someone hit me in the face with a bat.


    I'm tired. I was up until an unholy hour last night. My baby sister is locked into her dorm in New Orleans without power. I was entertaining/updating her all night. I feel like it is my job to mother her because...


    My mother is having a manic episode right now. She is lying on Facebook. She is not allowing my dad to finish his meds for severe arthritis because they make him loopy and she is tired of taking care of people. It's just a hot mess.


    I didn't get to work out today. My head feels like it is going to fall off. It was a choice between jiggly thighs or not passing out. Stupid me chose not passing out. I am missing my endorphin rush.


    I had a mini breakdown Sunday night. I am trying to be more organized about school because I have a 7th grader. Then I realized "Omg!!!! I have to teach middle school!!!" Throw a 4th grader and a kindy kid into the mix, along with a dh who will be working tons of overtime on the night shift soon, and you have a half-empty bottle of Captain Morgan.


    My middle sister is not taking care of her baby. Her breast-fed baby only eats 4 times a day. She was only 9 lbs at her 3 month check-up. Sister is too dumb to listen to anyone. She thinks she knows everything about everything. Bless her dumb ghetto heart.


    I am consoling myself with Honey Boo Boo episodes and a cheap Pinot Noir. But if anyone says anything stupid to me right now, I may get all ghetto on them.

  9. My sister is in NOLA at Tulane. She's over the hurricane. I don't think she realized it would last this long. They are on lockdown. They lost power around 8:30 last night. No flooding on campus, but a few windows were blown out. The rest of my family is in the Lafayette area. They are just now starting to get a little rain. Winds are up, but now power outages yet.

  10. :) Friends of ours were posting videos of the lake roaring. Silly storm chasers. ;)

    I "know" it's not a big storm, but even if it is not rational you don't breathe easily until it's over. ;)


    :lol: Gosh yes!!! I've been through countless hurricanes. We laugh at Cat 1 storms. And yet her I am. Awake at 2:45am. And I will wake up early just to call my big dumb sister and make sure she's ok.

  11. :grouphug: Hope your sister is staying safe and the storm passes without incident. A bunch of our friends are without power as well...hopefully it passes quickly.


    The big dummy is hanging out on the 4th floor balcony posting Titanic-like pictures on FB. She's fine. I'm not that worried. The hurricane Andrew anniversary hit me harder. Staying up kinda worrying is just a Louisiana thing.

  12. You know what Bob Costas is good for? Commentating on a baseball game. You have to keep talking or your audience might fall asleep, plus baseball commentators seem to be contractually obligated to just keep coming up with facts and stats, no matter how insignificant.


    This is the 1st time the Royals have won a day game that was played on Tuesday in July!!!!


    BTW, I love baseball. It just has issues.....


    Baseball really is boring, especially Royals baseball. And you know you all would love Jim Cantore if he would just shut up and wear a kilt!

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