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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. Thank you. Well, I've been trying to convince DH we need Amazon Prime, I guess, now he has to let me get it:D




    Thank you, good to know. Will have to do some winter clothes/gear shopping.


    Wow! 5,000 that is tiny! Our town is around 25,000, so not tiny but as I said in a previous post, very different than my familiar.


    I know there is both crop farming and ranches in the area. I'm sure the people are very friendly.


    :lol::lol::lol: A town of 5,000 people is considered a HUGE town in Nebraska! Just ask the people in my large metropolis of 3,500 people. We are hot stuff to live in a town that size. ;)

  2. You don't have to notify the local school district if you don't want too. They should have the paperwork you need, but there is no guarantee they will hand it over. Our district has been known to feign ignorance when new homeschoolers ask for the proper forms.


    Two ways to file in NE: rule 12 or rule 13. We file rule 13, which is a religious exemption. We have to fill out the hours we intend to teach each month, the main teacher of each subject, and curriculum plans for LA, math, science, social studies, and health. There are a couple of other forms you and you dh have to fill out and get notarazied. That's it for the year.


    I live on the complete opposite side of the state, but yes, you will be driving a lot. Amazon Prime is my best friend.


    Good luck to you!

  3. It is extremely hard living in America's Corn Belt Vacation Heartland. Anywhere I go, people are always saying "Wow! You live in small-town Nebraska?!?! How amazing!" I hate having to travel behind 2 out-of-state cars on the highway doing 65 in a 60 on my 8+mi trek to town (3,500 people). And we will not mention the stress of having to wait one minute in line while waiting for the vacationers to check out at Pamida! County fair time is a nightmare. All 5,000 people in the county are there, plus about 6 people from the outside. Ugh! I so wish I lived somewhere boring, like San Luis Obispo, CA. Everyone hates that boring, ugly place.












    (The above was complete sarcasm, in case UU didn't get it.)

  4. I am a bit ADD. I am also the world's most impatient person ever. I completely lost interest in pregnancy around 5 months. Being a vertically-challenged person with large booKs, my gut went straight out while my bum expanded exponentially to counter-balance the front weight. I was not cute. I was not comfortable. I also enjoy fairly easy labors. I knew that a good 4 hours of labor would end the 9 months of misery. Give me a squishy baby any day!

  5. We have a high deductible plan with a HSA and love it! DH's employers matches our HSA contributions up to $750/year. We pay around $170/month for a family of 5 with a family deductible of $2400/year. All of our preventative health appointments are covered (yearly check-ups, 2 dental cleanings/year). We have no major health issues that require frequent visits. No one is on prescription medication (which are not covered, but counts toward the deductible). We came from Tricare (military healthcare) where everything was covered. I could not be happier. We just make sure our yearly contributions equal the amount of our deductible. We never use the whole amount since we are mostly healthy.


    The One thing I noticed about the HD plan is that we are less likely to go to the doctor. Even though we just pay out of our HSA, getting a bill for a $135 doctor visit makes you more likely to seek out natural remedies, eat right, and exercise.


    For a family your size, I would highly recommend the HD/HSA plan.

  6. Well, my very first French teacher was my dad, who didn't speak a word of English until he went to school. Of course, he spoke Cajun French, not France French. Most of my middle/high school French teachers were from south Louisiana, originally spoke Cajun French, and spent significant time in France or Quebec. My freshman French 2 teacher was married to a Frenchman. I took ASL in college, so nationality didn't really matter.

  7. I used RS4K Chemistry for my then-6th grader. While I personally hate chemistry, I really liked how the information was presented. Big concepts are broken down into easily managed pieces without being dumbed down. I really appreciated the teacher book as it had additional information for chemistry haters like me. Labs were easy yet useful. We fizzled out when we switched to biology. :tongue_smilie: Overall, RS4K is a decent program to introduce a variety of science concepts. It may need to be supplemented (library book, Khan Academy videos, etc.), but it's still a good overview.

  8. It kills me too. I have had more miscarriages than I can count with one hand worth of fingers. Yet, my Aunt who has rightfully lost custody of 4 kids, who smokes and does recreational drugs, has a husband in and out of jail and who had already had a tubal ligation, somehow managed to get pregnant with her 8th child right after one of my miscarriages. I know it is not relevant but yeah, it totally stings. Since her youngest daughter was born, dad's been to prison once and jail twice, older brother went to prison and my aunt has neglected her medical care in favor of prayer, causing the child long term consequences. Looking at my well cared for, fed and protected sons who have a dad whose only run in with law enforcement has been a single speeding ticket, I just wonder why.


    :grouphug:Yep. I get it. My younger sister didn't seek medical attention until 30 weeks, has a druggie baby daddy, and doesn't adequately care for her kid has a perfectly healthy baby. Yet I quit smoking months before ttc (with an awesome drug-free, with a hard-working dh) and I still lost 2 babies. I think you just have to get to a point where you know you did everything right, but nature took over. Not easy. My last loss was 6 years ago. I'll let you know when it gets easier.

  9. :grouphug: I get it. I've had two angel babies. I am a smoker. I have never smoker while pregnant or ttc. Even though we are effectively done, I still get annoyed when I see pregnant women smoking. I did everything right and still lost two babies. It doesn't go away. Ever. :grouphug:


    Praying for a sticky baby for you!

  10. I am in the military, not the Army though. I would be more similar to a 35. :001_smile:



    And I just discovered that the Tampa job I am not actually qualified for, so that does narrow it down a bit. ;)


    I have lived in:


    Bangor, Maine

    Jacksonville, North Carolina

    Okinawa, Japan

    Amarillo, Texas

    Honolulu, Hawaii


    I personally would prefer a change of pace from where I am now.


    Thanks everyone for all your insight!


    Omaha wins! Really, you won't be disappointed with Omaha/Bellvue. Papillon was recently voted one of the best places to live for families. Papillion is right next to Bellvue. I don't know where you're originally from, but being in the middle of the country sure helps the whole flying home thing. And we know because we were a Navy family for 10 years. I am a bit curious about what is your Navy rate. You can pm me if you want. We were both nukes and would have had no chance of being stationed anywhere near the interior of the country.

  11. Some people take your decision to homeschool very, very badly, as a personal attack on their decision to put their kids in PS. You can never do anything to help those situations.


    I'm with Ellie, they don't have to read if they don't want to.


    :iagree: I am sure I offended about 90% of my FB friends when, after the 1,000th post by a particular person I cannot delete about how Christians should put their kids in ps and stop hating on her for not homeschooling:001_huh:, I wrote this:



    Warning: insomniac rant.

    You know what bugs me? People who hate on homeschool moms. Seriously, you (everyone included) were not a factor in my decision to homeschool. I homeschool because I feel like it. Because I cannot stand the fact that my kids were gone for 9+ hours a day. No, I do not think I am smarter/better than you are. No, I do not think my kids are smarter/better than your kids. I homeschool because it works for MY family. Only 5 people factored into my decision to homeschool: my husband, my 3 kids, and myself. It's a bit conceited to think another person's decision to homeschool reflects on you And just because I have some Jesus love doesn't mean I only teach sewing and homemaking. My kids are well educated. Tyvm. End insomniac rant.


    I was kinda surprised I didn't lose any friends over that one. Oh well. I roll my eyes over tons of crap my "friends" post. People just need to get over themselves.

  12. :lol: We'll see how Auburn's season goes as to which team I'm supporting this year. It could always be worst. I could be an Alabama fan.


    :iagree: Alabama is definitely at the bottom of the list. Auburn is a close second;). Since you like the Saints, I will let you slide.

  13. NFL Saints of course!


    College Auburn


    You started out so well, identifying yourself as a Saints fan. All smart people are Saints fans.


    Then you had to go and ruin it by admitting you are an Auburn fan. I think you got your Tigers confused. You are really a rational person and meant LSU Tigers. I forgive you.

  14. Omaha/Bellvue. I live about an hour south of Bellvue. Both Omaha and Bellvue have active homeschool groups. As everyone else has mentioned, the zoo in Omaha is phenomenal. We go throughout the year, as there are many indoor exhibits. Omaha host the College World Series, that NCAA basketball tournament thing, and often host the U.S. Olympic swim trials. The Jocelyn Art Museum has homeschool art classes through the year. There is a minor league hockey team and an arena football team. So even though it gets a little chilly in the winter, you won't get bored. Besides, the winters really aren't that bad. I'm originally from Louisiana (hot and humid), moved here from upstate New York (winter for 8 months), and I have no problems with the winter weather here.


    There are only about 10 days of slight humidity in the Omaha area a year. When the corn (and there is a LOT of corn here) gets green, it releases moisture, which therefore increases the humidity. Still, as a Louisiana girl, I laugh when people complain about the humidity here.


    The cost of living here is great. Nebraska has some of the lowest electric rates in the nation. You don't have to run your a/c all year. Groceries are reasonable. If you wanted to buy a home around Bellvue, you could get a pretty nice house for under $200,000.


    Oh, and Nebraska is a FLAMING red state. Fu-laming red state. That appeals to a lot of people.


    If you have any other questions, just ask.

  15. I came out of my self-imposed WTM board hiatus just to discuss this. I knew you guys would be able to have an intelligent discussion about this.


    While I only nursed my dc until they were 12 months, I have no problem with people who nurse for however long they choose. Their body, their kid, their decision. Women nursing in public do not bother me one bit.


    However, this picture has totally offended me (well, the picture in combination with the headline). Seriously? Am I mom enough? And the mom in the picture is striking a somewhat militant, defiant, and proud pose. Is she judging me because I don't make the same choices as she does? Is she saying I'm not mom enough?


    Do we really need more fuel for the Mommy Wars? Because that seems to be the purpose of this pic and headline. Look, I get defending your choices. I constantly have to defend my choice to homeschool, but I would never pose on the cover of a magazine with my copy of WTM and ask other moms if they are mom enough. I don't judge moms who send their kids to public schools. I don't judge moms who decide not to nurse. I chose nursing and homeschooling because I d@mn well felt like it, not to prove my mothering prowess.


    This isn't a good day for nursing. The pic just feeds the "It's creepy" argument. I worked very hard to get my extended family to accept that nursing is a normal and beautiful thing. Now I'm hearing things like "She should be arrested for child s@xual abuse" (referring to the mom in the pic). It doesn't look like she's nursing, and I have seen plenty of women nurse toddlers. It looks like she just stuck her booK in her kid's mouth and dared anyone to say anything. I really wish Time would have used one of the other pictures from the link posted earlier (which were so very sweet). Then it wouldn't feel so much like the cover mom was asking me if I was mom enough.


    I'm just a bit riled-up about this. Moms get so much crap from so many different sides. We are our harshest critics. I just really hate it when men feed that fire. We should be supporting and encouraging one another, not tearing each other down.

  16. We have a Lhasa!



    Little dog without the yapping

    Will alert you if anyone/anything is near your house

    Loves to play

    Just big enough to not be delicate

    Doesn't shed

    Loves to cuddle

    Full of personality



    HAIR!!!!!!! You have to constantly brush them, even with shorter hair.

    Brings in a ton of dirt, grass, sticks, and whatever else gets stuck in their hair

    They will nip if you are too bothersome


    Did I mention the HAIR?



    He really is a great dog. Like any dog, you will have to spend a bit of time training them. They do think highly of themselves. I read somewhere that when a Lhasa looks in a mirror, they see a lion. Very true. My Lhasa controls my 80lb Lab. He has cornered raccoons. He's killed a chicken. He loves to bring presents, like dead birds, squirrels, rabbits, mice, etc..


    The breed was developed to alert monks if an intruder was in the monestary. They are guard dogs. If we are upstairs, he will sit at the top of the stairs and not let anyone past him, not even the Lab. If someone ever broke into our house, I really think our Lhasa would take them on, while my Lab would try to kiss them.


    The HAIR!!! You have to find a good groomer or learn how to groom a dog. I think they look adorable with medium-length hair, but it really is a lot of work. Our Lhasa gets a pretty short clip for the summer. Still, he constantly picks up burrs, which are next to impossible to remove.


    If you want a Lhasa, just read everything you can before you get one. Everyone loves our Rusty. Right now he is acting like a very good foot warmer.

  17. Right in the middle of the high-risk area. We had a reported/suspected tornado on the ground about 20 miles north of us. Semi trailers blown off the road on I-29 northeast of us. Nothing too nasty here. Things tend to pass just north or south of us. We gave a basement, so we are safe. I am mostly worried about my books. It will be a long night.

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