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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. Right there with you! I have Captain Morgan. No chocolate.


    We just go back home after a 10-day, 3,000+ miles trip to various national parks. The thought of having to wake up early, bring my older kids to piano at 8:30am, and somehow teach school is making me twitch. I think I'm just going to wing it this week.

  2. Hmmm, that was the way with my FIL, but the SBC told my husband that he needed to go get a two year degree, then go to a two year seminary.



    Oh, and you won't find this in our church either (Eastern Orthodox). However, I have seen this in Pentacostal and Charismatic churches.


    My dad only only had a high school diploma. He was also divorced. Now, he did have a small congregation, so I don't know if that made any difference. The pastors at the big SBC church all had seminary degrees. And yes, local Pentacostal pastors often had no formal training either.

  3. Pretty common in Southern Baptist churches. My dad, who had absolutely no formal training, became an ordained minister/pastor in the SBC. Most SB pastors I knew had no sort of training when they became ordained. They may have taken a seminary extension class here and there, but no real, formal training. I left the SBC.


    Now we attend an LCMS church. It takes forever for someone to become a pastor. I like it that way.

  4. Im glad he didnt have a stroke. My grandpa had a major one and it left him paralyzed.


    I hope hes ok from here on out though and I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


    Thanks! He has COPD, arthritis along his spine, and bulging discs. Perhaps the pain he was in, coupled with the stress of working offshore on a rocking boat, contributed to this episode. His arteries look great for a man his age. His cholesterol is fabulous. Hopefully my bipolar mother can care for him appropriately and not make him, at 64, work in terrible conditions again.

  5. Margaritas are always awesome! If I ever go to a bar-like place, I like to order Captain Morgan and coke, Cosmopolitans, Tequila Sunrise (tequila, orange juice, and grenadine), or maybe a Mai Tai. If you feel like experimenting, try a Whisky Sour or Midori Sour. If the company needs a boost, go for a Long Island Iced Tea, but be careful when ordering this. It has a ton of alcohol, yet goes down as easily as water. Makes for interesting times;).


    Have fun and enjoy yourself! Who cares what your drinking?:tongue_smilie:

  6. I posted Tuesday night about my dad being admitted to the hospital with possible stroke symptoms. He was released this morning with a diagnosis of Transiet Global Amnesia (whatever that means). Basically, they couldn't find a physical cause for his apraxia and confusion, so this diagnosis fit. I spoke with him this morning and he was cussing and making fun of people, so I know he is mostly back to normal. I am still a bit worried since he has other health problems, but this episode seems to have passed. Thanks to all who prayed or sent a good vibe his way!

  7. You are NOT failing your kids. Say this at least 1,000 times. You are a good mom trying her very best. We all have those moments where we feel as though we are somehow depriving our children. Then we remember our own public school crazy times and get over it.


    Things I love about my homeschooled kids:


    - they can relate to/converse with any age group, from babies to seniors. Think about it. How many of your friends/acquaintances have birthdays within 1 year of yours?


    - they have the freedom to grow into the people they were meant to be, not the people their equally-aged peers tell them they need to be.


    - they have the freedom to explore their own interests.


    - they lack drama in their schooling. Well, I do have a rather dramatic 5yo, but everyone has to like her because she is their sister. :tongue_smilie:


    Again, I think we all feel the same way you do from time to time. But for our family, the socialization one gets from homeschooling is so much more realistic and applicable to the real world. My dh works with guys from 5 years younger to 25 years older than he is. Most people are in the same boat. My dd12's best friend range from age 9-14. Same with ds9.


    Did I mention the lack of drama?


    You will be fine. Your kids will be fine. It will be ok. And it is completely valid for you to have doubts, but your little people will be ok.

  8. I am honestly dumbfounded 99% of the time when threads like this show up here. Where are all of these bigoted, hateful, Christian (I use the term loosely) people coming from?!?! I am a preacher's wife living in the Bible Belt, and I would never treat someone like that. Tell my kids not to play with someone else's kids because they don't got to church!?!? You have got to be kidding me.


    :grouphug: to you OP. You can come hang out with me and my kids anytime...if you're anywhere close to Houston that is. :D


    I puffy-heart love you! Seriously! When did Jesus ever reject people? For real!


    Just ask. If she can't hack questions, she's too uptight for you to be friends.




    Yep. Just ask. Some "Christians" can be downright mean. That's just wrong and goes against everything Jesus taught and stood for. I think this group sounds kinda good, but you never know until you try. FTR, you would be welcomed in my mostly-Christian, but some Atheist-leaning, group.

  9. My dad is in the hospital. He was working offshore when he started getting really confused and unable to understand when people spoke to him. His employer sent him home because they were worried about him. When my mother and aunt picked him up at the port, he wasn't able to acknowledge when people spoke to him. He has been in poor health recently, suffering with herniated discs and arthritis in his spine. He had a bad reaction to Prednisone. He has COPD. Please pray that this isn't anything serious.


    And can you please pray for me too? I am so very pi$$ed off at my mom right now. She is in a manic state and not functioning properly. She knew my dad was sick, yet forced him to go work offshore. She refuses to get a job. Three weeks ago when he had the bad reaction to Prednisone she wanted to divorce him because she was tired of taking care of people. I need to let go of my anger in order to be supportive of my dad, with whom I have a strained relationship, and my sisters.


    One more thing. My parents have no insurance. My dad is usually seen at the VA hospital, but my mother didn't want to drive the extra 2 hours (after a choppy boat ride and 3 1/2 hour drive) and brought him to a major medical center.


    AND!!! Dh's dad is having some heart issues. Again, no insurance.


    So I could use some serious prayers. Thanks!

  10. Definitely discuss the big things- kids, money, careers, living arrangements.


    But like a pp mentioned, the biggest fight dh and I had was over a desk. Yep, a desk. I told him how to put it together and he ignored me. He thought I thought he wasn't smart enough to put the desk together. I thought he thought I wasn't smart to offer an opinion. It was the biggest, dumbest fight ever.


    So make sure you know how to talk to him and he knows how to talk to you. Communication (effective, honest, productive communication) really is the key. It really does matter. Everything can be worked through if you know how to speak and listen to one another.


    A few more nuggets-


    - unless he is a Vulcan, he cannot read your mind. You have to tell him what you want.


    - talk about teA. Don't get weird about it. Talk about likes/dislikes/expectations.


    - you and your fiancé are the only people in your marriage. Period.


    Best wishes!

  11. What do your bodies look like?!?!?! I am 5'2", weigh about 135, and am in a size 4, sometimes a 6. I think I am just built like a cheerleader ( all bulky muscle).


    Op, I am a pro at weight loss. Keeping it off is a different matter:glare:. For my muscular build, I need to go low carb and do weights. It is so much easier for me to maintain if I only have whole wheat and restrict my carbs. I also NEED to work out constantly, alternating cardio and weights. I rarely weight myself, relying more on my jeans to tell me the truth. BMI would tell me I was overweight when I am in a size 4. I have learned to weight myself every 2 weeks just to make sure I am on target. Even though BMI tells me I am fat, I feel so good, healthy, and hot around 135. So, shoot your scale. Base your health more on how you feel.

  12. This may be a stupid question, but I am genuinely curious. We have a small pop-up camper. Every time we have gone camping in an RV park, I meet Germans, Brits, Aussies, etc.. I think RVing is a great way to explore America, for both Americans and foreigners. I am just wondering if RVs are an American phenomenon or if they are popular in other countries.


    Can someone explain this to me? Please?


    ETA: Stupid iPhone didn't register the second "e" in there.

  13. Well, we stupidly went on vacation during premiere week (dumb us), but we like The Voice on Mondays, Parenthood (puffy heart love) on Tuesdays, Modern Family and The Middle on Wednesdays, The Office/30 Rock/Parks and Rec. on Thursdays, and Boardwalk Empire/Game of Thrones/Simpsoms/Family Guy on Sundays. I really want to watch Revolution. It looked awesome, but I missed it tonight since we are stupidly on vacation.

  14. Let me try...


    My family is pretty introverted and I particularly find it difficult to break into conversations with others. I have to have a reason to be in the conversation or else I tend to stay on the sidelines. Also, I have a difficult time reading social cues and knowing when is the right time to jump into a conversation.


    We also have a harder time making friends because we just seem different. Admittedly, I blame us being a multiracial family where we are usually in the minority (well, I am, my husband isn't). I often think people don't want me around because of racial issues. At our previous church, I was the only person of color and I felt out of place all the time, and even brought it up to my priest (who treated us oddly from day 1). I'm not the only person of color at our current church, but I am certainly in the minority. It's hard to explain this, so I apologize if what I'm saying makes no sense at all.


    I tend to overcompensate so that people will see I'm a good person and I think it makes me look worse in the end, like I'm trying too hard and that I'm not genuine. An example is last week when my family was on our church's schedule to provide food for our coffee hour. Instead of just bringing rolls/bagel and a dessert, plus milk for the coffee, I ended up spending the entire weekend baking and cooking, and I ended up making this huge lunch buffet of items. I thought I made a good impression, but I think in the end, I looked like a weirdo who tried too hard.


    There are many examples, but this is what immediately came to mind.


    #1- If you made a whole lunch buffet thing, you would be my BFF for life. You would think I was a stalker lady because I would be hounding you to cook for me. And it wouldn't matter if you were purple with red stripes.


    I agree with what other people have said. You may be trying too hard. Be comfortable in your skin, which I am sure is a lovely shade I could never achieve.

    I would think you were really sweet and probably a good cook too!


    Gently...I think you are overthinking this. Just be yourself and join right in. People will like you! If they don't, what have you lost....nothing. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


    I'd like to get to know you and would have been all over that buffet, praising you!


    :iagree: I'm Cajun. We celebrate good cooks, no matter where they came from or what they look like. My grandpa had one arm, but because he could cook like a genius, everyone loved him.


    I tend to do better with 1-2 people, but there's that whole desire to fit in with everyone that has me feeling like a chump when I don't relate to the larger, more established cliques.


    So do I. It is so much easier for me to relate to a few people, rather than to a large group. That is pretty common.



    Listen, fitting in is not all it's cracked up to be. It get it. Heck, I'm a registered Democrat Christian in Nebraska!!! I don't always fit in. Sometimes you just have to let your freak flag fly high and proud. Be nice and caring to others and eventually they will come around.

  15. :grouphug: I am about to unfriend my mother. The woman never calls my or my kids. I've spoken to her twice in the last 10 months. She never has the time or money to visit, yet she is always going on trips. Even though we haven't spoken, she always makes "fake good momma" comments on my FB posts. The woman kicked my good sister out of the house at the beginning of the summer, yet posted on FB that she was crying when good sister went back to college. I am so tired of her fake crap. So I get what you did. One day I too will grow a pair and unfriend my mother.

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