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Lizzie in Ma

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Everything posted by Lizzie in Ma

  1. in the Trivium as opposed to logic as a mathematical method of thinking.... http://www.memoriapress.com/articles/logicmath.html and another http://www.memoriapress.com/articles/logic.html I think that both things are of great value but I chose to teach in this method. We will be coming across the mathematical reasoning as we continue into the higher maths as well.
  2. You said your kids are younger, it shouldn't be much of an issue, our 7 year old enjoyed doing it along with us. There is some content that was mature (for instance abortion) but it is handled well. It also led into some very important family discussion/devotion time.
  3. We did it once a week together and made flash cards as we went along. It was very enjoyable, we learned a great deal and are looking forward to The Thinking Toolbox this coming year. While I think it could be done independantly, we found great value in talking it all out.
  4. We did the Foster's as read alouds in the grammar stage and my older dd is now reading through them alone in the logic stage. I love both style and content. I can not personally get into the book's that Macauley has, they are beautiful but it just isn't my style. I do own and love all the videos and the whole family enjoys them and learns a great deal from them.
  5. A group of us hired a teacher from the Rhode Island School for the Deaf. Unfortunately, there is no curriculum to it. The younger set has this book to refresh their memory during the week "You Can Learn Sign Language" ISBN0439635837 and the older set uses Sign Language Made Simple ISBN 0385488572 If this had not been pulled together I was going to go with Signs for His Glory http://www.timberdoodle.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=1178
  6. We use IEW and have a class with another family 2 hours once a week. They are doing a biography. The first week we found resources, wrote an MLA bibliography page and began reading sources and creating an outline from each one. Pulling overall topics. The second week the same (sources had to be one internet, one video, one encyclopedia, one series and 2 books) The third week she worked on a "fused outline", combining all the outlines into one from which she began her rough draft on the first section. Section one worked out to be family and childhood. The overall theme is overcoming adversity. This week is write rough draft of second section, next week the rough draft of the conclusion and the following a re-write with all the dress-ups, openers, IEW style stuff and typed up properly and the last week the final draft will be due. Each section is a minimum of 3 paragraphs so far if not 4 or 5. Looks like 6 or 7 weeks that we are working on this one. Were we working independantly, we could clearly work faster but the input stage every week in an hour or more and invaluable to the kids. sorry, have to scoot out the door to Awana, hope that helps.
  7. And I think it is in the order they were published? It seems to be way far from chronological but let me look again and see what I see this time. :)
  8. I have been searching for an hour and I just can't find one. I really don't feel like going through my collection one by one!
  9. Lial's Basic College Math Truthquest Renaissance and Reformation with Story of the Renaissance and Reformation OR Mystery of History 3 (finances dependent) Lightening Literature for 7th grade Latin Prep 2 The Thinking Toolbox ( we do as a family more or less) Continuing an IEW co-op although I do feel that at this point I might rather just work with their theme based lessons Apologia General Science with Live and Learn's lapbook Continuing ASL classes Continuing Public Speaking through Communicators for Christ
  10. http://www.mathstories.com/ I don't use MUS but it has been a weakness in everything I have ever used so I add extra word problems from here.
  11. trying to find them used and there seems to be more choices than I thought. TIA Lizzie
  12. Kidding, but she can totally freeze up on a writing assignment. There are some great chart-like things available to help with a compare/contrast paper....hang on, let me find the link, ok, I couldn't find the link I was looking for, but these may help. http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/compcontrast/map/ http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson_images/lesson275/compcon_chart.pdf http://www.teach-nology.com/web_tools/graphic_org/venn_diagrams/
  13. We did get the recommended minimum size caging and it was a lot bigger than I would have thought they needed. I am glad we did though because they play and be silly when they have enough room. Ours are in the main living area and are extremely social and call to us to either come play or when they hear me rustling in the refrigerator. They interact with us vocally a great deal . Read aloud times are when they get cuddled the most. They belong to our oldest dd who has to clean the cage, take care of them and clean the bathrooms in exchange for their food. We use newspaper on the bottom in a thick layer than lots of hay over that (cheap by the bale at the feed and grain store) and then a nice big armful of fresh timothy (also by the bale $8) every day to both munch on and play in. We use a food that is $10 a bag but lasts a month or so and they just share our fresh fruits and veggies daily.
  14. She is a high school (charter school) student so I will be helping her with her homework and teaching her. She is bright and we had a long chat last night. She says mostly she doesn't understand the endings. I KNOW I can help with that. I am really hoping to show her it can be fun, that she knows more than she thinks she does, and boost her confidence level. I think I may go with $30 an hour because I do know them and they are not rolling in it but were considering Sylvan which as I hear it, is really pricey! You are all invited to visit anytime you are in the Cape area!
  15. Saturday, the day before it's due, I had to run to the store to get ingredients for a church supper pot luck. To preface this just enough, I have 2 girls, 7 and almost 12 who love Hannah Montana. I have to admit, I hate most tv for kids but I am a fan too. So I am listening to the local country station on the way to the store and as I am pulling in on comes "Get Ready, Get Set, Don't Go". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXdiKKsZxa4 I am in the car sobbing and it is at least 10 minutes before I can even get out of the car! (honestly, tears again, right now, seriously,) Following the dinner at church, I can't find my coat with my cell phone in the pocket. The whole family and a bunch of friends spent a good 15-20 minutes looking. We finally gave up, I figured I would find it Sunday. We got home and there was my coat hanging up and my cell phone plugged into the charger! Short version, I'm an idiot too, hang in there! I have, in fact, made coffee and forgot to put the pot under it.
  16. frozen we have spinach, mixed veggies, peas, asparagus, a broccoli/water chestnut blend, raspberries,blueberries, pineapple and mango, fire roasted blend, soy ginger carrots and Thai green beans and dried I have cherries, bananas, and prunes. Most of our snack foods are from Trader Joe's (as are the frozen veggies) and hey I just remembered I bought a bag of their new sweet potato French fried to try whoo hoooo!
  17. I have yet to remember to try it but she says rub Vicks on the bottom of your feet and put socks on.
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