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Everything posted by bnbacademy

  1. Yes, you may be right... it's my younger ds who is the Lego-boy. I saw that there are lego-mosaics to hang on the wall and thought that would be a cool idea. I knew I asked at the right place...Thank you all for the great ideas!
  2. I'm contemplating painting, redecorating the boys' bedroom before school starts. Currently it is white walls and navy blue carpet. It is 12' x 12'. I need ideas for making their room more interesting. Has anyone done a Legos room? Pics would be especially helpful. TIA,
  3. I bought a sheet of clear plexiglass from Lowe's, they cut it for me too! you may have to find a way to round the corners.
  4. I would agree with the above. I wrote a letter stating that I was holding dc out of K, even tho we hs'ed K, and started the yearly testing in 1st grade. I'm in northern VA.
  5. Is there a link to a "how-to" webpage for the above pic? I looked briefly at the website, but didn't find it. It has such a nice "finished" look about it, and looks like the info can be changed since it is a cork board. TIA,
  6. We have several notecooks of mini-books on cardstock. Where did you have them bound? At a print shop? They are bulky, so I wondered what binding worked for you? Cost? Maybe I could free up some 3 ring notebooks to use this year.... TIA, ps. You've received many responses that describe why we lapbookand I would agree with them. I apologize for this rabbit trail...
  7. Thank you ladies for the help and encouragement. What brick and mortar store might have rennet? Or do I need to buy this online?
  8. Thank you for all your help. Anyone have a favorite cheese making book with easy instuctions or recipes?
  9. I was hoping to use the everyday milk bought at the grocery store, can I use 2%? I'd would love to make cheddar cheese, since we eat so much if it.
  10. I am considering trying to make homemade cheese. Has anyone successfuly done this? Do you have a website recommendation? Are there many gadgets required? One gadget I do not plan to invest in is the goat/cow, etc. Can I make cheese from pasteurized milk? Where do you find the necessary ingredients, ie rennet? If you have any good advice I would appreciate it. I don't have lots of time to try and fail so would love a fool-proof recipe :001_smile:!
  11. :iagree: This is true for me as well, as a nurse, homeschool teacher and woman in my late 40s. My best friend never finished college and bemoans that fact years later. She is now unsettled, unhappy, and with limited choices, although 10 years younger. This does give me insight for my dc. Dh and I will encourage dc toward "usable" college educations. Now I know why my father did that. At the time, I resented it, but now I am thankful.
  12. 11 year old pages look great with no CM products. I even use eyelets and other metal embellishments with no problems yet!
  13. Kids who remove their dirty socks so they are always partially inside out... means I have to stand at washer, handling dirty, stinking socks before washing.
  14. Thank you, ladies. I will order some of your recommendations. I am not anxious to take much of any kind of medicine, but if this weekend is any indication of the emotional rollercoaster to come... it will no longer be optional :001_smile:!
  15. Thank you, Denise. I will try both the Evening Primrose and B vits. I'm rather embarrassed that my dh is the one who noted the pattern, but I guess those around us may actually know us better than we think?!
  16. pms or pre-menopausal mood swings. Suffice it to say that I have progressed from little to no pms mood swings to a roller-coaster ride (just ask my husband:001_smile:). I am close to menopause at 47, but with no physical symptoms yet. I can go from all content with my world, to totally misinterpreting cues and assuming the worse... requiring a tearful conversation, just to clear things up. I cannot tolerate being upset with dh for long. I'm usually an optimistic, upbeat person, believing the best in everyone, until the past few months. I can only attribute it to hormones making me so emotionallly fragile, since there haven't been any great stressors in our lives. I would like to try the natural route first and plan to start taking the mood stabilizer B vitamins to start. Do I need to take them regularly or just at the onset of pms? Is there anything else that has been successful for you? I ask for the sake of my sanity and my dh would probably beg...
  17. I wish there was a way to close my eyes and still visit the forum, because of that thread also.
  18. Thank you, OP, for the suggestion. I am one who does spend time searching for info and often get bogged down wading thru threads. The tag search could be more efficient.
  19. I just bought the Rosetta Stone Homeschool Spanish for 6th and 3rd grader. I am going to let them move thru it at their own pace, but use the same program for each to start.
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