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Everything posted by bnbacademy

  1. History: MOH 3 spine followed by Truthquest AoR 3 (writing own schedule) Science: Apologia's Exploring Creation w/General Science Math: Jacob's Algebra 1 LA: Wordly Wise book 11 Rod & Staff English 8 IEW Writing of some kind Caught Ya! Grammar Bible: Adventure Rangers program Simply Charlotte Mason inductive Bible studies Art: Atelier Art Foreign Language: Rosetta Stone Spanish Logic: Introductory Logic, Thinking Toolbox Typing CD-ROM Music: Piano Lessons PE: Rec Soccer league
  2. Thank you. I have seen k12 mentioned frequently on the boards, but didn't think to look into the textbooks. The cost is a bit prohibitive for what will be a semester or less. I will look for used copies... What I need is MOH 4, which has not yet been published! He read CHOW last year, I have VanLoon's history text, but was hoping for a few more pics. I may just need to add the Kingfisher ency in as supplement. Thank you both for your help!
  3. Might be referring to the yahoo group: hannah's homeschool helps which has SOTW printouts.
  4. My 7th grader really liked the inductive Bible study purchased from Simply Charlotte Mason called Life in the Word
  5. We loved Roy Burrell's Oxford First Ancient History book. Is there an equivalent book for the modern time period, 1850- present? Mostly, looking for a book to start where MOH3 leaves off and could be in a similar format. The Usborne/ DK/ Kingfisher format looks too "busy" to me. I would prefer fewer pics, more text. Anyone find this kind of world history book already?
  6. Actually, I specifically asked about CD-ROMs at 2 different local po's. One postmistress looked thru her 5lb post office manual, but couldn't find whether they were media mail or not. I'm not sure if even the po knows its own policies? I usually send CDs first class just because it seems that it is decided on a whim.
  7. I would recommend an unfinished basement beneath your living space. It gives you expandable +/or storage space without the hefty price upfront. It does depend on your lifestyle wants... Debt-free here after purposely buying a smaller, older house. This was before house prices were disproportionate to the house. We added an addition after child #2, and finished a large family room off of the basement this year.
  8. Dh works day shift, I work evening shift part-time, including every other weekend. That is the price we pay for the privilege to homeschool. Looks like your options might be to have longer schooldays on your days off, seems like it might work for preschooler +/or K. Otherwise, maybe a late pm or evening school? School on Saturday?
  9. We use a plastic hanging file box 1 for each child. I place the pages, etc, into each hanging file. I put velcro dots on outside of each file to stick the numbers 1-12 to, with each file designated a number. On outside of cube is a paper square with12 receiver velcro dots. When they complete what is in the file, or at least complete that specific subject, they move the number onto the outside graphic. They are done when all receiver dots have a corresponding number stuck to it. I labeled the hanging files with subject names. This way, if I am busy, I really don't even have to remove pages, they just move the numbers. HTH,
  10. We are self-regulating to a point, but there are only 5 with varying degrees of flexibility. My boss likes to be distant and out of the fray... recently, there is less flexibility and some are feeling taken advantage of. I can't see how we can continue without guidelines/ rules of any kind. i'm sure there are others who have gone before... and have had to address this issue. Any rules that I can recommend for us?
  11. For those of you who are employed by someone else, how is your schedule decided? What are the rules or guidelines your employer has in place, especially if your dept "signs up" on a calendar? We have no guideliness or rules except weekend rotations. Looking for ideas for minimal guidelines at the least. eta: please don't quote me.
  12. Do iPad owners need to purchase separate anti-virus, anti-spyware software? You see... I really want one of these, but I want to know the TOTAL costs: hidden or upfront before purchasing. Are the apps expensive, especially educational apps, like notability, etc?
  13. So, can I put Math Mammoth on an iPad and have him use the stylus? Does any pdf document work on an iPad?
  14. I see that an iPad is very well loved by its owners, I think that I would like to join that crowd... Why do you love your iPad? How is it used in your homeschool? Because, ya know, if I can use it for homeschool... Do you love the apps? Would you care to list your favorite apps? Does anyone use the textbook function?
  15. So, there is a fee to have internet access all the time and/or wi-fi at home, so there are extra charges besides the initial investment for the tech gadget. That was my main ?, which was answered nicely and thoroughly, thank you all. I can make a better decision now...
  16. I have high speed cable to pc. Can I get this router thingamajig at Bestbuy? Sounds like it either fits into the cable itself, or to my USB port on my pc, and will make an iPod or iPad work at home, right? Would I then receive the wi-fi password/ account to access internet anywhere thereafter? I'm certainly not limited to home, am I? I apologize for all the ?s... I will look harder on the internet... tomorrow. I need to go to bed...
  17. OK, then both gadgets require additional fees/ monthly charges for the wi-fi, for someone not already subscribed to wi-fi, right? Sounds like I would need to change my Comcast account/ pc to a Wi-fi accessed account instead of the cable. Thank you all for the headsup...
  18. So, if I understand this correctly... If I buy either the iPod and iPad as wi-fi only, then there is no monthly bill,even if I do not currently subscribe to any wi-fi service, right? I will be able to run them on the wi-fi freely bouncing around my area, correct?
  19. fav female singers: Watermark (Christy Nockels) Christine Dente
  20. I apologize if this is like.... obvious, but.... if I were to indulge in either an iPad or iPod gadget, would I subsequently be required to indulge in an accompanying monthly bill to use it? We have cable to pc and cord to phone here.
  21. I would be interested in a copy of your timeline. Thank you for your offer!
  22. Put on a medieval feast complete with costumes, for both the lords, ladies and peasantry. We ate off trenchers, with our fingers (dh made food from the grill), and after the meal knighted our 7 yo son.
  23. I find myself perusing catalogues from different hs companies, ie: VP, Sonlight, HOD, etc and adding/substituting some of the readers where I can.
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