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Everything posted by skirch

  1. If you like those Robert Altman films cast with every celebrity in Hollywood, then yes. I thought it was brilliant when I saw it 20 years ago.
  2. Thanks y'all. I really never thought about taking it for practice but you all have made very good points!
  3. Testing isn't required in our state but one of the local homeschool groups holds an annual testing day. I had never thought about testing my dd since I know she's doing well academically. Some say we should test anyway so that she could know what testing is like and be used to it when the time comes that she will need to take a timed test - ACT, SAT, etc. I had never given it any thought before but now I'm wondering. Do you think kids should "know how to test"? Or if you never tested, were your kids lost when the time came? I'm just curious.
  4. This was a good read, thanks. I think most of that has been brought up in the past but people seem to latch on to the scandals. It was still a crummy thing for him to do. I love all the speculation that Ronan Farrow *may* be Sinatra's son? Have y'all seen pics of him? He is TOTALLY Sinatra's son.
  5. While the show is based on the book it is very different and very kid friendly. I took my dd when she was 8 and she loved it. She has the soundtrack memorized.
  6. They do around here. We've had a rash of break-ins the last few months. They come to the door under the guise of a salesperson, carpet cleaner, etc. If there's no answer, they kick in the door and burglarize you.
  7. Um, you might want to rethink this whole chicken thing. Seriously. The Hazards of Raising Backyard Chickens
  8. We are in Horizons 6 now and have used it since Book 1. I agree with the others that it's a good, solid program but the TM isn't very helpful if you're not a math person. I am not a mathy person and as dd got into the higher books, it has gotten harder for me to explain things. She knows her math though; she sometimes has to explain things to me. :blushing: Every year I say I'm going to switch to something else that would be easier for ME to teach but Horizons works for dd so we have stuck it out. I'm glad we did.
  9. Thank you. That's pretty much what it says everywhere I look except the Rod & Staff books. Book 4 - words that are pronounced the same but are spelled differently. Book 5 - words that are pronounced alike but their spellings and meanings are different. Book 6 has the first mention of homophones. Their definition is - words that are pronounced alike but their spellings and meanings are different. Has anyone else run into this with Rod and Staff? We have been using it from the beginning and love it but now I'm worried about wrong information. :banghead:
  10. Rod and Staff says homonyms "are words that are pronounced the same but are spelled differently. They have different meaning." For example: Like dear and deer, ant and aunt, hair and hare. I think that's how I learned it too but now I'm so confused I don't know anymore. EVERYTHING else I see on the internet says a homonym "is one of a group of words that share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings" and that my examples above would be homophones. Is Rod and Staff wrong? Am I reading it wrong? I thought I knew this stuff but today none of it is making any sense to me!
  11. I love these threads - I always end up finding some great books! The last three we read and loved were: The Phantom Tollbooth, Moon over Manifest and The Underneath.
  12. Thank you for bringing this up. I used to have green iguanas and also took in rescues. They CAN be great pets IF you know what you are getting into. They get HUGE. They can be aggressive and have razor sharp teeth and claws. You need a LOT of room for them and they need very specific heat and humidy levels. I wish pet stores would stop selling them.
  13. No, you should't! LOTS of people get them confused!
  14. I think you're thinking of a Burmese python. Ball pythons usually only grow between 3 & 5 feet and aren't arboreal so you don't need too much height in an enclosure. They do tend to have feeding issues (they like to fast) but I think they make great starter snakes. We like bearded dragons as starter lizards. They're very gentle and like to be handled and get to a good handleable, sturdy size for kids to hold. Once they are fully grown they can go to a vegetarian diet and you don't have to worry about live food - although it makes a nice treat from time to time. Good luck - reptiles are fun to keep and there are so many to choose from!
  15. Are we supposed to test twice a week? I've been using R&S Spelling since the beginning (we're in book 6) and don't recall reading anywhere to test twice weekly. :blushing: We just do one test a week.
  16. The Wednesdaynight kids activites in our church needs an overhaul. I have volunteered to help out when we resume in the fall so I'm researching programs and ideas. We have done Godly Play in the past, and we might implement it again but I'm looking for other ideas, especially for the 9-12 age group. What's happening at your church?
  17. I did. After an illness which left me with a horrible cough, I apparently damaged my urethral sphincter. We thought it would get better as i recovered but it got worse. After a few years I got fed up and had surgery last June. My only regrets are that I waited so long to do it and that I had it in the summer, which kept me out of the pool for several weeks.
  18. Only 20 left to go and still 4 more hours ~ I think we'll hit 40%.
  19. And the year before. I don't remember it being so down to the wire though; it's a little nerve wracking. :unsure:
  20. Only 5 days left to get the Atelier Art Curriculum at HSBC!
  21. About 2.5 to 3.5 hours Math - an hour Spelling - 15 minutes Grammar - 30 minutes History or science - 30 minutes Latin - 30 - 60 minutes That doesn't include swim and piano practice. That would add another 2 to 3 hours.
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