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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Gosh... Ummm.... About 12, maybe? Wait, are we counting audio bibles and bible apps, too, or just hard copies?
  2. I answered but I have to say, many of those questions are worded very poorly.
  3. The healthcare here is awesome! Super affordable and top notch. Also, the health insurance through my school is really great. You can get in to see a doctor or specialist just about any day you want without an appointment. For instance, I had been having a lot of trouble with my foot... Plantar fasciitis. I called the specialist and they got me in that same day. I waited about 20 minutes, then I saw the doctor. He sent my downstairs for an X-ray of my foot right then, recommended an out patient procedure called "platelet rich plasma therapy" and scheduled it for the very next day! So in 24 hours, I saw a specialist, had X-rays, blood work, and an out patient surgical procedure and was at home recovering. Cost of living overall is cheaper. Some things are more expensive, others are less. For example, with dh and I working full time, we make about $50k USD (all together). In the US, before we moved, we were making about $100k USD. But here, $50k gets us a 4 bedroom, 3 bath house of about 2400 sq. feet, fully furnished, as well as a full-time, live-in maid/nanny. It is also plenty to cover electricity, water, internet and cable TV (electricity being the most expensive), groceries, piano lessons, eating out, gasoline, country club membership, etc., and still have money left over to travel. We aren't rolling in it but we are doing well.
  4. I hate to sound like I am bragging but..... :) It really has been the most amazing thing to ever happen to our family. We have had so many incredible experiences and been to so many spectacular places and ate the most delicious food and met so many different people from all over the world... We are forever changed.
  5. Doesn't bother me a bit...way bigger things to get upset about in life.
  6. This reminds me of a part in the book The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society... The main character calls off her wedding to a man because she comes home and he has packed all her books away and put up his sports trophies in their place. I would have called it off too. Dh and I read different things but we both read. Before dh I dated a guy fairly seriously until I went to his apartment and noticed there wasn't a book anywhere in the whole place. Instant turn off.
  7. Yes, especially if you have any teaching experience. In order to get a work visa in Malaysia you must have a bachelors degree or be certified in the area you want to work.
  8. Australia is one of my "must-visit" places. Now that dd is getting a little more independent, I can see a trip there in our near future. You must be so excited to move there!
  9. People on my staff travel constantly! This is such a great jumping off point for many places in SEAsia. If she is interested in a few years, she can actually do her student teaching semester here to get a taste of this life before committing to a contract. We typically host one student teacher per year. Two of them have been hired on in the last 4 years!
  10. Our campus is English only (except for the foreign language classes like Spanish, Mandarin, etc.). At the moment we do not having any hearing impaired students. We typically are not able to accept them because there are not any services available for them (it's difficult to get hearing impaired services on this island). This is a great resource and I will let our special services department know about it. Thanks!!!
  11. First, it sounds to me like they ARE eating, it's just not what you would eat. If all they like is plain chicken, plain rice and plain peas, then make that for them every night. If they are fine with it every night, what do you care? In fact, I'd make it in huge batches so I don't have to cook it every night, just reheat. Or even better, teach THEM how to make these simple foods. Then proceed to make something for yourself that you love and ENJOY it. As far as the last part about them making comments about the way food smells and your dh putting a towel over his face.... Well, there's picky and then there is RUDE. That is RUDE. You don't want to eat something? Fine. Don't eat it. But anyone who makes a negative comment about the smell of the food I make can starve. Cooking takes EFFORT and you are dealing with enough already. They need to stop being so selfish and try cooking for YOU once in a while.
  12. I thought the book was fantastic. I used in my meetings with my staff to help them think more about the type of assignments they give in the classroom and whether or not everything they do is geared towards extroverts. They were all impressed and said it really made them take stock of their instructional practices. I also use it to change the way I do my meetings providing ways for introverts to feel safe and comfortable giving input.
  13. Started Reading: The House at Riverton by Kate Morton (Australian author, DD class 800) Still Reading: The Next Story: Life and Faith After the Digital Explosion by Tim Challies (Canadian author, DD class 600) The God Who is There: Finding Your Place in God's Story by D.A. Carson (Canadian author, DD class 200) Finished: 2. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (English author, DD class 800) 1. The Dark Monk: A Hangman's Daughter Tale by Oliver Potzsch (German author, DD class 800)
  14. What I have so far, in no particular order (yes, we eat a ton of chicken because beef, pork, and seafood are outrageously expensive here): Pasta primavera Beef tacos Pepper chicken with veggies Meat loaf with mashed potatoes and veggies Spaghetti Chili Chicken Kurma with veggies and rice BBQ chicken with potatoes and veggies Chicken fettuccini Alfredo Chicken tacos Sweet sour chicken with rice Chili rubbed chicken pineapple-jalapeño salsa Cajun chicken pasta Beef and broccoli with rice Seafood chowder Baked ziti Buffalo chicken with potatoes and veggies Italian chicken with rice White chicken chili Tuna noodle casserole Chicken salad sandwiches Chicken Parmesan with spaghetti and broccoli Grilled cheese and tomato soup Mexican Mac and cheese Linguine with white clam sauce Tuna melts Mexican tamale pie
  15. I know lots of people are out of work and if you are looking for a job in an international environment NOW is the time to apply. My school has grown SO MUCH in the last few years. So we are expanding our classes and hiring more staff. Our current openings: Full Time Positions: 1st Grade Teacher 2nd Grade Teacher 5th Grade Teacher 6th Grade Teacher K-8 Art Teacher ESL Teacher / Coordinator Special Services Teacher Technology / Computer Teacher HS English Teacher HS Guidance Counselor HS Science Teacher You need to be a certified teacher for any teaching position OR have the appropriate college degree. Homeschooling is legal in Malaysia but you are more likely to be hired if both you and your dh are coming to work here (it costs the school a ton of money to fly families here, ship all their stuff, etc. so we prefer to get two employees out of the deal when possible). The school website is www.dalat.org These are salaried positions with full medical and dental benefits and free tuition for your children and includes furnished housing and paid trips back home. If Malaysia is not your cup of tea then check out these links for other options for job searches in international schools: The biggest job search engine is TIE...you will have to subscribe which requires a fee of $39 but it is the biggest: http://www.tieonline.com/ Another great one is Search Associates www.searchassociates.com If you are interested in working in a christian school you can look here (it is free): http://missionteach.com/ Here is a list of international schools on the U.S. government website. You can search by continent and get direct links to the schools themselves: http://www.state.gov/m/a/os/c1684.htm You can also look into Department of Defense schools here: www.dodea.edu If you have questions, let me know (even about other schools). Happy job hunting!!!
  16. My aunt was married by the mayor of our town!
  17. I think music, like books and movies, can be very influential in your life but it also depends on how impressionable you are. They can cause discontent with your own life; they can cause both males and females to have unrealistic and/or negative views of the opposite sex; they can cause self-esteem issues, depression, anger, etc. Or they could have no effect on you whatsoever. It really depends on the person. For me, it has nothing to do with the type of music (I know people who forbid anything with a backbeat). It is about the lyrics.
  18. I would not have a problem with someone discussing this with my 14yo and I think it is a vital topic ESPECIALLY at this age when they are just venturing out into the boy-girl relationship stage and forming opinions on how relationships should look. Anything we can do to combat the Hollywood version of love is important.
  19. She's not even 5yo yet? I would pull her and let her do something else that doesn't make her cry. Art class? Soccer? Ballet?
  20. Ugh. I am the same way. All you have to do is say "stomach flu" and I start feeling nauseous.
  21. So are you a "puker"? Other than pregnancy, of course. This month dh and I have been together for 17 years and in all those years he has NEVER thrown up. Not once. Not from illness or bad food or alcohol or anything. Ever. My oldest ds hasn't thrown up in about 5 years. My dd, although only 3yo, has never thrown up. My middle child and myself, however, are what my dh calls "pukers". My middle child gets severely car sick and pukes in the car all the time. We never go anywhere without plastic bags. I get stomach flu a couple of times a year and will also throw up if something doesn't sit well in my stomach. Dh thinks it is weird that ds and I throw up so easily. I think it is weird that he never throws up. I say this as I sit here, nauseous from my cold medicine. It might be a toilet bowl night.
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