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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Thanks ladies for all the suggestions. We are still praying about it. Right now we watch sermons online (thank goodness for technology). This area of Asia is absolutely saturated with a charismatic/prosperity gospel way of worshipping. Because the population is heavily Chinese, and because the Chinese here already accept "spirits" as part of life, they focus solely on the Holy Spirit and fairly well ignore the other two members of the trinity! Also, "prosperity" is a mainstay in their culture, especially right now as Chinese New Year approaches. All they talk about is prosperity and how to get it. So it is natural that a doctrine that appeals to their already-held beliefs of spirits and prosperity would be easily assimilated. Dh and I are quite firmly cessationists and we don't believe in women pastors (also a big issue here). So going to those churches is not possible. But it is hard. My next related question is: do you ever feel like solid doctrine in churches is becoming harder and harder to find? Even the people I work with who don't like the churches here just shrug their shoulders at the whole thing and go to the nearest church. They think my dh and I are overly concerned with doctrinal correctness and should just go to any church as long as we go. But our opinion is that DOCTRINE MATTERS. But it seems so many churches are shying away from standing for truth. Thoughts?
  2. What in the cockadoodle is a Keurig??? Is it some kind of fancy coffee maker? Why is everyone so excited about them? Sorry, but Nutella ROCKS. As does Downton Abbey. Ryan Gosling, yuck. Give me Johnny Depp any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I eat gluten. Lots of it. As much as possible. And red meat. And my kids play on computers and iPads and the Xbox all the time. I don't own a rolling pin. I like Disney but I prefer Universal Studios.
  3. We get very few american or british shows here so these are what we buy from itunes: Revenge Once Upon a Time Grimm Psych Vampire Diaries Arrow Downton Abbey On TV here we watch: NCIS Hells Kitchen Bones Castle Basically, if it is a cop show or a cooking show, it is on here. Everything else ... Not so much.
  4. Ok, so until the real social groups get back up and running, we can use this thread to talk about all things reformed. Feel free to bring up anything that is on your mind and heart. For me, a question I have is: do you go to a church you love? And related to that, would you go to a church whose doctrine you didn't agree with if it was the only church available? Or would you rather worship at home? My situation is this: I live on a fairly small island with a limited number of churches ALL of which are heavily charismatic and heavily prosperity gospel. Seriously. Even the Catholic Church here is charismatic. Dh and I are definitely not charismatic and think the prosperity gospel is an abomination. But our only other choice is to not go to church at all and just worship at home. WWYD? Feel free to give an opinion or ask a different question of your own. Or whatever. :)
  5. Yes. My engagement and wedding rings are soldered together. I never take them off.
  6. I noticed one for Eastern Orthodox, LDS, and Catholics but I haven't seen one for those of us who are Reformed.
  7. Go to the farmers market. Go grocery shopping. Take the kids to AWANA. Hang out at the sports club (play tennis, swim, etc) Church Shopping at the mall Dinner with friends Read Plan for the following week Watch movies Play games Etc. That's how we spend most weekends. :)
  8. This is a fun video about it: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?sns=fb&v=lfuxNWWXZpY&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DlfuxNWWXZpY%26sns%3Dfb
  9. Started Reading: The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen (American author, DD class 800) Still Reading: The Next Story: Life and Faith After the Digital Explosion by Tim Challies (Canadian author, DD class 600) The God Who is There: Finding Your Place in God's Story by D.A. Carson (Canadian author, DD class 200) Finished: 3. The House at Riverton by Kate Morton (Australian author, DD class 800) 2. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (English author, DD class 800) 1. The Dark Monk: A Hangman's Daughter Tale by Oliver Potzsch (German author, DD class 800) I have to say that I LOVE reading Sarah Addison Allen books (thank you to Rosie for the suggestion). The make me feel warm and fuzzy. And Sarah Jio. She's great, too. After The House at Riverton, which was excellent but very depressing, I need some warmth.
  10. Good morning. I don't want to give out too much info on the how and why so you'll all just have to trust me that it was said in a condescending fashion... Although I feel like deep down, this person is jealous. And yes, what she said is probably true but it didn't need to be said. And yes it made me a little sad to think about it but then I read all of your responses ... And then I cuddled with my princess this morning and I decided... She can get bent. I wouldn't change this for the world.
  11. Define healthy... Ok, just kidding. I LOVE Nutella, but no, I would not give it to my child for breakfast.
  12. ... The less time you will have with your grandchildren. That's what someone said to me. I am not kidding. And I was angry. But then I thought , wow, I will be 58 when my youngest graduates from high school. If I am lucky, she gives me a grandchild by the time I am in my mid-60s. If the average lifespan for an American is 78 then I get around 10 years or less with any children my daughter has (of course I will have more time with any grandchildren my oldest child gives me so that's something). My grandmothers both died when I was an adult, 1 when I was 24, the other when I was 40. So they were a part of my life for a long time. Not only that, but my daughter will still be very young when I die. Maybe not even 40 years old. Using the average, I will be around 60 when my mom goes. At any rate, I thought it was sort of a rude thing to say to me but it also made me sad. I had never thought of it that way before. No question here. Just thinking...
  13. I think I am genetically incapable of NOT bringing a gift to a party. My grandmother would roll over in her grave. My mother would faint. The mountains would crumble and the sea would rage. Maybe it is a southern thing? :)
  14. It is midnight here and it is 79 degrees with 94% humidity.
  15. With your degrees as well as having classroom experience, I think many places that ask for certification would still be interested in you! We would definitely interview if we had an opening. Certification is great, but give me real life experience any day of the week!
  16. Best thing we ever did! Oldest ds had them at 10 months and again at 4 yo. Before his first set he had constant ear infections and a 40% hearing loss. After tubes he started talking immediately and his hearing was perfect. Best of all... Never had another ear infection!
  17. I totally agree. A book party is a great idea. You can never have too many books!!!
  18. My dh's grandmothers lived to be 94 and 95. His grandfather is still alive and is 96!!
  19. Yes, it was a stellar evening in our household as well. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I engage? Ugh.
  20. For the first 11 years of our marriage we owned a home. Then we sold it and moved to NC and then to Malaysia so we have been renting for over 5 years. Now that I have experienced the freedom to just pick up and move when the mood strikes me, I am not sure I will want to own again for a long time.
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