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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. This is my point as clear as I can make it: 1. This thread is about teen sex. 2. You and some other posters believe it is OK for teens to have sex. 3. I and some other posters do not believe it is OK for teens to have sex. 4. You have stated your reasons for your opinion. 5. I have stated my reasons for my opinion. 6. You will not convince me that you are right because your foundational assumptions regarding God, the bible and Christianity are different from mine. 7. I have no interest in trying to force you to believe in my foundational assumptions since I don't believe God needs defending and I don't think you can argue someone into conversion anyway. 8. Having said that, there is nowhere else for this argument to go. We have reached an impasse.
  2. Come now, you are smarter than that. Just because no one used the actual word "hate" doesn't mean you can't read between the lines. The way God, Christianity, Christians, Christian beliefs, Christian values, the bible, etc., have been described by some posters here it is clear that their beliefs about God are quite "negative". Use whatever verb you want if "hate" offends you. The effect is still the same. People who feel that way about God and Christianity and people who feel the way I do about it will never agree. End of story.
  3. There is a very big difference between "side stepping" a question and knowing when a debate will go nowhere. I am logical enough to know that people who hate God or call my deeply held religious convictions "blind faith" will never be "challenged" to think what if THEY are wrong? They have already determined that they are not wrong. I know that I am not wrong. Where does this conversation go from there?
  4. I'm waiting for my dd's citizenship papers to be processed so that is not going to happen any time soon. Of course, we have been waiting for so long now anyways, what's the difference?
  5. You do not have the same understanding of God or the Bible as I do and therefore, there will be no way we will ever agree on this topic. You place your "blind faith" in statistical morality (altered, discarded, and replaced time and again throughout history) and I will place my "blind faith" in God. If I'm wrong, I've lost nothing. I can live with that.
  6. Prefer being the key word. That is what you prefer. What I prefer is something entirely different. I teach my child about making careful and conscious choices that are respectful to his partner as well... we just define "partner" differently. As to Joanne's comment about what kind of world I live in where sex is talked about all the time... Are you kidding? Who isn't living in that world? I live in a world where I cannot turn on the TV or the radio or the computer or go to the mall or drive past billboards, etc., without myself and my family being bombarded by the message that "if it feels good, do it" ... "you are sexual being... don't deny your urges"... and that anyone who stands in the way of that is intolerant or repressed or old-fashioned or trying to shame them. If you like your world where teens having sex with whomever, whenever is perfectly acceptable, great. Have at it. My children will be raised to treat sex and sexuality the way God intended it.
  7. I think we have raised generations of people who think they can and should have whatever they want whenever they want it. Period. That is a lack of self-control. That is also behind unfettered capitalism and oppression of women and debt and a host of the world's ills.
  8. Well if that is your version of self-control then we will just have to agree to disagree. I set the bar for self-control quite a bit higher than that and we humans are still far below where we should be. People letting their urge for sex reign without being tempered by self-control... That's a big contributor to the world's problems.
  9. I do not teach my 15yo about "purity"...I teach him about SELF-CONTROL. That is what is missing from this world. People with self-control. Yes teenagers have sexual urges. But they CAN control it. We talk about them like they are no better than dogs in heat and my ds finds that insulting. The world tells me that because I think porn is dangerous and should be abolished and people should wait until marriage for sex, I am "sexually repressed." Really? Sex is great. I love sex. But I don't like hearing what "sexual" beings we are all the time. Why are we so obsessed with that one small facet of our lives? We let an urge control us when we should be controlling our urges. I love sex but I am not a sexual being. I am a human being.
  10. I loved it. All of it. And I can't wait to watch Wonderland. Love Hook. Love evil British Pan. I even love Rumple in Neverland. He seems even more ... Dark. I was getting a little bored at the end of last season so this was an awesome surprise. I am HOOKed.
  11. I don't really know. My school pays my Malaysian taxes as part of my benefits package. So I don't personally pay taxes in either country. I think if I worked in a bigger school and made more money it might be more of a hassle for me.
  12. It takes me about 30 minutes to do my taxes on turbotax. I don't have enough money in foreign bank accounts for the US to bother with me. We have only been away less than 5 years and will probably move back in a few years. So I guess this doesn't affect me as much as it does you.
  13. Well, we don't make enough money to have to pay US taxes. I use turbotax every year and our adjusted gross income ends up as zero so living and working abroad hasn't been a big deal for us so far.
  14. My 15yo does not have a cellphone and doesn't want one. But he also thinks facebook is dumb and wants nothing to do with it so he is probably not your typical teen.
  15. I will be 62 by the time all my kids have graduated college. After that I would like to go into full time mission work. I would go nutty if I didn't have something to keep me busy. I will work in some capacity until the end.
  16. 15yo- 3 meals and usually 1 snack before bed 9yo- he's my strange one. Eats very little breakfast and a very small lunch but from 3pm onwards doesn't STOP eating! 3yo- 3 meals and 3 snacks
  17. Slurpees from 7-11 !!! When my ds had his out, the outpatient clinic had its own slurpee machine in the recovery area. They were about the only thing my ds could keep down for a week.
  18. I am so happy for your son. When my dh was a teen, accurate changed his life as well.
  19. Another vote for the brown gravy and the noodles. Save the hot dogs for lunch tomorrow.
  20. It's hard to say. Choosing an "amount" you are willing to spend makes you feel like a terrible person. Choosing an age or a disease feels bad, too. I think it is a case by case situation. We spent a few hundred dollars have our new kitty spayed and vaccinated. I was willing to spend that as preventative care. But if the vet told me she had a disease that would include a lot of ongoing expense, I don't think I would do it. Our budget can't afford it. We love her but in the end she is a cat, not a person, and we can't jeopardize our children's welfare for a cat.
  21. It's a tough one. In my admittedly old-fashioned brain, "dating" is two people going out on dates, to the movies, to a restaurant, etc., and the guy pays. If they are too young for jobs or a driver's license then just hanging out together doesn't seem like dating. So I guess in that case, they would each pay their own way. When I was a teenager I went to homecoming dances at 15yo but the boy had a newspaper route as a job and he paid for the date. My ds is 15 and cannot work or get a license in this country so dating is out for him until he graduates. I am trying to imagine how we would handle it if we changed our minds on this policy and allowed him to "date". I suppose we would give him money to pay for the date because we are old school like that and feel he should always pay. Maybe he would have to do extra chores to earn the money? Sorry I'm not much help.
  22. Just wanted to mention that I suffered from horrible PF for several years. I tried everything... the stretches, icing it, cortisone shots, different shoes and inserts...you name it. Finally I went to a new doctor who recommended a newer treatment called "platelet-rich plasma therapy" for me. It literally cured me. I have been pain-free for 3 years since I had the procedure done. If you have PF and have not considered it or heard of it, you should check it out!
  23. Wait... Why would that make you uncomfortable? If you really are seeking to understand the other side of the argument then you are going to have to READ from the other side. If you only want to read opinions on ID from an evolutionist's perspective the you will not do the topic justice.
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