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Everything posted by Carrie12345

  1. Slow and steady. I’d start with bins and a garbage bag in communal areas. Tossing trash is always a good first step. Then tossing things in bins to be rehomed rather than multiple trips. Give each person their own bin to put away if possible.
  2. I’m sorry that happened, but glad you were prepared! We’ve found it difficult to give away narcan to citizens. I have 4 kits and 9 boxes of more doses from the piles dd had leftover from community outreach, and that was just a fraction.
  3. I have found it to be an INCREDIBLY difficult line to walk. I’m terrified for my music major, and especially because of his ASD (when it comes to networking and collaborating.) Rather than discouraging, dh networked to find him an internship opportunity *before* (or instead of) student loans, but my rule follower insisted on a degree being necessary for success. I’m proud of my kid for SO many reasons, including his passion and talent for music, and I tell him often. But I am afraid for him in that competitive world.
  4. 5 minutes ago, I used oxy laundry stain spray on my cream colored rug, where the dog vomited neon yellow and my Crosswave made zero difference. Stain gone in SECONDS. Now to figure out how to hide the extra clean spot on the rug…
  5. Congrats! This has me thinking about asking our firefighters and EMTs to promote private visits. They already do that if someone asks, and they do all the community events, but maybe putting it out there on FB or what not could reach people who don’t know.
  6. Mini wallet with ID, 1 credit card, and light cash for running into a store. Big wallet with other credit cards, store cards, business cards, etc. Pens and small paper. Masks. Hand sanitizer. Chapsticks. Multisection container for OTC and script meds. Tissues. Hand cream. Tampons and pads. Hand warmers. Narcan kit. Sour candies and electrolyte packets for presyncope. Hair ties. Tick remover. Prescription glasses. Sunglasses. Dental floss. Mints None of these are things I’d want to find myself without in a time of need, some are for (or extras for) others in a pinch. I used to keep a small knife, but I’ve forgotten about it too many times when I shouldn’t have had it. I’ve actually accidentally gone into court with it, as it wasn’t picked up by the X-ray! So it lives in the car.
  7. My frames STILL aren’t filled yet, but I have shallow “shelf” strips on the wall to rest frames on. I prefer that for fewer holes, less needed precision, and ability to rearrange on a whim.
  8. My “join date” was August 2008. I’m sure I lurked for at least a year before that while dd#1 (kid#2) was cyber schooling kindergarten, because TWTM is what gave me the confidence to make the switch that fall.
  9. I’m so sorry that happened! One of my sons and one of my daughters have to avoid stevia, which is in the one brand I’m thinking of. Well, ds hasn’t tried stevia afaik, but he reacts to monk fruit and, since dd reacts to both, I just keep him away from it, too. Hope you’re recovering well!
  10. My ancestors (and maybe Farrar’s) were the people who “bought” northern NJ. It’s super weird.
  11. Could it be Harlem? ‘Cuz we could be related. If not by old blood, by history.
  12. Starting early is key. The first example that came to my mind was spelling/reading. My kids were always asking me to spell words for them from the time they began to write letters and grasp phonics. “How do you spell bug?” “How do you THINK you spell bug?” “I don’t know.” “Well, what sound does it start with?” “Buh. Buh. B!” (Added the ‘uh’ for clarity, not for phonetic teaching, lol.). “Right! You knew it! What sound comes next?” Etc. Did the same basic steps to walk my 20yo through a professional issue the other day. She automatically knew where I was headed in the conversation and was annoyed by it, but she made her own plan with my annoying prompts to use her own brain and then successfully took care of it the next day. It was the first time she needed direct nudging in a long while, but it was like “recharging” her brain out of its funk. I didn’t solve her problem for her, but reminded her of her ability to solve it for herself. And yes, this has had to be adjusted for each of my 5 kids’ different circumstances over the years, but always the same principle from the get go. Even as crying infants, “Uh oh! What do we need? A toy? A diaper? A walk? Let’s see… That did it!” Maybe as someone who has always talked to herself it just came naturally to me, lol.
  13. Awesome, thanks! Our lowest forecast is for 26*, but daytime will be 40+.
  14. My lilac (planted last year) has buds, but we’re gearing up for below freezing temps at night for a full week. What’s your favorite protection in this situation? I’m a perennial newbie, so I haven’t faced this issue before.
  15. Things already listed plus, CPR/AED/basic first aid. Pet care (for responsibility more than the actual tasks. Basic money management What to do in a basic emergency, like power outage. We don’t focus a lot on car care because I always just pay people to do what needs to be done. My daughter decided doing it herself was a priority, so she learned. Her $1,500 car bought in 2020 is still going strong!
  16. I am a “figured it out” person, even though I HATED it as a kid. As a parent, I’m a “What do you think you should/need to do?” person. I want them building their figure it out skills. I’m here if they flounder. Lockers always came with instructions on the slip of paper with the combo when I was in school. And they’re on the packaging for separate padlocks.
  17. But, when it comes to adults at least, surely they’ve seen news stories about people who have done all of these things, no? Obviously that isn’t enough. I mean, people still drink and drive and I can’t imagine anyone of driving age, at least in the US, who hasn’t heard about deaths and license revoking. “It won’t happen to me.”
  18. Another kayaker today! Didn’t know how to swim and no life jacket. And it snowed Sunday, just to give an idea of how cold the water still is here.
  19. Totally my fault, but my greenhouse is now IN my garden and plastic panels everywhere. It’s currently still too windy to try to secure it better than what it’s already caught up on. 😞
  20. Underdeveloped frontal lobes get some leeway, imo. And I’m not opposed to some degree of risk taking, just to be clear. Skydivers, skiers, ATV riders (where they are supposed to be) etc. make some degree of adventurous sense. Accidents are bound to happen, and everyone knows it. I don’t like it when people recklessly put others in harm’s way to save their butts (or, sometimes, to retrieve their remains.)
  21. I just don’t get it. A group of low-experience vacationers goes out into the marshy woods on a forecasted cold, rainy day. This results in many people conducting a search in the dark, cold, rainy, marshy woods with a feels-like temperature in the 20s. For hours. Like, why?!? Where are the brains? In the same vein, don’t go out on a kayak during a PA winter without a life jacket and swimming skills. Or even with. And definitely don’t complain about response time in the middle of nowhere with volunteers only and on a holiday. Also, don’t get drunk and argue with bears. Or store flammable items near baseboard heaters. I needed a good vent this morning.
  22. In many places, you’re required to show income of 3x rent, so they (general) may not even be able to get into a small 2br apartment.
  23. Okay, that was my question. I’m not personally familiar with such areas. I guess I’m aware of places like, say, Detroit, but I don’t know much. From what I can see, it seems there needs to be a big public/private joint mission to make a few square miles both affordable and accessible. You can’t attract low-to-moderate (or higher) income earners without infrastructure in place, but the infrastructure isn’t economically sustainable until you attract people to the area. Entities need to be willing to take the risk.
  24. Which areas of the US have 5 mile long tracts of land that are ecologically buildable and not currently in use? In my own immediate area, the largest unused but buildable lot is just shy of 40 acres. FWIW, if my EMTs can work on people inside of crushed cars and inside of animal hordes trailers, I think they could handle a tiny house just fine.
  25. I’m not inside that club, so I can only extrapolate from limited observation. The remaining adult sibling, who had always been in a codependent relationship with the NP, ended up in a very tumultuous (and still codependent) dynamic with them, much like we see in an emotionally abusive romantic relationship that seems impossible to exit. I don’t know what that looks like today, but it was bad a few years back. Like, court orders issued due to grandchildren involved. But that’s just 1 anecdote in the world of NP stories, and involves a whole slew of mental health issues all the way around.
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