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Everything posted by TeacherZee

  1. Well being a complete idiot I hadn't realized that /sarcasm. Where there more that 4 deadly shootings in New York last year? 2 since 2000. Gun crime is WAY up in some parts of the country. Yet we don't have more cop deaths. The deadliest decade was the 60s with 5 deaths.
  2. We have had 31 deaths of police officers since 1900 http://sv.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svenska_polisen
  3. Did you read the comments that I was responding to? They unequivocally stated that the ONLY option when a gun was involved was to shoot to kill. My point was that this simply wasn't true. In other places the police can be trained to shoot to injure so why are people stating that this isn't true. And for the record Sweden is also incredibly diverse.
  4. We had Thanksgiving this past weekend. I'm at work, right now procrastinating on my marking since I sent my resource hour students packing on account of us all hating margins and price (90 minute class followed by 60 minute resource hour on the same topic that is HARD makes for cranky teacher and cranky students).
  5. I know I am pages and days late but I have to address this. I don't live in the US. I looked up the instructions for police officers regarding fire arms in Sweden. Our police officers are instructed to first shoot a warning shot, and then aim for the legs to disable. We had 4 deaths from police shootings in 2013 from a population of about 9 million. I wonder why US police officers have to be told to shoot to kill when other police officers in the world can be traind to shoot to injur. Shame that the US officers aren't as good of a shot as ours are.
  6. Jean ((hugs)) and my mom, who has a masters in dementia care, would tell you that you did absolutely the right thing ((hugs))
  7. The Bates story line is just yawn worthy now! I did love Lord Grantham in this episode. For so very many reasons.
  8. Having reminded my seniors every class for the last 6 weeks that they needed to have read two short stories for today, having talked about it in class...repeatedly. I STILL had one boy today, on the day of the test, look at me like I had three heads and all of them had snakes for hair, and ask, wait, were we supposed to have READ them for today. :cursing: :banghead: :cursing: :banghead: :cursing: :banghead: :cursing: :banghead: Yes, 17-18 year olds can drive you absolutely up the ever loving friggin wall
  9. Why? I am still working my way through the Fitness Blender Workouts you tipped us to :tongue_smilie:
  10. Just got a £50 Amazon Gift Certificate. What do I want?!?!?!?!
  11. I read that, and it is why I want proof...I don't believe it is happening but far to many in the US believe it is happening.
  12. Could I please see some proof of this. In addition saying that this is happening in Europe is like saying that all states in the US do something. I've worked in elder care in Europe and we certainly did not do anything of the sort. They might stop treatment for cancer if it was terminal and we certainly gave them painkillers but nothing active.
  13. Add me to the series loving crew. Like Robin I love losing myself in a world and getting to know the characters. I was off Wednesday-Sunday and the weather has been pretty misserable so I've gotten loads of reading done. Mostly cotton candy Susan Mallery Fool's Gold Romance. The newest book came out on Tuesday and after having read it I had to go back and read some of my favourites. I've also read some from my non-fiction book (Henrietta Lacks), I can't remember when I finished HP Chamber of Secrets but I have started The Prisoner of Azkaban. I'm also reading an absolutely aweful book for my work book club. I am trying to get to page 50 because that is my "rule" for giving up on books, but MAN is it not my type of book. Our librarian who is also in the book club described it as Stockholmspretto which is a phrase that means that it is pretentious and well far to full of navelgazing that big city intelligencia sometimes do. Yucky. (This might be another reason for reading all that cotton candy :lol: )
  14. For me home made food gifts are difficult because of allergies. I don't expect gifts but it is very nice when I get them. My favourite would be gift cards to Starbucks/a bookstore or tea (but only if you know the person drinks tea) :)
  15. I tok my niece to a children's play for her 4th Birthday. She loved it.
  16. The best gift I got my nieces last year when they were 3 and almost 1? A big moving box. The adored it. This is me saying that it won't matter. At. All :D
  17. Another vote for eucalyptus and peppermint. I also add a few drops of lavender. I've been recommended this by a doctor to help alleviate the symptoms of sinusitis.
  18. In Sweden, traditionally no, but any more yes :laugh: From your list #1 and #2 are common. #3 is growing. The rest, not so much. Although my seniors are reading The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and The Fall of the House of Usher for English because then I can tick off national curriculum requirements (cultural aspects of English speaking world and l can add another time period and genre to the ones we have already read or will read).
  19. ((Hugs)) I too have some positive CF stories if you want to hear. Feel free to PM me.
  20. Yeah. A friends son is going there as a UN peace keeper in January. It is very very worrying. Nigeria has a stable government and a GOOD health system (even if it isn't accessible to all) that is very much NOT the case in Mali. Although I agree it is encouraging that they seem to have caught the case early.
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