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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Don't worry so much about which specific martial art, but consider the teacher. Things to look for: Teacher works well with the kids; kids should be on-task for the majority of the class, but not intimidated and/or belittled. Testing is done when the child is ready; no 'pay $$$ for faster/guaranteed promotion.' If you ask about belts, the answer SHOULD be 'it depends on the aptitude and work ethic', not a flat time. Contracts without a "back-out" are in general a bad idea, especially if for a period longer than a year. Most schools should offer observation and a trial class. At one of my aikido groups, students aren't permitted to sign up until they watch one class and attend one. Instructor should be open about his training and lineage. Claiming 10th dan in a self-constructed martial art is generally a sign of a fraud. LOOK UP the school online and look for reviews before signing anything. Teaching too many martial arts is generally not a good sign, unless possibly there's a karate teacher, a judo teacher, an aikido teacher, etc., all housed under the same roof. If the same guy is teaching more than 2 or MAYBE 3 arts, he's either fantastically talented or a charlatan. Go with your gut. If you get a bad vibe, trust it. HTH.
  2. If she's worried about cooking, it'd be a nice gesture to make and freeze some home-cooked meals. Then she'd only have to take a container out of the freezer and nuke it.
  3. Yah, I seriously wonder if the '13 and doesn't get a lot of attention' was for real. It would fit. She wants attention, and badly wants to be competent and the envy of mothers for her effortless management of an enormous household. The children in your head are always more advanced and better-behaved than any you really have. :P And I don't know why this is dwelling on my brain so heavily today.
  4. I also have to say that having looked at some of the threads on homeschoolreviews, she's rather scarily obsessed with unusual dates (pregnant daughter's wedding on 11/11/11 etc.) I wonder if the "21 weeks pregnant" here was setting herself up for a premature (lots of sympathy) baby on 11/11/11 and they could joyously celebrate his eventual emergence from the hospital and name him Soldier or something.
  5. When someone has distinctive spelling or grammatical errors, or a distinctive way of speaking, it makes (or make's?) you start thinking about other people you've seen recently. Elsewhere, I've caught the same guy four times simply due to his misuse of 'shall/will' -- he overuses shall, and the error is rare enough that it instantaneously triggers me to watch him. I haven't told him this though :D
  6. I agree with you. I was kidding about the Nevaeh :P But she sounds very teenager, from the way she's obsessing over things about which kid should go where in her imaginary house. Also sounds like she badly wants to date and have a room of her own.
  7. You mean ... you're not supposed to spank every 2 hours just in case they need it? Aww, man, I was just about to post about that! More seriously, Quill's written a good brief summary, but check here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(Internet) for more information and the history of the term.
  8. I hope this isn't dreadfully inappropriate. My pet cow finally had a baby girl after 10 years of boys, and I chose this name for her baby because I loved the name. I hope your dd doesn't mind sharing :D
  9. Ruth Marie Ruby Catherine (family) Emily Anne Elizabeth Laura Chloe David Morgan (family) John Wayne (Jack)(family) Frederick Arthur (family) Michael Gordon Edward Nicholas Mark Peter Andrew Robert
  10. You know, there are married couples who post here with separate usernames. I can't imagine your daughter/you are any different when you have separate accounts and clearly identify as such.
  11. If you don't show up on time, nobody will buy your denim jumpers. :( (kidding)
  12. That's what I'm thinking. Especially the fantasy part. When I was 13 I had all kinds of fantasies about future children, names picked out, etc. If we'd had internet I might possibly have been posting in places like this. I didn't have a limited future btw, it was just the only thing I wanted at that age. I was unschooled, and I really wanted structure, so all of my fantasies had a lot more structure than I did.
  13. You know, I didn't figure out it was a troll. I have to admit I was wondering how in the hell you could homeschool that many kids and USE a fairly decent language arts curriculum (I thought she said CLE) and still think that were (as in, we were shopping) had an apostrophe in it.
  14. If I we're your nephew, I'd want to know. (But you could let him know privately) :)
  15. The CC may require the AP score in order to place into post-calculus courses. Check with the intended CC before you make your decision.
  16. It is not necessary to take the AB if you take the BC. When you said 'continue on with higher level math', did you mean at university, at home, or what? If at university, they may require AP calc, or they may have their own placement test. Check with the university you're attending. If at home, some independent verification may be a good thing to have. It doesn't necessarily have to be AP calc -- if they have taken calc at home and also scored very well on SAT 2, that'd be good as well -- but they still might need the AP course for placement and credit at university.
  17. And really, it's somewhere in the middle. There are good cops/bad cops. I've never personally had a really negative encounter (I did have one curse at me, but he then gave me a warning when I really deserved a ticket, so I still don't count that as negative), and had a lot of positive and helpful encounters. And yet I have a friend where the police came to the wrong address on a drug raid, executed a no-knock warrant, dragged him out of bed and beat the living crap out of him, because apparently he swung at someone in his sleep. The real issue is when the good ones are part of the 'close ranks to protect brothers' crew imo.
  18. I found the table of contents on the pearson website here: http://www.pearsonhighered.com/educator/product/Precalculus/9780321528841.page Is this correct for your edition? What are your seniors doing for math after this? Is there a reason that they can't just finish this book (by May) for senior year math, and receive credit for 11th grade algebra 3/college algebra and 12th grade precalculus? If you do need to cut it down, here's what I'd consider as the minimum, going off the TOC I posted above. 8: Law of sines, cosines, vectors, applications of vectors. The complex numbers/polar graphs tend to be taught from scratch in calculus courses, but the law of sines and cosines are expected knowledge. 9: I'd definitely do systems of linear equations and matrix solutions of linear equations. Solving a system of two equations in two unknowns is something the students in our (university) gen ed math course struggle with. Determinants and partial fractions will probably be taught from scratch if they take a course which needs them. 10: At least do parabolas, although it pains me to say it ellipses and hyperbolas are probably less necessary. 11: It's much harder to say here. Since I'm not as familiar with this textbook I'm not sure how the dependencies correlation. Our precalc class (at the university) skips the 'further topics' chapter. If it's possible, though, I'd try to get in the sections on counting/probability, especially if the students will go on to take a statistics class. (Please note that this is strictly my opinion.) If the student might possibly major in business, they may need a course called "Finite Math" (some business-ish majors at some universities require this) -- if this is in their future I'd do the rest of the matrix chapter for sure.
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