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Everything posted by kiana

  1. My college course used Myers and I found it enjoyable to read. It's also a recommended AP textbook if that was on your radar. Has a fair amount of free/open resources here as well: http://bcs.worthpublishers.com/myersAP1e/#t_612492____
  2. I think the homework doing that is brilliant. Until now this hasn't been something that you could DO in large classes, simply because the professor isn't able to keep up with the grading. But it is much better for learning than 'You got a 79%, let's move on!'
  3. I will add to others (too many to quote): CC's vary widely. For the college that my brother took classes at, the non-majors courses were weak but the majors courses prepared him well to transfer to an Ivy League school, where he did well in his upper-division coursework. This college sends several transfer students every year to very good schools. However, I have also had transfer students come in from CC's where they had taken intermediate/college algebra courses, and found that their skills were substantially below even the algebra 1 level. In one case, the student explained that the course was marked 50% on homework and she had gotten a C overall.
  4. I would see which one he's more interested in. Both are good. Chinese will probably be more difficult to pick up later though.
  5. Honestly I would put getting him to a good level with a correct accent in a modern language higher on the list for his age.
  6. Another geometry that doesn't require algebra is put out by the critical thinking press. I would still plan to do a more rigorous geometry later but I really liked what I saw of the samples.
  7. Verbal math lesson at mathlesson.com?
  8. Did she place into that on their placement test? If so, she could take intermediate algebra in the fall and college algebra in the spring. College algebra would be a reasonable math credit. Intermediate algebra will be repeating what she has already had at home. If she placed into there, though, it is likely that she has some knowledge gaps or perhaps just doesn't test well. Another option could be studying/reviewing algebra 2 over summer, retaking the placement test in the late summer and taking college algebra directly.
  9. I don't think the double major would be worth much unless both are relevant (e.g. one of my friends double majored in chemistry and geology, another one in chemistry and environmental science). What are the majors she's looking at?
  10. Would he be at all interested in studying for AP exams in any subject so that he could take fewer general education requirements?
  11. That's pretty juvenile for high school, unless you have a struggling learner. I would count it as a good middle school course instead.
  12. I would also say that there's no reason you can't include a heavy focus on military history within/alongside the other history classes you have scheduled. Both modern and world history are very conducive to throwing on military books as well.
  13. Quite honestly I think this is a great idea when the child CAN do better and just isn't because of rushing or carelessness.
  14. English, Math, and the third one might vary depending on the age and goals of the child.
  15. Hmm, that is 6-8 years away. A lot of things could change in that time!
  16. Some colleges list these as separate courses. I'm aware of Florida CC's for sure and there may be others.
  17. Yes, I think that if he's just barely tested into trig it's wiser to be safe with college algebra, ESPECIALLY in summer session. He will probably find the material to be review and the pace to be challenging anyway. At the CC he is very unlikely to be able to take Spanish I in the spring unless it's a very large CC, so if you're not planning on having him place out (and I would talk to the school about this possibility) I would also let this inform your decisions. I do think limiting to 2 classes is wise.
  18. Are you in a state that does college algebra, then trig, then precalc?
  19. I used to do this all the time. Got to the point where I'd hear my mother's footsteps coming and quickly sit on the book or toss it further under the table.
  20. I think working on life of fred for fun/extra sounds great and you might also consider Beast Academy. You can see some samples on their website -- see if your ds thinks it looks like more fun than Math Mammoth.
  21. It says the group has priorities other than yours. What a shame.
  22. Not having to take the placement test is a huge issue. If they couldn't pass the placement test for college algebra, I honestly don't think they should have been in a precalc course at the high school either, but rather a transition course.
  23. But why are you so meaaaaan?! I studied for a whole three hours and you give me a 40?!
  24. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: I remember someone telling my mother "Why do you make the kids read all those books? Why don't you let them run around and have fun?" Meanwhile, I was smuggling books out of the house to read after she kicked me outside to go do something.
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