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Everything posted by emzhengjiu

  1. Praying you and all your pets will be completely safe. Judy
  2. How do you decide if a child would do better with a mastery vs. a spiral approach? With my older daughter it was easy; mastery with some added review works well. But frankly I think she would do well with most programs as long as they were too repetitive. When I try to teach my younger daughter anything related to numbers I most often get a blank look. She's seems bright at least her verbal skills are excellent. So how do I know which approach would be better. Judy
  3. for my younger daughter, 7.5 who struggles with math. Singapore has worked very well for my older daughter but my younger daughter just isn't getting it. She is slowly learning basic math facts but she doesn't understand number bonds at all. She doesn't see the connection between 10 - 5 = 5 & 5 + 5 = 10. She needs review and practice but not so much that it is mind numbing. For my older daughter selecting Singapore was easy because I intuitively teach math that way. I'm familiar with Saxon but not much else. I would very much appreciate suggestions. My budget is very tight so I don't want to make an expensive mistake. Thanks so much. Judy
  4. Great news! We'll continue praying for you. Judy
  5. We use the text and workbooks for the current year and then I usually add the CWP for the previous level. If my DD is having problems retaining the previous year's work, I add the IP books for the last level. My 11 year old does very well with Singapore but my younger daughter struggles. I'm probably going to have to find another program for her. Judy
  6. In the coupon section of today's paper, if you buy 6 doses of Frontline from a vet you get one dose free. I don't know if the coupon would apply if you order online but it my be worthwhile checking. Judy
  7. Check the warranty first. I had to replace a seat belt in my Camry. Several places told me that some seat belts come with a life time warranty. Toyota's of course did not! Blessings, Judy
  8. Thanks so much for all the ideas! Just what I needed. Judy
  9. The temperature usually has to be well into the 90s before I turn on the A/C during the day but that's more for budgeting reasons than comfort. That said even when it's very, very hot during the day, I try to use fans rather than A/C. I've been known to take my girls to the library to study when it gets too unpleasant. But at night I just can't sleep when it's hot & too scared to sleep with the windows open so it's A/C to the rescue. In the Dallas / Ft. Worth area, the temperature doesn't drop by very much at night. One of the best purchases I've made was a programmable thermostat! Judy
  10. My 11 yo DD is "graduating" from a two intensive program that has taken a lot of effort and time from all of us. I know what I want to get her as a graduation gift to acknowledge her effort but I would also like to buy my 7.5 yo DD something as well. She has had to spend countless hours either in the car or waiting with me patiently. I don't want to get a toy or game especially since her birthday is coming up soon but I can't think of anything appropriate (and not too expensive.) I would really appreciate some ideas. Thanks. Judy
  11. I homeschool from a strong conviction for my daughters and me to live a Christ centered life in every area including academics. My second choice would be a good Christian school but frankly the tuition is out of my budget. Judy
  12. My heart is breaking for you. Praying for comfort for you and your family. Judy
  13. Wow, I had no idea so many others are in a similar situation. My daughters and I have been staying home more and more often. Actually we're home this morning but this time I have a valid reason, my 7 yo is sick. We're Anglican now after most of members of our local church split from the Episcopal Church. I agree with the reason we split and still agree with the leadership of this church in doctrinal matters but just don't want to go. This is a bit embarrassing but I feel that I'm one of two "poor" families there, one of two single moms of younger children. Almost all of the other families are truly affluent. Our priest during a stewardship sermon mentioned that the average income in our area was $50,000 but among Episcopalians / Anglicans in this area the average income is closer to $100,000. We don't fall in either category, not even close. The Lord is meeting all our needs; we have enough but I have to be careful and frugal. When I'm around many church members, I am so aware of how tight my budget is. I work from a home office and homeschool as a single mom. When Sunday rolls around, I'm truly tired. Also many of the activities such as mom's night out don't have child care. I can't afford a babysitter and don't always have friends who can watch my girls at the time the activity is scheduled. Everybody (including me) stays too busy these days. Anyway, I guess this is more of a vent but much thanks to the OP. I suppose it shouldn't be but it is reassuring that there are others who for one reason or another are trying to find another church home. I laughingly told a friend we're going to start visiting poor churches so we would fit in better but the routine of finding a new church home is hard.
  14. I'm hoping to buy a lower end new computer since my is really old. Thankfully, my monitor is fine so I don't need to spend money for it. The rest will go into my savings account for emergency spending. Judy
  15. Our family doctor recommended the Neutrogena brand because it has 2.5% benzoyl peroxide rather than 10%. According to her, it's much gentler and yet still effective. I order an equivalent product for my 11 yo dd from acne.org for a lot less money. We've been pleased with it. I would like to look at some natural remedies as well. Judy
  16. I've been lurking on homesteadingtoday.com forums for just this reason. I've only just started stockpiling food but have always kept a good pantry and extra water. But where would I put a year's worth of supplies in our apartment?? We're cluttered as it is but I'm trying to de-clutter to make room for more important items. Judy
  17. Fortunately most of the work I do is through email and fax not phone calls but I still have to be reasonably available so I screen calls. Judy
  18. Would you mind telling me what Oregon Chai is? I've never heard of it. Judy
  19. Well, if I had one (a man that is) I would send him over but it's just my girls and me. But now that I think about it my next door neighbor is on great terms with her ex. He's helped me out a couple of times as well with simple car repairs. He's also "old fashioned" about men protecting women and would likely be willing to talk to the boy's dad. Thanks for a great idea!!
  20. Actually my daughters play next to my apartment, literally. The group of children all tend to play together in the same general area. No other child including those who are older than she have had problems with her. And no other child has hit her. Also as I think I mentioned he's hit another girl as well. It's difficult to segregate the kids under these circumstances unless they invite their friends inside. My 7 yo doesn't deliberately play with the older boys.
  21. I agree that hitting is wrong regardless but I don't believe boys should learn to hit girls because in general they grow up to be stronger and can do a lot of damage. In my case, I don't think I'm being sexist but am recognizing a legitimate difference between boys and girls - men and women. According to some of the other children who were playing at the same time, my dd didn't hit him but was acting silly. But even if she hit him, I would expect an older child to be developing some self-control and not hit a younger child back. To answer your question, I would not want an older girl hitting a younger child either, boy or girl. Great idea to have my children leave immediately if hitting starts. Judy
  22. We don't have a specific schedule for chores either but I probably should make one. My daughters are 11 and 7. Both: make the beds, pick up and vaccuum sweep and mop wash, dry and put up the dishes take out the trash clean the bathrooms except for the toilet bowl feed the fish and cats sort the laundry fold and put up the laundry walked and picked up after our dog before she died this past year help in the kitchen 11 yo takes care of the cat liter washes clothes helps more in the kitchen Judy
  23. My daughters play with a group neighborhood children ranging in age from 5 to 12. Most of the kids play appropriately. But two brothers, 10 and 5, are rough. The 10 yo boy has hit my 7 yo daughter several times over the past few months when he gets annoyed with her. I've talked directly with him and twice now with his parents. This last time, his mother lost control. Her view is "children will be children" and her sons should be able to defend themselves. My view is a 10 yo should not hit a 7 yo and I'll go farther and say a older boy shouldn't be hitting a girl. This same boy has hit a 6 yo girl as well. Her mom spoke with the parents but had a similar response. I actually like the parents and even the boys when they act properly. On another note, I don't won't my girls to learn it's acceptable for a boy (man) to hit a girl (woman). When I was growing up in ancient times boys were taught not to hit girls! Am I overreacting or am I way too Old Fashioned? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much.
  24. I got a 0% the first time!!!!! But I did better the second time with 75%. My daughter went from 0% the first time to 100% the second. The first time she didn't read the directions but I've not got an excuse for my failure! Judy
  25. Try this site. You have to register but the basic limited version is free. There's a database of books with their reading levels. Check out the FAQ section first for an interpretation of the measeaurements and corresponding grade level. http://educators.lexile.com/tools/lexileanalyzer.aspx
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