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Everything posted by emzhengjiu

  1. I keep a basket on our table to be filled with non-perishable food. When its full, we take it to local food banks or pantries. It's kept on our table as a visible reminder to be grateful to God for his blessings to us and our responsibility before God to share with others.
  2. I am likely to replace my aging Dell soon. It's as old as my 7.5 yo dd. My children will get it but then I'm going to need something for me. There are too many different models, processors - too many choices for my tired brain. I would be looking for a lower end model - as inexpensive as possible. I'm especially confused about the processors, Intel or AMD and multiple variations. I would really appreciate some help. I think I want to stay with XP since my printer and multiple educational software may not run with Vista. I also think I would like to have both a CD and DVD burner. What features could you not live without? I'm afraid my desired features may outrun my budget. Thanks so much. Judy
  3. I have a dial-up connection ($10.95/month) mostly to save money but it is getting more and more frustrating to deal with the slowness. Does anyone have experience with Verizon's lower speed broadband connection for about $20.00/ month? Our home phone is with Verizon so I wouldn't have change phone companies. I was also thinking about AT&T but I would have to have phone service with them to get the lower speed broadband connection. I don't want to add very much to my monthly budget. Thanks so much for any advice or suggestions. Blessings, Judy
  4. WOW! Thank you all so very much. This is exactly the kind of information I needed. I'm going to print all the posts to reread as I begin actively looking for a flute! Judy
  5. In reading the replies, I forgot the context of the question when I posted. I strongly disagree with the "prosperity" gospel. God meets our needs and because of our gratitude to Him, we act in a similar way toward others by meeting their needs through generous giving as well as meeting the needs of our local church. As His children, if we are blessed here with wealth on this earth it is to help even more not to spend on our own pleasures. Our primary rewards will come when we are with Christ and will be eternal. The greatest of which I believe is the priceless gift of being in the presence of Love itself, the triune living God.
  6. I answered no because I don't believe tithing is commanded of Christians but regular, generous, open-handed, and sacrifical giving is. If I understand correctly, there were different tithes mandated under the Law resulting in more than 10% but unfortunately I can't find the reference when I need it. Under the new covenant, everything I own is God's and I should give proportionally to my ability to give. But most of all I should give cheerfully. God loves a cheerful giver. We give abundantly because God has first given abundantly to us.
  7. My 11 yo daughter has wanted to learn to play the flute and play in a band for several years. There's a nearby home school band class that would be perfect. Even though she wouldn't start until the fall, I would like to begin looking now for an instrument. The teacher gave me a list of local stores but I thought I would check here first. Would you rent or buy? If you would buy, would it be a used instrument or a new one? What questions should I ask? Thanks so much for any suggestions. I'm not at all musical. Blessings, Judy
  8. How incredibly sad that someone could believe our loving God would cause a child to die in order to change a parent's heart. From scripture, I believe that God, the Father of our Lord Jesus, will use this deep pain to bring about good but I don't believe there's scripture to say with any confidence that God caused this to happen. I agree it's presumptuous of fallible humans to assign cause to God. Such statements without clear scriptural support add pain to those already hurting when we are commanded to comfort those that mourn. Praying for the Chapman family and all those who have lost loved ones. Blessings, Judy
  9. I was 20 and in college when a fellow student pointed out that I had some noticeably gray hair. Highlighting took care of the problem for many years but now ... I guess I'm just too gray. I use a semi-permanent color these days but will likely move to a permanent one soon. When I don't color my hair, I get asked way too many times if I'm my daughters' grandmother! Judy
  10. Thanks so much for the link. That's exactly the information I needed. Now I know to be sure I purchase the newest editions. Since I buy used when I can, it could have been a problem. I really don't want to deal with meth labs, strip poker and such while doing math. Living in an apartment complex brings me ample social issues to discuss with my daughters! I don't need more from a math book. Also thanks so much for your personal experience with the book on Fractions. When I was previewing the site last night, I wondered if the Fraction book would be a good review for my daughter. Judy
  11. I've noticed Life of Fred mentioned several times as a good geometry text. Is there anything offensive or vulgar in it or the other Life of Fred books? I'm asking because I ran across a comment when I googled the books that seemed to imply they weren't for children - the person wasn't referring to the academic level but there were no examples given. I'm not comfortable emailing someone I don't know at all to ask but I'm confident the hive will have an answer! I'm trying to line up possible texts now for my older daughter to use in a year or so. She'll be finishing Singapore level 6 this summer. Up to now, buying math texts has been so easy since I've stayed with Singapore. I haven't decided yet if we'll use NEM or move away from Singapore. The other middle school level Singapore texts don't have HIGs (at least I don't think they do.) Thanks so much. Judy
  12. I've used them beginning with 4Afor the answers and for help solving some of the problems. I don't use them for scheduling though. I've have good results finding them used to cut the cost. Judy
  13. I bought a couple at Walmart in the office supply area. They are for the 3 x 5 cards and have two rings but can't comment yet on their durabilty. Judy
  14. We live east of Dallas in the Garland area. Wonderful area to homeschool with many activities and support groups.
  15. Thank goodness your husband is ok. We live in a large metropolian area in Texas. After an accident without injuries, you are expected to move your car. It's not likely a police officier will show up. Judy
  16. I bought mine at Walmart in the fabric section by the yard. It's the heavier guage but can't remember how it was listed either. Unfortunately the cat decided he likes the feel but other than that it works great especially since our table is used for everything. I really thought it would help keep my cat off the table - should have known better. Judy
  17. Oh how I wish I had a one no matter how it's spelled! And I don't even drink alcoholic drinks very often. I guess I'll have to settle for a cup of tea (peppermint) and sleep. Judy
  18. We tried Rosetta Stone with no success. I especially found it frustrating but I'm the kind of person that likes more analysis. My daughters liked the program enough but didn't retain much of the information. The immersion technique was definitely not for us. Judy
  19. when your reading a message title on the K - 8 curriculum board "middle ages spine" as "middle-age spines" and be completely surprised when it's about history and not about spinal problems in people as old as I feel now! Well actually it would be about really old people wouldn't it! Oh my, I really need to get some rest! Do you think 8 pm is too early to go to bed? Judy
  20. I'm using Frontline for my indoor cat but it's not working. Next month I'm going to try Advantage. Biospot didn't work either. I have the feeling this is going to be a bad year for fleas and bugs. Texas has BIG bugs!! Judy
  21. I was reading the posts about homemade pizzas and getting very hungry. Where can you buy the stones used to bake the crust and are they very expensive? I'm sadly deficient in the kitchen but I'm trying to learn enough to teach my daughters. Thanks so much. Judy
  22. Silver Passports are available to purchase online. I believe the passport offers unlimited visits for 2008 season (not into 2009) & some merchandise discounts for just a little more than a single day pass. I've always gotten other coupons from the newspaper but haven't seen any yet this year. Wish we were going too. Judy
  23. I'm so very sorry. Losing our beloved pets hurts so much. I still cry over my cat that died two years ago. Praying for you and your family. Judy
  24. I didn't join this community in order to buy or sell materials but rather for the community it represents. Since I don't post very much, it will take me a long time to build up to 50 posts. Having said this, I'm surprised that some of you would think I was trying to circumvent the 50 post rule if I replied to a wanted to buy listing. Just to let you know, I haven't answered a WTB post but do occasionally look at both boards. I doubt most people who reply are trying to get away with something or circumvent anything. Judy
  25. I've not looked at houses in several years but I wouldn't mind being asked to put on shoe covers to protect the floors. But asking me to take off my shoes would be offensive to me. I would likely immediately mark the house off my list of possiblities. Judy
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