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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. Just found this site ... http://www.math-drills.com/multiop.shtml Angela
  2. have you checked the Donna Young site? Angela
  3. Well, I have to say that my dd8 is what I call a "lightbulb" learner. We stopped formal math for a couple of months to get the addition facts down. We worked and worked and worked. When she had those down cold, we moved on (we were using MUS exclusively at the time). When we finally moved on to subtraction, it was like a no brainer for her. She knew the addition so well, (and simple algebra from MUS)that she could see the relationships between the numbers and easily do the subtraction. She would look at a set of numbers and figure out which number was missing. Not sure if that helps any. Angela
  4. Thanks for all the hand holding. Unless someone has some objections (:)) I'm going to order "T" and "D". Thanks again Angela
  5. Have you looked into A Reason for Handwriting (Christian) or Draw-Write-Now (simple sentences with simple drawing lessons for lots of different subjects)? Angela
  6. Well, I'm really no help to you. We've homeschooled for 3 years, but this will be our first to do art. The stats: homeschool year round, dd8, dd5, ds3. We will be doing Atelier 1B, 2A, 2B and 2C every other week. On the off weeks we are doing a craft. We had several craft kits in the closet that we've bought through the years, but just never got around to them. So, this year I'm scheduling them in. I ended up with enough kits to make the year, but if I hadn't I was planning to go to the dollar store to look for some there. No real help, but just thought I would share with you what we are planning to do. Angela
  7. Could you please tell me how you posted the link? I would greatly appreciate it. thanks Angela
  8. Hannah Wilson has a list for grammar stage for free on Lulu. If I knew how to post links, I could link you to it. It's great. Angela
  9. I just looked at the sample pages for C,D,E and F -- I really don't see any real differences in any of these. Is it just the practicing of different strokes, or do the line sizes get smaller? Do you really miss anything if you skip C? thanks so much Angela
  10. So, how much instruction/practice does book C have for the letters? thanks Angela
  11. I'm placing my finally orders today for our upcoming school year. I have already gotten some advice on A reason for handwriting from some of you, but I have another question. I was planning on ordering both the "T" book (dd8 needs no real manuscript practice, but has no experience with cursive) and the "C" book (to begin after "T"). This is the year that I want everything ordered and in front of me before the year begins. I read on an Amazon review that if you do "T" that you don't need "C" and vice versa. I need your opinions please! thanks so much Angela
  12. Mind sharing more details..... Angela
  13. Prayers to you. We are actually doing pretty good right now, but about 9 years ago we were there. It was a big turning point for our family spiritually (one of many). My husband finally got in the car and started driving and stopping everywhere he could think of to ask about a job. He was broken. He pulled the car over to the side of the road and began to pray. Keep in mind, he was not the praying type at the time. He came home, no one had anything. We left the house to go to a photo appointment for our then baby (mind you, no actually money to pay for the photos! lol). We knew there was nothing more we could do, because my husband had finally turned it over to HIM. He received THE call while we were taking the pictures. It was from a company he had NOT applied with. It was the spring board for his career. He got his foot in with a company that ultimately paid for him to finish college, which allowed me to quit work, which allowed me to be a stay at home mom, which allowed us to be a homeschool family. All in His time, and in His plan. Keeping you in my prayers Angela
  14. This is very interesting. How long does it take you to organize this all? Angela
  15. I misread this. I thought is said "watching a poddle dry up"! I was sitting here trying to decide if that would be interesting. :lol: Angela
  16. Just remember that your "job" is to teach them to love to learn. They have their whole lifetime to learn. Even if you had them from the beginning, you couldn't possibly teach them everything. You just need to light their spark. :grouphug: Angela
  17. Does anyone have any suggestions for resources for teaching traditional hymns to kids? I'm looking at Passion Hymns for kids, but I'm not sure if it's worth the price. I would love something that comes with a book and CD. thanks Angela
  18. We switched from MUS after 3 years to Horizons. Now, my littles ASK to do their math. They love the bright pages. Angela
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