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Everything posted by EducationX2

  1. I didn't say they didn't count, I was responding directly to the passage that was quoted to me. ...if there were more Christians like you, it is possible that Christianity wouldn't be considered such a hateful thing by those on the outside. It is amazing how many will ignore their our sins while making mountains out of the sins of others. Thank you. I needed to be reminded that there are many wonderful people out there who also happen to be devout Christians. :grouphug:
  2. Have either of you read 1 Corinthians in the original Greek? Paul made up a word in that particular passage. The word is "arsenokoitai." Coincidentally, it happens to be the word that is translated as "homosexual" and about 20 other things in various versions of the Bible. It is equally likely that Paul was referring to those who were r*ping young boys. It is curious to me that a man can make up a word, and people thousands of years later can be so sure of what he meant that they are willing to condemn an entire group of society, who, again, don't even subscribe to the same beliefs.
  3. :iagree: My boycott of Chick-Fil-A is not based on the fact that they don't agree with me. I don't expect anyone person, much less a large company, to agree with me on every social issue. But it is the active support of HATE GROUPS that bothers me. And let no one misunderstand, because that is exactly what much of the donated money from Chick-Fil-A goes towards.
  4. Not to turn this into a biblical debate or anything but.... (1) the Bible doesn't clearly say that homosexuality is a sin. That is part of the reason for the split in Christianity over whether to accept/reject gay marriage. At the very basic, the are questions of translation. (2) the Bible clearly states that many things are sins, but as a modern culture we've realized that some things have become outdated. The food restrictions, for example, were a matter of health. Nearly everyone I see today is wearing mixed cloth. Most men, even very conservative Christians, shave their beards. These are people that actually subscribe to the belief system which they aren't following, while many GLBT people DON'T consider themselves Christians and are still somehow supposed to follow the rules. :confused::glare:
  5. I've been boycotting Chick-Fil-A for this very reason for awhile now. And I loved Chick-fil-a. DD and I ate there often. The thing that upset me the most was the fact that Chick-Fil-A donates money to anti-gay organizations and other organizations with a history of hate. Organizations who have a purpose of "curing" homos*xuality. Praying the gay away and therapy just flat out don't work, and in fact have been shown to increase suicide at an alarming rate. I can't, in good conscious, spend my money at a company who is going to pass it along to organizations like that. Quite wonderfully, the trickle down effect works, and I've encouraged a number of other people to boycott also. It may be small in the scheme of things, but it makes me feel better. :D
  6. :D Axis and Allies!!! I have the same version. My dad and I used to play it together. :001_wub: I'd play with your DS, ship him to MD. :D
  7. :bigear: Math is one of the subjects I have a hard time scheduling. I've never been able to look at our books and say Ok, we will spend 1 week on chapter 3. How do I know that DD will have gotten that concept down by the end of the week? And if she hasn't gotten the concept, then obviously I'm going to spend more time on it, and my scheduling for the rest of the year has gone out of the window. In the same vein, if I open up the books and DD flies through a topic and doesn't need extra work, I don't want to do too much on it. Sorry, I'm no help am I? :lol: We are using Singapore supplemented with Miquon. For us, some chapters of Singapore could have almost been completed in one day, others we have spent a couple weeks on (with a lot of outside sources and games added in for extra practice when she isn't getting a concept really solidly).
  8. :party:So glad you found it!! DD had a lamb and a monkey that she slept with. Which would have been sweet if we weren't so mobile. The monkey was a build a bear animal and got played with all day long, so she was never left behind. But the lamb was a special bedtime toy. Well. When we were visiting my parents, DD would sleep in their bed with them. And almost every time, the lamb was left behind in their bed, and it was a travesty. They would have to mail him overnight to us. My dad used to joke that he was changing the lambs name from "lamby" to "maily." :lol:
  9. :iagree::iagree:I couldn't agree more!!! Everyday someone new pops up to lament the state of the American family, *especially* single parent families. Yes, my daughter has a nontraditional schedule. But- I'll tell you this. As a result of her nontraditional schedule- she spends more time with me than many children I know do with both of their parents combined. (Of course... I get very little sleep! :lol:) If she were to be on a typical schedule, we'd get very little time together, and isn't it more important that she's getting ENOUGH sleep, not necessarily when she's getting that sleep??
  10. Horne's!!! :lol::lol::lol: Oh the memories. :D (Just imagine how kids pronounce that- even if they can read and know it should be said. It was always a source of great amusement on trips.) We never stopped to eat in Port Royal though, too close to home. The only thing I ever did there was get run into and have my car totalled. :glare:
  11. I would take DD to a midnight showing of a special movie, no question. But, honestly... she's usually still awake at midnight... :tongue_smilie:We're night owls, and really flexible about bedtime. For most of the year, she typically sleeps from about 1am-11am. In the summer when I'm out of school it's usually later by an hour or two. But I have no problem adjusting our sleep schedule even more for special things. She still talks about the time we went out in the backyard at 3 am to make snow angels and have a snowball fight. But hey, it was the first snow of the season, and the snow was PERFECT for snowballs!! :lol: And she was absolutely *thrilled* last week when she and I sat out on the porch and watched the sun come up because we had stayed up all night long. She just thought it was the coolest thing she had ever done. She gets plenty of sleep. It just isn't at the "normal" hours.
  12. I don't have any direct experience with their products for children, but I know that Larousse has dictionaries for children. I've seen both visual dictionaries for elementary age and text based dictionaries aimed at middle schoolers. I use Larousse dictionaries in my language studies. I have 5 different versions. (A HUGE French-English/English-French which is quite possibly my favorite book ever :001_wub:, a pocket French-French, a college Spanish-English/English-Spanish, a concise Spanish-English/English-Spanish, and my most recent acquisition, a pocket Portuguese-English/English-Portuguese.) As you can see, I love the Larousse products. I think they are the best dual-language dictionaries out there.
  13. :iagree:The homemade things I am doing are of the sort that I'm sure DD will still enjoy in 6 months. Some knitted things, jewelry, some keepsake type things. But as far as store-bought gifts, DD will definitely want something different in 6 months!!
  14. I'm not Muslim, but Happy Ramadan!! (Is it appropriate to say that?) and the people of Syria have definitely been in my thoughts lately. :grouphug: (And because I'm nosy... Do you mind if I ask what Eman, Ibadah, and duas are?)
  15. I haven't started shopping, but I have started making my homemade list. I'm hoping to do some more homemade gifts this year. Last year I had a couple good ideas but... I *may* have waited too long to start and ran out of time. :lol:
  16. :iagree:We can have out 50 items at a time on each of our two cards, and we are consistently at our limit. We probably check out.... 30-40 new things a week. That's nearly 2000 books, (not counting the books I get from my school library).
  17. Fun!! :D I dyed the underneath portion of DD's hair pink, but her hair is light brown, and since I was reluctant to bleach my 6 year old's hair it didn't come out well. There was definitely a pink tint, but not the shock of color she wanted. Now she's been *begging* for something more extreme. :tongue_smilie:What have I started!
  18. You guys are making me feel really bad. At least once a year I pay a balance of ~$100 on each card. And we have three. (DD and I each have a card to the public library, and then I have one to my school library.) And then I have have 5 dollars around all times..... :blushing:
  19. He will obviously be dangerous very soon. Don't you remember all the damage a 1 year old can do?????? :D I know this for a fact: no matter WHEN a child was conceived- before or during my relationship with a man, I could NEVER respect a man who chose not to have a relationship with his child (excepting very, VERY, VERY extreme circumstances. Like, said child had tried to kill that father or something.) I don't care if the child is a child or an adult, it still didn't ask to be conceived and played no role in the parents' relationship.
  20. Question in a similar vein: Could one teach from SE, then use the SWP and IP from US edition at the same level? We will be finishing up 1A soon and moving onto 1B. When we finish level one, I was thinking of doing the CWP and IP books before moving on to level 2. Would this work, or would DD be running into completely new concepts? I don't want this time to be a new teaching time, just a chance to go more in depth into concepts we've already learned.
  21. :iagree:I have so much that I want to say, but I can't think of a way to put it that would have me in risk of being banned. Maybe it is because my daughter doesn't know her father. Yes, he knows of her, and chose not to have anything to do with her when she was born. (We were both very young, believe it or not, I don't harbor any ill-will towards him.) But he has grown up, and is about to have another child. I don't believe that the mother of his second child is aware of my daughter. I can only hope that if my daughter chooses to contact their family when she gets older, she is accepted with more grace than has been shown on this board. It makes me very sad to see how children are being treated for their parents actions. Yes, I said actions and not mistakes, because my daughter wasn't a mistake. And yes, I purposely said children, because even at 16, 17, 18 years old- these kids are still children, and are still very capable of having their hearts broken by being rejected by a parent, even one who hasn't been around while they were growing up- possibly even more so.
  22. :bigear: I'm interested in this also. I know that it's important to have weighted keys. I'll be purchasing a smaller version, either 48 or 61 keys, soon. A local music professor, who runs the teaching program at my university, said that this should be enough to get DD through a couple years of beginner lessons. I'll be saving up for a full size digital piano until then. But of course, I'd prefer to get the best thing for DD to be learning on until then.
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