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Everything posted by EducationX2

  1. I'm another Coursera drop out, multiple times. :tongue_smilie:The courses sound really interesting. I thought it would be a great idea during the summer, since I always get frustrated that I can't take more classes at my university (stupid credit limits... :glare: I get permission to take overload every semester, and they still only let me take so many.... :lol:) I just love taking classes, and learning in the context of a course. But, I realized that one of the things I treasure most about my summers is the time I have with DD. Even though I'm only away about 20 hours a week during the school year, and my semesters (2 a year) are actually only 14 weeks each, I love the time with her. When it came down to "Do I want to sit down and enjoy Old Yeller with DD or listen to this lecture?" it was an easy answer... (except... why didn't anyone warn me about Old Yeller?!?!?! :001_huh: I didn't realize how it ended. So sad.) ETA: Not saying that everyone should feel this way, or that anyone is being selfish by trying to take these classes. But in my situation, I already get loads of education outside of home schooling. I think the Coursera courses are great for lots of people, especially SAHM. Just not me, not right now.
  2. We're doing this also. We actually do it the next day because we're plotting the high and low temps for the day (in red and blue of course. :D) Oh, this is a good one. It would be limited to addition and subtraction for now, but I really like this. I can also see how I could incorporate other math things into a notebook.... and seeing as how math is one of "those" subjects for us.... :lol:
  3. I'll be surprised as all get up if DD doesn't live far away from me during at least one part of her life. She is very world focused- very interested in other languages, other cultures, and has a travel list a mile long. (Consisting of pretty much every single place she hears about... :tongue_smilie:Let's talk about watching the Parade of Nations during the Opening Ceremonies.... "Where's ________? What's there? I want to go there!!") But I can't lie... I would be hurt if she eventually settled far away from me. I know there are many things that go into making this decision, but I hope that she at least tries to be near me. Or wants me to come near her. :D
  4. I voted other. To be completely honest, I would be a little unhappy if my DD were to graduate high school and do nothing other than get married and pop out babies, even if she did home school them. I understand that many women choose that path of their own volition, and that it truly is satisfying, but I've seen too many women destroyed when the marriage crumbles and they have nothing else to fall back on. Plus, my DD already has a lot of plans for her life, many places that she'd like to travel to and many things she'd like to do, and I hope that she chooses to do them before settling down and having a family. I will be immensely proud if she goes to college. I'm a college student now, soon to start work on an advanced degree, so she's already very steeped in the college culture. She goes on campus with me a lot, and really enjoys it. I just hope it keeps up. :D (FTR: I am a single, college student, homeschooling mom. I got pregnant at 19. Of course I wouldn't be thrilled if DD followed in my footsteps, but, hey, it's worked out well enough so far. :lol:) But of course, in the end, the only thing that matters is what makes my daughter happy. As long as it makes her happy, and isn't an abusive or destructive situation, I'll be happy with it and support her 100%- whether that be college, husband, wife, babies, no babies, etc.etc.
  5. I definitely prefer the winter Olympics also. Just makes for better viewing I guess. All that danger... :D We will be watching anything we can catch. DD has been quite impatiently waiting. "Mommy... how many days until the Olympics? How many hours is that?" Every single day..... :glare: But my favorites are: Soccer (Yay soccer!!! :party:) Diving Soccer Trampoline Soccer Swimming Soccer Gymnastics Soccer Shooting oh, and did I mention, Soccer? :D
  6. Does anyone else do daily notebooks? We have a couple different notebooks. One is a daily calendar/weather notebook. DD writes the day on the monthly calendar, has a sheet where she writes the day of the week and the day's date. She also tracks the high and low temperatures and the weather conditions. This is all kept in a binder. The second is a vocabulary notebook kept in a composition book. I wanted to do something with vocabulary, but wanted to keep it simple. So I give DD a new word which she writes in her book, and then together we look it up in a children's dictionary and she copies the definition, draws a picture of it, and uses it in a sentence. For some strange reason, DD loves these notebooks. I love that it is a quick way of learning new things that would otherwise get forgotten. So, do you use daily (or, semi-regular ) notebooks for any subjects? Just looking for some fresh ideas. :D
  7. My DD is 6.5 and also a slow writer. Much of her slowness is daydreaming and purely unwillingness, but a lot is slow writing. So I took out a lot of our writing. I scribe for her during many of our lessons. She starts out writing in math, and when she starts to get tired I encourage her to go a little bit longer (to increase endurance) and then take over writing the answers. Sometimes she'll work happily for another half an hour on math as long as she doesn't have to write the answers. The same goes for other subjects. When it comes to history, science, geography, etc. I encourage her to write, but don't make it mandatory (unless it is mandatory, for example part of our geography lessons are learning to draw and label maps- she needs to do the labeling herself in order to really cement it, not just point it out to me.) The only subject that is mandatory right now for writing is copywork, and that is because it is the one subject that is specifically for her to better her handwriting and increase her writing endurance. I pick passages that are short, but gradually lengthening, and insist on her best handwriting. This isn't based on personal experience obviously, but I believe that with time will come the ability to write for longer periods of time and to write much quicker.
  8. I'm curious what your other options are. I don't think that you are being at all horrible or inconsiderate, and I do believe this is a valid concern. I can see how this would make your DD feel as though she is burning her candle at both ends, so to speak. If you choose not to reenroll at this school, where would she go? I thought that maybe speaking with the school could help, but if your DD were always paired up with the other NT kids, it would eventually be noticed and become an issue. I'm not sure how else the school could help in that regard.
  9. lalalalalalalalala. (Where's the smiley with his fingers in his ears?? :tongue_smilie:) DD is 6.5. Yet another thing I don't want to imagine for the next... 20 years or so. :lol: But I'll probably let DD shave as soon as I'm comfortable that she can do it safely, (without cutting off her leg!). More power to you ladies who don't shave but having body hair on me just icks me out. It's really a texture thing- I can't stand the way it feels against my skin. (I also wear my head hair fairly short and almost always up in a bun.) DD doesn't seem to have the same texture issues as I do, but I feel like she should still have control of her own body when it comes to non-issues like that. (Although- I also do some grooming in other areas. You know, the teA brewing areas. And DD was questioning me about why I have hair and she doesn't. I told her it happens when you grow up. What if she wants to shave THAT as soon as it grows?!?!! :svengo:)
  10. I want a motorcycle. I really want a bike. Something fast and sexy looking. :D Oh, sorry, that wasn't the question, was it? I actually opened this thread because the title made me laugh. My daughter wants a Hoveround. Yes, my 6.5 year old, pretty sure she's ADHD, never stops moving child wants a Hoveround. Because "walking is hard sometimes" :glare:. Lazy, lazy girl. :lol: Everytime the commercial comes on TV, she perks right up and says "That's what I want!!" Guess she hasn't noticed that it's all old(er) people.
  11. Yes. She has wanted to bring home every single stuffed animal since I can remember. Including the cheapy ones from the claw machines that cost 12 dollars to win and 10 cents to make... :glare: And yes, it progresses to live animals amazingly quick. DD wants animals. Lots of animals. We volunteer at the humane society together, and many of our volunteer sessions end in sadness and even tears when we have to leave someone behind. Luckily, we aren't in a position to have too many pets, but we've acted as a way-station for many strays over the past couple years as they come in off the streets, get cleaned up and then into permanent homes. (Okay, so I can't blame it all on her- she comes by it honestly, I'm such a sap when it comes to animals!!!)
  12. Since we share both a bed and a bedroom, guess I can't really kick her out, huh? :lol: For most of her 6.5 years, she has actually had her own room, but she's never used it for more than storage. When we were looking to move this last time, the apartment we are now in was perfect except for being one bedroom short. Since we will only be here a year, and since DD was gung ho about sharing with mommy, we went ahead and took it. :D We enjoy sleeping together. We snuggle into bed together and read for awhile, then talk and sing... then when it's time to sleep we snuggle together and sleep. :001_wub: It's really very awesome. I'll let DD share my bed until she doesn't want to anymore. I'm sure that my stand on it comes from the way I grew up with my parents. I slept with them until I was.... oh, 10? And even after then would occasionally fall asleep in their bed with one or the other. Not anymore since mom and I live together and have our own bed, but up until last year when I'd go home to visit my parents, it wouldn't be rare for me to nap with my daddy. :D
  13. I haven't read 50 shades yet, still on the waiting list at the library. Just reading it to say I've read it. But before I answer I should warn you.. I used to be a bit crazy.... :D Actually. Maybe I won't answer.... :lol: Some of you will probably shun me or something.
  14. Oh, I know that these are allowed. Pretty much anything goes at our studio, as long as you have the right shoes, and aren't wearing jeans or anything else with zippers/other sharp parts. No dress code over here. I didn't even realize that dance schools HAD dress codes until I started researching for our move next year. I promised DD that I wouldn't go to a graduate school that didn't have a good dance school nearby, so I've been doing a good bit of googling (yes, I just verbed it up. :lol:). I was shocked to read about dress codes beyond "proper dance attire."
  15. Well, sucks that you ended up going to the ER for what seems like nothing, but better to be safe than sorry. I'm certainly glad everything is okay though!! :hurray:
  16. I hope you've already left for the ER. Please update us when you get home. :grouphug:
  17. I guess I should have been clearer. What I mean to ask is- does she actually know the terms short and long when referring to vowels? My daughter reads them correctly in context (most of the time, all of the times I would expect her to), but if I were to hand her a worksheet where she had to separate words into those which have a short vowel and those which have a long vowel, she'd have no idea what was meant by a "short" or "long" A. Should I introduce the terms? Are the terms that important if she gets the concept?
  18. First let me clarify- I definitely make the decision here. :D My child will not be looking like she should be standing on the street corner. And she hasn't actually *asked* to wear booty shorts and a bra, she certainly knows better than that, but I know she'd love something a little more updated. :tongue_smilie: Thank you, I love that. You hit the nail right on the head. Current and fashionable but covered!! :D And I love the zebra print. Very cute. Thank you for these, all of them were cute. We don't have a dance shop close that I know of, so I'll just have to check the return policies on the online sites and order soon so we can send back if needed! You know, I don't have a problem with the shorts necessarily, if the top is covered. Sort of how I dress myself. Sometimes I show a little bit of cleavage, but I always make sure the bottom half is covered. Or if I'm wearing a shorter skirt than I'd normally wear, the top half is covered. :D I think it is just the booty shorts and bra combined on 6 year olds that really makes my eyelid twitch. :lol: DD absolutely LOVES this top. I'm not sure I'd keep it off her in between dance class!! Where can I find it?
  19. What do your girls wear to dance class? Specifically, around 6-7? This year DD will be taking ballet, tap, jazz and hip hop. I'm not overly thrilled with her studio, as some of the routines/outfits for the older girls are a little more... grown than I'd like for my daughter. The other families are very... well. IDK. They are nice enough, but even the three year olds are in full make up, etc.etc. Just not the same choices I make. (Can you tell I'm struggling with how to describe the situation? :tongue_smilie:) BUT, the people at the studio are great. The owner is absolutely wonderful, as are all the women/girls she has assisting her as teachers. Since the issues surrounding routines, makeup, and costumes only comes up once a year (at performance time), we will be moving at the end of this year, and we've had such a great experience with the people, I'm keeping her in the same studio. (Yes- this is me, justifying my decision to myself. :lol:) Anyways. My problem is what to wear to class. Through the end of last year DD was still wearing little girl leotard/skirts. (Like this one, or this one.) Meanwhile, other little girls her age started coming in wearing booty shorts and bra tops that don't cover much more than my underclothes. There's got to be a middle ground right? Where can I find some dance clothes that are cute and stylish, that will let my DD feel like she's a little grown up, but not make me feel like she's naked??
  20. If your child can read, can they differentiate between a short vowel and a long vowel? I was just browsing on pinterest, looking for fun ideas to add to our schedule, and found some activities for short and long vowels. It made me realize that DD doesn't know what a short and long vowel is. She knows all the sounds of the vowels, and the concept of the silent E, etc.etc... but I never really introduced "short A" or "long A" Oops. Is that important? :tongue_smilie: (FTR: She's not yet reading fluently, but she's on the path there.)
  21. :bigear: I've thought about this some myself, because I've considered running a foreign language class for local homeschoolers myself. The reason I haven't is fear that a parent will come up and start speaking fluently in that language to me and I'll be unable to respond intelligently. I can speak enough to teach a group of elementary students and keep up in a college level lit class, I can read enough to read pretty much anything, but I feel like a dunce in a regular conversation. (Sort of a silly worry I guess. I bet most parents who are that fluent are probably teaching their children on their own... :tongue_smilie:) Anyways. Here's what I've thought about: 1. Charge- I haven't even got around to thinking about this. It would depend on so many things. 2. How often to meet- Probably once a week. Ideally, of course, we'd meet more than that, but I bet most families would only be able to swing it once a week. And trying to find meeting times that work for everyone more than once a week would probably be a nightmare. 3. Age range - again, depends on your needs. Since you are the one arranging it, how old are your children who you want to participate? :D I'd say K-3 would be good, K-5 *might* be a little bit of a stretch but could still work. 4. Paying the teacher - if the class makes a profit, the teacher should be paid. 5. Homework - yes. Learning a language should be an everyday thing. Even simple little things that would only take a couple minutes could be assigned. (I'm not saying that enough homework for 6 days should be assigned, and not even necessarily written homework. But if I were teaching a language course, I would DEFINITELY "assign" my students to review things, and more than likely would often send them with physical work- be it written/coloring/art/bring in ______ type work.) 6. No suggestions on curriculum. 7. At that age, I probably wouldn't do grades. I probably wouldn't do grades even at the higher grades unless parents requested it. I think it would be really cool for the kids to get a little certificate at the end though, little kids love that sort of thing. :D Good luck! If you do go through with it, I'd love to hear how it goes.
  22. :lol::lol: hehehe. I didn't even notice the tag until now, now I'm laying on the floor, laughing. DR.PEPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :party::drool5: Sorry. I'm okay now. Recovering Dr. Pepper addict here. I was forced into remission when a medication I needed to take for migraines made sodas unpalatable. :glare:
  23. She is not. Don't listen to a single thing she says, unless it is good things about me. :D As for demographics, as this board I think you'll find a little bit of everything. We've got all ages represented, both in moms (and dads!) and children. We've got a range of religions, and not-religious. People who school for academic reasons, family reasons, health reasons, religious reasons.... and we LOVE a debate. As for me. I'm a single mom, homeschooling a 6.5 year old whackadoo. (It's been a week... :glare: :lol:) We are secular and use a combination of things, but our focus is in a sort of global education- a lot of language, geography, history, and cultural studies. I'm a full time college student, history major, and hopefully this time next year will be getting ready to start grad school. :D About to take the GREs and gathering application materials, so excuse me while I go a little crazy. (Okay, who am I kidding. I was already a little crazy. It's why I fit in here.) Have fun!
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