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Plateau Mama

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Everything posted by Plateau Mama

  1. I'm treating as if its the flu. DH was sequestered to our room Tuesday. Today everyone except mom must keep 6 foot radius from the 4 yo. Bathrooms have been wiped down and sanitized etc.
  2. Do you think if a child is "coming down" with food Poisining they may be cranky hours before? I'm trying to figure out if what is going thru our house is the flu or food Poisining. We flew home from vacation Monday night. Tuesday my DH comes home from work around 11:30 and was sick all day. (Started with barfing then spread if you get what I mean.). Wed. He is fine goes to work. My 4 yo got up at 6 am and cried over everything for hrs, literally hours. Ths kid is my zen baby, never cries, easy going, never gets up before 9 etc. Then around 7:30pm he starts puking. Pukes hourly until 3am then sleeps till 7:30. Wakes up and isn't puking, but having issues at the other end. So I'm trying to decide if I need to prepare for the long haul (flu) or figure we are almost done. My husband is sure it's food poisoning. He thinks the fruit plates he and child bought on the plane were the cause.
  3. It is now Agent P. We are here now and my kids have done two of the missions. They love them!
  4. The only "Chineese" restaurant I will take my daughter to is P.F. Changs. They have a GF menu and they are meticulous. It takes a long time to get your meal but that's because they use clean/fresh everything. Living in the Pacific NW we gave tons of Asian restaurants, but they all use Kikoman soy sauce and don't nderstand enough English to understand so we just don't risk it, which is a shame as my daughter loves Chineese.
  5. The Mislabeled Child is one of he best books I've ever read. This book is how I figured out my son had Auditory issues (APD) and Sensory Issues and NOT ADD that everyone kept telling me. READ THIS BOOK. Like my pediatrician says if you treat for ADD but they really have SPD then you will do more harm than good.
  6. Do a search for Auditory Processing Disorder. The pass the fork close the pantry screams of this. My son (10) cannot follow more than one direction at a time. He just cannot do it, his audiologist says it it something he just can't do. He is very good at math, but if it tells him to estimate then solve I will get one or the other but never both. I say fee the dog, he'll hear go eat a marshmallow. If I he has to follow a series of instructions, I tell him, have him repeat, then if its important I write it on a whiteboard. But usually it works best to tell him the first step and have him see me hen its done, then give the second ste, etc.
  7. half day kinder is only 3 hours. That includes PE, library, music, so essentially 2.5 hours a day.
  8. I got a bill from a Dr. recently for .01. I.Kid.You.Not. Once cent! My husband went online and used our (free) bill pay to send them their penny (that we shouldn't have owed in the first place). We got our paid in full receipt with our check inside and a smile face. So it cost them .94 to tell us we owed .01. My daughter probably doesn't have a podiatrist anymore, but hey.
  9. It is probably technically an intolerance, but either way yes you can. I cannot tolerate milk, at all, but I can have small amounts of yogurt. My daughter is intolerant to Milk, Yogurt, Whey to name some, but she can tolerate Cheddar & Mozzarella Cheese. It depends on what part of the dairy you are intolerant/allergic to (Casein, Whey, Lactose etc).
  10. My daughter will start itching within 3 hours of eating wheat. We didn't realize that was the cause until she was 10 and started breaking out in hives. Dairy can also cause it. Best thing to do is avoid both for a month and then add one back in. Dairy would be easiest since it is easy to do dairy without wheat (but not so much the other way around).
  11. I just go until he's not focused anymore. I say he has less then 2 hours a week. I do school 2-3 days a week for 20-30 minutes at most. I schedule out what I want to accomplish for the week and I will work on a subject until he loses interest. I usually do phonics each day, math I will do 2-3 lessons at a time (usually 15-30 minutes), handwriting is 5 min a week (plus there is handwriting in his phonics) I don't count reading time. We read for about 30 minutes almost every night, plus whatever we read during the day.
  12. You did accuse the teacher of lying about the amount of Bible. My point was, if you are worried about the amount of Bible in a Christian school, then you shouldn't send them to a Christian school. That's all. We haven't studied MLK. We don't observe the holiday in our homeschool. If for some reason the topic of MLK's death came up (Lincoln, or JFK or anyone else), then yes I would tell my 4 yo that people didn't like what MLK (or whomever) was doing/saying and that a bad guy killed him and that was wrong. If he asked me what murder was I'd tell him the same thing. There are very few things that I wouldn't discuss. I will admit when my other two were younger I did censor things a bit more, but with a 10 and 12 in the house it's easier just to explain it like it is. If I don't my 10 yo will and I guarantee it won't be age appropriate. ;-) Now the truth is none of us were in the classroom when the story was told. So we don’t know if it was a simple Jesus died on the Cross story. Then a boy raised his hand and asks what crucifixion means and another boy answers “He was MURDEREDâ€. Or if the teacher said Jesus was MURDERED on the cross. (I’m putting money on the first.)
  13. Not bashing you, but it always surprises me that people send their kids to a Christian school and then are upset about them hearing about the Bible. I hear this from at least one family a year at my sons preschool. Without the death and resurrection of Christ there would be no Bible/Christinty. My 4 yo has been able to tell this story since he could talk.
  14. Right now (K4) we are doing Saxon Math K, phonics (logic of English Foundations), handwriting w/o tears. Story time at night is Sonlight K. Next year my plan is either Saxon 1 or Math Mammoth, continue LOE, HWOT and I will add one Magic Schoolbus video a week. We will watch the same episode daily and read the book. I will try to get coordinating books from the library. That ay or may not happen. I may continue Sonlight for story time, I haven't decided yet. If I don't do that I will do Newberry or other award winning books.
  15. I would increase the calories. If you've added n weight trang and not added any more calories or protien you body will go not starvation mode.
  16. Lack of bruising means nothing. I took a fall like that while walking down the stairs with my baby. To protect her. Leaned back and hit my spine squarely on the stairs and bounced down. Nicked the wind out of me. Long story short I had a compression fracture on one of my vertebrae.
  17. Paleo still has desserts, but they are different. I made an awesome chocolate cake last weekend. It had no added sugar, no flour, no dairy. What it did have was dates, applesauce, coconut flour, eggs etc. It was really good.http://paleospirit.com/2011/chocolate-paleo-snack-cake/. Last week I made a banana "bread". It takes trial and error to find good recipes for treats, but they are out there.
  18. First off, do what you can afford. Yes grass fed is healthier (and tastes better), but if you can't afford it do lean cuts of regular beef. I found grass fed beef in the stores, difficult to locate, very expensive and inconsistent in taste/quality. So we bought 1/2 grass fed cow. The taste is wonderful and we ended up paying $5/pound all said and done. I can't typically buy regular meat for that price! I don't do free range chickens. It takes two to feed my family of 5 and I can't justify the cost. My grocery bill is about $150-200 a week (for 5 of us). This doesn't include beef as I've already purchased that. Buying what's on sale will help. I only buy fruits/veggies/meat on sale or at Costco. The other way I save is I only shop for 4 days of meals at a time. The helps with waste. This usually lasts at least 5 days, usually 6. I don't really find my bill to be much higher. I'm not buying the bad stuff so money is saved there and my family eats less on a whole food diet. So things kind of average out.
  19. Don't worry, us newcomers were all properly reprimanded privately. I doubt we will make that mistake again. ;-).
  20. Thanks for the encouragement. I am Reading AGG series this month too. I loved it as a girl, but I never knew there were 6 books in the series. I'd only ever read the first 3. I bought them for my daughter , who reads nonstop, about 5 years ago but I've never been able to convincer her shed like them. She is more of a fantasy girl. It not that I don't love high quality literature it just takes longer to get thru than I've got time. This is one of the reasons I read the drivel. I enjoy it, but more so they are typically quick reads. Some day I will have time to read quality literature again. My youngest is 4 so it shall be awhile. ;-) So since you all are convincing me to join here's what I've got: Currently reading 1. Anne of Green Gables 2. Kingdom Keepers 4 - Power Play - Ridley Pearson 3. Justin Morgan Had a Horse (read aloud with DS) Finished (Started both in 2012) 1. A Christmas Carol (Audio book) 2. Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It
  21. If my husband read like I do, I don't know who would take care of the kids ;-). He tells me (& our daughter) that we read too much. He's totally joking (I think).
  22. Could it be croup? Croup will be worse at night and typically ease up during the day. If the funny sound comes back bundle his body up and sit outside in the cool air. This will ease the cough.
  23. First off, it takes a year or so to get into the homeschool groove and figure everything out (teaching style, curriculum etc.) Second, I disagree that they are too old to learn science from a bean, especially the 4th grader. Use the bean as a starting point. Keep a journal of what is happening every day, measure the bean, grow different beans and see which grows faster. We did something like this with my 5th grader this year. We built a light box and grew seeds. He loved it. Put a bar of ivory soap in the microwave (check pinterest for details) and see what happens. I did this as a fun project. My son experimented with it for 3-4 days. He and his little brother had a ball. He (on his own accord) went online and figured out why it did it. He showed the experiment to everyone who walked thru our door. He played with different amounts, different soaps, different times. I say get one of those 101 experiment books or Backyard scientist and let them pick out what they want to do. For the older one maybe have her do a simple lab report or write a summary if you feel you must, but I think they will learn more and balk less if you just let them pick their experiment and run with it. Science is one area especially that I let it be child led My son explained dominant and recessive genes to the otolaryngologist (ear specialist) at Children’s Hospital. She was floored at how well he explained it. I haven’t figured out how to make math fun. I just tell my son it’s a nonnegotiable and to suck it up.
  24. Finding someone to call us back to do the refi took us longer than the actual refi. I'd say ours was a couple of weeks, maybe I month but I doubt that long.
  25. I just discovered these for my son and he LOVES them! In my library nonfiction above picture books is mixed in with the adult nonfiction.
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