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Everything posted by kalanamak

  1. I'm so sorry. He must be very bummed. I hope you can sit with him a lot.
  2. I worked dozens of hours of overtime and got him the cream of the crop: he hates them. He has been HOH since age 6, and everything was painfully LOUD. And they made his canals sweat. I am using specific signs for things like Where and Milk and Raining etc and this helps us.
  3. I bet he would! Is this a "social" sport, or something you go do by yourself or with people you are already friends with. I.e. is it a team he could practice with and get good enough for competitions? Anything physical he excels at.
  4. Dads are just irreplaceable. Luckily we have memories. The other day kiddo was sniffling in the dark and confessed he was sad about thinking that someday I would be dead. I told him, indeed, I would be but that I had a secret to tell him: that when two people have loved each other the way we have, you really aren't ever parted from them. It is a very good secret.
  5. I think he might get a kick out of the Dragon Boat club. When kiddo is old enough for Sea Scouts, I think he'll be pleased. He grew up on a fishing boat and could pick up and sail across the Pacific tomorrow, solo. Great with boats.
  6. I think he is easy to talk to, but not so easy to know very well. He's a good listener. I think just "some guys" to do guy things with be would be great. I know he misses those Rangers.
  7. He used to play a lot of volleyball at the church. Soccer too. He's now in his 60s and getting a little creakier. He's always asking people to go out kayaking with him, but no one nibbles.
  8. He would like to not be lonely. I found out incidentally today. He is not asking me to "fix it". He, IMO, does best when there is some adventure or project to do. He is a movement, hands-on thinker. He's not good at thinking up witty or clever things on the spot. He doesn't flatter people. I think of him as an old-fashioned GUY guy, but not macho or swaggering at all. A nice male nurse at work (I"ve known him almost 10 years, and he is a great and social guy from a similar religious and blue collar, and musical background), about 10 years his junior, is taking his son and my son up to the big LEGO store up north. I asked the nurse if he'd mind if hubby came along. Sure, the more the merrier. Hubby sounded excited. I know he'll get a kick out of this nurse.
  9. What do they do, and what kind of "collar" are they? Hubby is very much blue collar. I was thinking Habitat for Humanity. He's a very skilled carpenter, has tons of tools, but has very bad dyslexia, so anything with reading and writing is out. Online he comes across a Jethro, his writing is so bad.
  10. Adventist. And actually, this is one of my gripes about raising children so involved in a religion. I have met many lapsed whatevers who turn to partying and drinking and getting cholera while following Guru Whoever through SE India, to fill a void I am happy to say I never had. Really, really happy to have dodged that void.....
  11. I have no idea how to help him. He is a bit hard of hearing, and somewhat uncouth, and while he "loves" people, he is not a charmer and people don't "love" him. (This is sad, to me, because I think of how superficially charming (and selfish and cold-hearted) my ex was, and how many people want to be his pal, and here is this man, far nicer, whom no one ever calls.) We have almost nothing in common (upbringing, interests, education, method of expressing ourselves, etc), and while I think we have some laughs over the general ups and downs of life, I am busy in my work, and homeschooling, and my reading. He isn't interested in any of that. We are "just friends" and he has his own room and schedule. We share childcare. That isn't a conflict, and I think we are both happy with that. I don't think "my company" is what he craves. I think he grew up in a large family, in a large church, with potlucks and going in small groups to knock on doors and spreading The Word. In the old days he went to church. He lost his faith and really doesn't seem motivated to go, anymore. He sees old friends when they are in town, but that is only a couple of times a year. He skypes with a couple of friends. He visits a cousin and watches sports and drinks beer once a week. He likes movies and talk radio. I think he plays chess online with someone in Australia. For a couple of years he went to bar where a lot of young Rangers went, on Sunday nights, and was fatherly to them. He nurses one drink at the bar, BTW and never comes home intoxicated, and is in by 11. That bar closed. I was shocked to find out he's lonely. I'm never lonely. I have no idea what to help him with, because I've never, ever had to battle loneliness. What do people do when they are lonely?
  12. My ex recently moved, and our mutual friends, who quite naturally hung out with life-of-the-party, charming and single him over me, have come out of the woodwork to blab about him, and OMG, I got the "least worst" of him. I thought he'd grow up and move on, but pushing 50 and he's WORSE. At first it was sad, and now I am just so thankful I got out when I did.
  13. You and I run in a different crowd. I've never heard anything like this, and I bet I've have a higher % of non-believing friends, over the years, than the majority of people here. Starting with a large family of non-believers.
  14. After numbercruching, I keep coming up with healthcare as my number one expense in retirement. More than twice my property taxes.
  15. Cross word puzzles. Short stories. What does she like now? (P.S. 15 years for a 16 year old boy? People who commit violent rapes get out in 8 months. She had a terrible lawyer/very bad luck.)
  16. Our county had an 8 year old die of the flu last week. There is a non-flu bug just ripping through here: asthmatic bronchitis, with a hacking cough, nausea, low grade temp, sore throat and did I mention that wheezing, hacking cough that lingers and lingers. A friend skypes to Russia daily, and she says it is ripping through Russia, too.
  17. As horrible as I know you feel, I have a fundamental belief that death belongs to the dying. I would take any advise to not show up as **the best that they can do now**, and let it be. Who knows, you may be the scapegoat that helps unite the others in this terrible time. I have seen many families cope with death in good and bad ways, and that is how I came up with opinion that dying belongs to the dying. I hope this helps even a little.
  18. Scrub a lemon, cut in half lengthwise and put it cut side down. Place the chicken ON the lemon. Break up a whole head of garlic, no need to peel but get the worst of the paper off. Place around in the bottom of the pan. Rub the chicken with olive oil and bake.
  19. I find a less than 20 minute nap really helps me. I just doze. I rarely dream etc.
  20. I believe avocados are packed with necessary things, and apples have roughage and all sorts of trace this and thats. I'd start with those and scaffold on anything missing. I'm inclined to think potatoes and olives would be next. Oh, and salt.
  21. He doesn't have to cheat. She just has to convince her mindless friends he did. Or, as someone I know, convince them he had "cheated in his heart" which is just as bad, you know. Don't put it past her.
  22. If I would was your dad, I would have to be preparing myself to be dumped. He's likely to never work again. She'll see him as a money sink. She may well dump him. Would you like him to live with you? Could he live with his dad? I'd have a plan sketched out in my mind. How awful.
  23. Lots of docs won't touch facial or hand lacerations. Any scarring or loss of use will make many turn to lawsuits. Even back in the 90s, at a city hospital where most of our clients were uninsured, NO ONE touched hands or faces. The plastic surgeons came down and did it.
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