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Status Updates posted by kalanamak


    Try this for the graphic classics. This is Chopin.

  2. **SLAP** I just figured out who you are. I read your book before bed, for the thrills!

  3. A four day weekend. Whoo hoo hoo. I aim to scratch my cleaning itch.

    1. Halcyon


      What? You're not schooling on Friday???? jk ;)

    2. kalanamak


      Well, that too. I love days off for schooling. It is coming home to slog through a hour or two AFTER work that is the hard part!

  4. Ahhh, thanks for the teacher resources for the Brian Cleary books. Is he the boy The Mouse and the Motorcycle was written for?

  5. Amazing! Well, better than pancreatic cancer. I've seen that, too. I've long said that when a patient gives up a longstanding habit, something is up, but when it happened to me, it was ho hum, until POW, a Madeline moment when Miss Cavell sat up and said something was not right!

  6. Everyone I admire is dead, or near so. Mostly. Or so it seems.

  7. Greetings Washintonian!

  8. Greetings, "newest member"!

  9. Greetings, friend.

  10. Greetings, Washingtonian, from The Wet Side.

  11. Greetings, Washintonian!

  12. Greetings! I was a ks-sunflower for the first 21 years of my life.

  13. Hail fellow Washingtonian!

  14. Hail, fellow Washingtonian!

  15. Hands-On Equations have been a very nice change this week. It really upped motivation for mental work. Great to see!

  16. Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu, Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuu,

    Happy Birthday dear queen Chris,

    Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuu

    (a capello, three part harmony)

  17. Hello! Long time, no read.

  18. Hey, I had a horse, too. It was a reward for years and years of loyal piano practice. Yes, WA is different. I love my friends there, but I got my mother's prairie hayfever, and spend too much time sneezing there. Love April, when the smells are out, and love Oct when the heat has broken. I grew up in Manhattan.

  19. Hey, long time-no see on the user list. How is RNing going?

  20. Hey. Long time no see. Hope you are well! I miss your periodic blips of humor.

  21. Hope you are well, and just taking a board break.

  22. Hummmm, how about a quick dive bomb now and then with a good book. I seem to ending liking so many of the resources you list.

  23. I can fit in two more: :grouphug::grouphug:

  24. I hope your drain is better...

  25. I looked at your blog and your baby is SOOOOOOOO cute. But I bet you knew that already.

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