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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. I love my Bosch. It works hard in my kitchen. I did buy a nutri mill grain mill too and the cookie paddles for Bosch. Recently my friend bought me the bowl scraper attachment which I also love. My machine is now over ten years old. It was a big initial investment but worth every penny.
  2. I forgot about Diana Krall. . . I've been listening to her all day today. She hits the spot!
  3. I'm sorry Audrey that you have lost a loved family member. He sounds like he was a great person. Hang onto those memories.
  4. Week one: The Father's Tale, Michael O'Brien Week two: 30 Days to Social Media by Gail Z Martin (professional development) Week three: Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese Week four: The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman Week five: Collaboration Handbook, by Winer & Ray (reading it for professional develpment :)).
  5. I love Victoria. In fact I just came back from a whirlwind business trip to Victoria. Even in winter it's such a beautiful city. Having said that we like Vancouver as well. If you're driving to one of these destinations, Vancouver would be cheaper as you skip the ferry costs. (Although I managed to get a hotel in downtown Victoria for $100/night. Chateau Victoria. It was under construction but otherwise okay.)
  6. "...and have decided I'd rather have a shorter, happier life. " I'm with you. I struggle with weight but overall we eat healthy and I exercise most days. Portion control is probably the bigger issue for me. Anyway, your post made me laugh. . . That kind of "I can relate" laugh.
  7. I have a lot of stress in my life. Tonight I was out for a bit and at one place they were playing some really nice background music. I realized how relaxed it made me feel and realized how little music we listen to since stress has over taken us. We used to listen to much more. Any suggestions for some relaxing tunes? I like jazz....actually I'm fairly open to any suggestions (except Lil Wayne or anything like Lil Wayne :)). Think Phil Collins :).
  8. I thought it a our Internet.,,yes it's been slow here.
  9. Week one: The Father's Tale, Michael O'Brien Week two: 30 Days to Social Media by Gail Z Martin Week three: Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese Week four: The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman
  10. We had one years ago but nothing in recent times. I'd join if you create one.
  11. Week one: The Father's Tale, Michael O'Brien Week two: 30 Days to Social Media by Gail Z Martin Week three: Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese
  12. Oh and btw my mom always says how happy she is she has young (a relative term at this point :)) children as well as her older ones. In fact she is enjoying her grandchildren more now than when she was in her forties with the first batch. (Don't get me wrong she loves us all.)
  13. My mom had seven children. Five in seven years then an eight year break and had me, then my sister. She began having grandchildren while still raising kids (I was 11 when I became an aunt). She was 69 when my first daughter was born, she'll be 85 this year. My dad died when I was 32 but my mom is still going strong. I really benefited from having older siblings . . Still do although I think the worry of aging goes more for my siblings. My oldest brother is 15 years older than me. My oldest sister already has had heart attacks. So my younger sister and I are more freaked out by our aging siblings than our aging mom. You expect your parents to age and mostly pass away before you do but it's harder to imagine the passing of my siblings. Anyway nothing is guaranteed in life. You just have to live each days as if it's all you've got.
  14. -11 c which is about 12 f. Chilly for my neck of the woods. We usually hover around freezing (0 c, 32 f).
  15. While I'm in for the trip, I'm really in for world Nutella day! Yay! A February holiday!
  16. Did talk to police tonight. i feel a bit better except some other disturbing details have been disclosed to me. my dh wants to stay up again tonight but really he could strike any night. Eventually we just have to risk going to bed at our normal time. The officer asked if we were afraid. I said yes!! Thanks for the advice and prayers.
  17. I will call the local detachment today. Ironically his grandma encouraged me to do this too.
  18. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts. Nothing happened. It helps that it was snowing all night. I had a rough sleep. And honestly I don't know how this is going to end. It's the peril of living in a small town. It's not easy to avoid someone even if you want to. Couple that with the fact that my own boys have FASD and don't always fully understand things. And that this boy lives with his grandma who told me yesterday (I called her to tell her what had transpired...she knows her gs is troubled) she will be leaving town this week and hasn't figured out what to do with her gs. It's disheartening, overwhelming . . . We have enough troubles of our own dealing with our special needs boys.
  19. Long story but both my boys are friends with a boy who comes from a troubled home and has been tossed back and forth through parents, grandparents, even homelessness . . .literally. My dh has never cared for the boy and while I too was nervous about the boy but tried to be nice thinking its better to keep him close at hand where I can see everything. Well after a series of events we had enough and have laid down the law..no hanging with this dude. So tonight said boy called home. I asked him nicely to not call back or come around the house anymore unless he heard otherwise from us. He asked why. I confronted him with the things I knew and he denied everything. Long story short I put him on speaker phone, for the benefit of my son, where he proceeded to call my son a liar and me a hoar. Well dh heard conversation and lambasted boy telling him never to talk to me like that again and to never come to the house again...very loudly. Boy said he was calling police because we were threatening him....we said please do. We'd welcome it. This boy is a known vandal...last summer when my husband confronted him boy was angry and slashed our tires. (Can't prove it but know it.). We are afraid he will try something tonight. So can we ask for prayers. Prayers for our safety, our son's safety (he threatened to beat up son), our property and for intervention for this out of control youth who currently lives with his grandma who is done. Tired and fed up.
  20. I would absolutely cook and eat it (and I'm picky).
  21. Still finishing The Fathers Tale but starting 30 Days to Social Media by Gail Z Martin (work related). I think I will finish both this week.
  22. http://pinterest.com/roseinbc/ That's the link to me on Pinterest.
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