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Everything posted by kengjw

  1. This is what my 5th grader used this year : Math : TT 6 Grammar/Writing : Climbing To Good English Spelling/Vocab : Soaring To Spelling Handwriting : Zaner-Bloser Cursive Geography/History : BJU Heritage Studies & SL Core 3 History part, no read-alouds/readers. Science : Nancy Larson Science What we won't be continuing are Climbing to Good English, BJU heritage Studies/SL history. Instead we are going to use, Essential In Writing, Notgrass America The Beautiful and The Complete Book of Georgraphy (as spine). Julia
  2. For my kids and I, we LOVE Nancy Larson Science. This is the first year we actually finished science and the first subject that was done. Kinder : Hits : McRuffy Math, LA, Spelling, HW. Misses : None. 6th grader Tolerates : TT, Soaring With Spelling, Climbing to Good English and Story of USA series. Misses : BJU Heritage Studies. Julia
  3. I have a cat that goes in and out of the house. I am responsible for my cat whether the cat is in or out. Should my cat cause trouble at my neighbor's house, I would either give my neighbor permission to shoot the cat with water (as long as I know my neighbor well that he won't harm the cat), put up an invisible fence or keep the cat indoor so she would not be a pest to other people. I do not expect other people to put up with my cat. It is nice if they would but they don't have to. Julia
  4. Oh your poor little thing! I am one who always get bitten by all kinds of bugs and then I will get reactions to them every time. Mine really swell up big, red and hot and sometimes with pus. It will then took a week or so before it the swelling/pus goes away. Then, I start to heal but slowly. Many times you would think I have bruises all over my legs but they are just bug bites. My kids have the same reactions to bug bites as well. I have since found something to help lessen my "reaction" to the bites and many times make them disappear if I deal with them as soon as I get bitten. This product amazes me but I heard that you can make your own baking soda paste and it is effective as well. This is what my kids and I used currently : http://www.amazon.com/Mitigator-Sting-Treatment-Scrub-Ounce/dp/B0009RF9KA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1338228388&sr=8-1 Benadryl might help but if it gets worst, you might want to call the dr just to be sure. Julia
  5. We didn't pull my dd out of the private christian school but the school decided that my dd wasn't suitable for their school. We were only there for 3 months and that was the hardest and longest 3 months of my life. It was such a relief for me that they let her go as my husband would not pull her out. That was a long story in itself but I am so glad I took the leap of faith to start homeschooling her. We are finishing our 4th year of home schooling and I am happy with where we are right now. Julia
  6. Nancy Larson Science!! This is the first year we actually finished science and we have been homeschooling for 4 years going into 5. It is the first subject being finished this year and the kids and I still remember so many of the things we learnt from it. Today, my 6 year old son told me, "mom, look at that moth. I saw the feathery antennae and the plump body. That is how I know it's a moth." He also started to use the word "exoskeleton" correctly. We have all enjoyed science this year thanks to Nancy Larson :0) Julia
  7. I am not a crafty person and do not like experiments at all. However, I would do them when necessary. Science is always one of the subjects that I neglected in the past but not this year. That is because we found something that we like. We are doing Nancy Larson Science this year and we all love it!!! I love the scripted and thorough lessons, not to mention all materials/kit that we need all in one box. It is definitely not cheap but there are so many quality components to this curriculum that I find the price so worth it. We will actually finish science in about a week...and my kids still remember many of the things we learnt a while back. HTH. Julia
  8. I have been using Merena the past 5 years and will be putting in a new one soon. I have no problems, whatsoever with it. Loved it! Julia
  9. We did CLE 400 at 4th grade as well and it was getting more and more connfusing for dd and I. It became overwhelming for us.We decided to try Teaching Textbook this year and it has been going well. She will be finishing TT6 this school year. I love how the teacher teaches and I don't....:0) The plus is my dd can do it independently. There is a placement test on their website if you want to check it out. Julia
  10. Wow...everyone seems to have an extensive list :0) For my 1st grader, we will be using : McRuffy Math McRuffy Phonics, Reading, Spelling and Handwriting Science : Nancy Larson Science 2 ETC 2 I want to focus on the 3 Rs for another year and then we will start some light history and geography. Julia
  11. We ditched it halfway last year. Like most people, we thought it was dry and boring. We are doing Nancy Larson Science this year and I have to say we love it!! We just finished human body and will be starting "insects" next week. Infact, on my kitchen counter right now, there are some caterpillars in a container ready to be transformed...lol. Love seeing all the changes so far. Even my husband is intrigued by the process. I know NL science is expensive but with all the things that are included, I feel it is so worth it...especially when we all look forward to science. HTH. Julia
  12. We do not have TV in our room and we prefer the same with our kids. Julia
  13. I have a 6 year old boy. I know he can aim well, if he is not in a hurry, that's. I am tired of cleaning the seat and floor so I threatened him with an outdoor bathroom....haha. I told him he couldn't use the bathroom anymore if he cannot lift up the seat and clean his mess. I know he is old enough to do those two things...gerrr. Lately, he seems to remember to lift the toilet seat and also wipe his mess on the seat. I am keeping my finger-crossed that this will last :0) Julia
  14. My son seemed to have a persistent cough right after a cold the last 3 winters. However, after some research, I decided to start him on some natural allergy medicine for indoor allergens like house dust, dust mite, mold and yeast and it stopped his cough after 3 days. Before he was coughing so much everyday that I knew either he has some sort of asthma (he might still have) or that he is allergy to something in the house. Now, he is taking the same natural medicine for dust etc and another natural medicine for tree pollen which is already out there at this time. This combination has worked wonders for him. Could it be your son is allergy to something? Julia
  15. We "should" be doing : Math : Teaching Textbook 7 Grammar/Writing : Essential In Writing (or co-op) Spelling/Vocab : Soaring With Spelling Reading : Reading Detective HWT : Zaner-Bloser Cursive Geo/History : We might continue with Bob Jones if I cannot find anything that is more simpler (don't like all the different books, like TM worktext, etc) Science : Nancy Larson Science 2 (supplement when needed) Piano
  16. Both of my children have seasonal allergies and one, I suspect has allergy to dust, dustmites etc. They are both currently taking this homeopathics medicine a friend recommended. http://www.amazon.com/Natra-Bio-Allergy-Relief-Pollen/dp/B000FDMLRM/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1327980836&sr=8-12 They are currently taking Pollen Hayfever and DustMites, Molds etc. In springtime, I give them the "Tree and Grass" ones. For few years, my dd suffered thru her stuffiness, watering eyes etc etc but last year was the first year she had great relief...infact her symptons were almost gone. I know this sound too good to be true but I am just so happy to have found something that works for my children. I recently added the BioAllers DustMites, Molds to our medicine cabinet because my son's cough was getting longer and longer and he seems to have a prolong cough like this every winter. After some research, I decided to start him on the medicine and after 3 days his cough finally stopped completely. I was at the state where I was ready to take him to see a dr so...I am beyond excited to see his cough disappeared. A neighbor up the street who has many allergies has started to take some of the BioAllers medicines few months ago and she has gotten tremendous relief. Everytime I see her, she thanks me profusely..:0) I feel for you and your dd. I remember feeling so helpless when my dd couldn't go to sleep at night. She could hardly breathe as her nose would get so stuffy and she would cough a lot too. I am beyond happy to have found BioAllers...I just want to tell everyone!! LOL. Julia
  17. My 5th grader is using : Climbing to Good English Soaring With Spelling (includes vocabulary) The Reading Detective software Julia
  18. I am not an American but I live in the US right now but I missed all the street foods and "pasar malam" (night markets) in Malaysia. Sighhh...I wish I can just walk out of my house and go down the street for a good meal :0) Oh...how I miss "stir-fry kway-teow" *drooling*...lol. Julia
  19. I haven't read all the posts so I hope I won't be repeating what others have said but I thought I will throw in a natural allergy med for you to look at. I bought mine from Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/bioAllers-Pollen-Allergy-Relief-Liquid/dp/B00008US2Q/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1311895059&sr=8-7 My dd has seasonal allergies.The last 2 to 3 years had been miserable for her until this spring when I decided to take a friend's recommendation to use BioAllers after her over-the-counter medicine didn't work anymore. The results have been amazing. It was as if she doesn't have any allergies at all. I started her with the "Grass Pollen" and when the tree's pollen arrived, I started her on the "Tree Pollen" one. BioAllers also have med for Dust, Mold, Pets etc that you can check up on. I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to find something natural that works for my dd. Hope yours will get some relief too. My dh has been taking local raw honey (a tsp or two a day) for few years and he sweared that it works to keep his seasonal allergies away. My kids are not very keen on taking honey so the med really worked well for them. HTH. Julia
  20. I am a malaysian....I guess that says it all....lol. Julia
  21. My dd just came back from camp and we labelled everything...toothbrush, underwears, towels, shoes, etc etc. If you have a case for the toothbrush, label that too. We used a sharpie on most things....dd wrote her initials on all things (wherever she can find space). For towels, we wrote her intials on the tiny "washing direction" sheet attached to the towel. I am sure some might have better ways but we just took the easy way out :0) HTH. Julia
  22. May I ask what you switched to for LA, and if you're happy with it? It was a lot of busywork for us. My dd was busy trying to finish the pages but not necessary remembering the lessons that were taught. I don't know if that makes sense:0) Julia
  23. I justs received our Nancy Larson Science box yesterday and I am all giddy and excited!!! It has almost everything we need and it is very open and go too. It looks like a lot of fun. Julia
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