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Everything posted by LNC

  1. Bravo is running the repeats. I dvr'd most of season 1. It started at epi 3 so I missed some background. I've heard that Pres. Bartlett was the liberal "dream" president, so we want to understand that perspective a bit more. My hubbie and I just looked at eachother throughout - please, I hope working in the West Wing is NOT like this. Sniping, stresscases, yelling, - it seems so crazy. I loved the character who becomes his "body man", I first heard that term in the election this time around - and they said it on the show last night. And, the Pres. wanted to shoot up Syria bc his friend was shot down on a jet? He actually asked the joint chiefs for a scenario of a disproportional response. I was cracking up. Of course, he later changed his mind. I'll keep watching it. I've heard the Pres. has MS. That alone would be interesting, without the interest in the liberal white house. Any fans? Will I fall in love with the show?
  2. For girls, I love the: Little Maid series by Alice Curtis Turner http://www.mcpl.lib.mo.us/readers/series/juv/title.cfm?id=944 I found most of the reprints by Applewood Press several years ago in a discount homeschool booth at our state conference. I think they've gone out of print again though, but I've completed my collection through ABE and Amazon marketplace. I just googled and found them here also: http://www.bookschristian.com/se/product/books/Alice_Turner_Curtis/Little_Maid_of_Old_Maine/310171/Little_Maid_of_Old_Maine_Paperback.html
  3. Christian Light Education - Sunrise Language Arts http://www.clp.org/Curriculum%20Information.shtml
  4. If CPS is using the grandma as a family foster parent then they decide what's in the best interest of the child. She can't just pursue a private adoption if they have custody of the baby. Does that make sense? I wish you the very best. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  5. Thanks for the reassurances! They are flying from across the country for a twice a year visit. So, they won't be bringing food! My younger children and husband also fly out to them every summer. There isn't that much interaction. Just to defend my hubby. He looks after me, he's the best. When he contronts her, it's war! And so much more stressful. So, I just try to do as much as I can to accomodate her and stay out of the way! It's not that she threatens to not eat my food, it's the criticism that I don't feed my children and family "the best way", the way she and her daughters feed their families. There are many issues she does the same thing with... Thanks again - I just got back from the store with all of the groceries after I read the first few replies!
  6. Oops - I messed up that title! My inlaws are coming this weekend. This can be stressful bc they have very high standards for everything - and she eats Nourishing Traditions style. We have health issues - and I can't stand up for long. This will be a hard weekend. What do you think of these dinners? 1. Crockpot turkey meatballs (swedish) over egg noodles - these will be the frozen turkey meatballs from Traders Joe's (2-3 bags), veggies, salad 2. Crockpot salsa chicken (chicken from Sam's) - with fixins for guac, black beans, corn, to put on tortilla chips, salad or whole wheat tortillas 3. Cheeseburgers on whole wheat buns with sweet potato fries from Trader Joes. She will probably refuse this and lecture me about the poison, but I'll have extra salad for her. For lunches I have a variety of whole grain breads from Trader Joe's, lunch meats, cheeses and salads. No desserts except cookies from TJ's from a box. My husband insists that I keep everything as simple/easy as possible. We can't afford to order take out, and they don't offer. I usually do much more than this, but I just can't anymore. Tell me this is okay please! :001_smile:
  7. Martha Stewart's Cooking School - it looks excellent! I'm definately getting this. http://www.amazon.com/Martha-Stewarts-Cooking-School-Lessons/dp/0307396444
  8. My daughter is 9yo. Have you seen the Klutz Hemp jewelry and Spool Knit bracelet books? I bought extra hemp, cord, and seed beads and she enjoys making the bracelets so much! She also enjoys Klutz clay books and materials, crochet and knitting books and supplies (wooden needles are easier). The Daring book for Girls and the American Girls Handy Book have lots of fun ideas also. I'm going to buy her the Embroidery Klutz book this year. I buy these with 40% and 50% coupons to my craft stores.
  9. History Pockets and other literature pockets from Evan Moor - you can see samples here: http://www.evan-moor.com/Social_Studies/History/Catalog.aspx?CurriculumID=7&ClassID=166
  10. I heard him say "spread the wealth around" with my own ears. I've heard there is a newly released audio with similar statements from his own mouth. This is not smoke and mirrors. This has nothing to do with race. I myself have an african american son. Please don't make inflammatory statements.
  11. I bought a Dazzle at Best Buy. I plan on converting our VHS family movies over Christmas vacation, so I haven't used it yet. The salesperson said it is easy to use. http://www.pinnaclesys.com/PublicSite/us/Products/Consumer+Products/Dazzle/Dazzle+Video+Archiving/Dazzle+DVD+Recorder.htm
  12. I have done Christian Kids Explore Biology and now Earth/Space with my 4th&2nd grade children. We plan on adding Apologia Astronomy next semester. I'm not sure they will be ready to study Chemistry and Physics in the next couple years - though that could be a question for another post! We will use something intense for middle school /high school bc my son and daughter already know they want to have science/medicine careers. I love how consistent we have been with CLE LA, Math and Reading. They just thrive with workbooks. I don't like CLE for science though bc we like color photos/pics for science. We have made beautiful notebooks for science and read countless library books but it is a lot of work to get that all together. I would like workbooks with added reading. I searched Alpha Omega Lifepacs on the boards and it has horrid reviews. It looks so appealing though! Especially with a lab kit from Home Training Tools. Does anyone like Lifepacs for elementary science? Or any other workbook approach?
  13. Modify the narrations per the great suggestions in the thead. Use the tests. Use the flashcards printed from the activity guide. HTH!
  14. I know what you mean, bc my children are old enough to have fun out and not be extra "trouble". Yet, they know I like to poke around a bookstore alone once every couple of months. They love bookstores too though! I got home the other evening in time for tuck ins. My 9yo daughter asked with shining eyes, "Did you get a yummy coffee drink? Was it good?". Then clapped her hands in delight and gave me a big hug when I said yes. My children know I work hard for our family, and they want me to have perks!! I'm a blessed mommy!
  15. I have been praying for you (and MamaBear both) for quite some time! May you receive fresh encouragement and strength today.
  16. Thanks for the tips! I'm on the super low saturated fat MS diet, no processed foods etc. I take all the supplements, and the interferon shots. I have pt regularly. I have basically left no stoned unturned! Everyone has a different outcome no matter what we try though - God is in control thankfully!
  17. Vasovagal syncope I have had this since I was 8yo: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/vasovagal-syncope/DS00806 I now take a Beta Blocker, started at 30yo. When I was younger they always told me to prevent deydration and drink, drink, drink. The hot weather and showers always drop my blood pressure and down I go! Also, any sudden shock would do me in - like seeing blood or whatever. I knew to put my head below my legs when I felt faint. I would still see a doctor, but this is a harmless problem.
  18. I think <some> male doctors are mysoginists. I've heard horror stories from friends in my church with ailments that defy a diagnosis. I myself was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis while still a college student. Throughout my 20's and 30's I went to primary care drs and neuros for additional symptoms that didn't quite fit the MG diagnosis. They were puzzled and I could tell by their demeanor (and one dr's notes!) that some thought I was an overwhelmed, stay at home mom. Well, when I lost the ability to WALK a 18 months ago, I was hospitalized for two weeks. MRI's showed I had long standing Multiple Sclerosis. Who knew you could have both MG and MS?!! I don't really blame anyone - but I do think female doctors are a wonderful blessing and very needed in the medical community! I now go to a major teaching hospital. When I told the elderly male director of the MS center my occupation was a stay at home homeschool teacher :), I braced for the reaction. He went on a tirade about how he regrets homeschooling wasn't popular when his children were young and how it is by far the best educational choice. He always asks me about our homeschooling first thing! Love him!
  19. I stress over lego sets. We have a few Indiana Jones and Star Wars sets - the $10-$20 range sizes. My 7yos enjoys building them and my 11yos w/ special needs plays with them, but inevitably breaks them up to bits. We've lost the directions and so now what do I do? Do I just dump these pieces into the big lego box for imaginative play? That just seems wrong :). I would like to buy more of these sets for Christmas, but I need a better system. I'm thinking I'll buy one shoes box for each set. I'll keep the cut down box and instructions in each box - and any broken pieces can be stored in the correct box. Is this what most of you do? Playmobil isn't this hard (we have tons of that), but they like the Legos so much more.
  20. I'm reading two really good ones! Basic Economic, Thomas Sowell Mayflower, Nathaniel Philbrick
  21. How does Singapore teach double digits multiplication. 36X48 etc. I taught this to my 4th grade daughter today with CLE. It seems like there would be lots of room for careless errors if your multiplication and addition facts weren't solid. How does Singapore teach to do that mentally? This is really interesting to me! Thanks for answering. In this case, the mom told me I would have to answer his facts while he worked bc he hadn't learned them yet. He was 11. At homeschool meetings, Singapore moms share that their children are very advanced in math but they still don't know their math facts. Again, I'm not criticizing - I'm really just curious!
  22. I'm really just curious. We use CLE and enjoy it, but many homeschoolers in my area use Singapore. Quite often I hear that so and so's 4th or 5th grade student is "ready" for pre algebra. Yet, when I "babysit" these students and go through their lessons with them - they can't do a simple problem like 5+8 in their heads. I'm curious about a program that teaches so well conceptually, but doesn't drill the basics? Or am I misinterpreting? My daughter is doing well w/ CLE 4, but I'm sure she isn't "advanced" conceptually.
  23. My son is in a wheelchair. We love our lap quilts w/ velcro to attach to his chair. He has movements that tend to throw blankets off of the lap/wheelchair. I've heard these quilts/blankets are popular with nursing home residents. Maybe you could make some and bring them to a nursing home.
  24. I buy Murphey's oil soap concentrate. I make small spray bottles watered down to dust w/ microfiber cloths. I also spray the wood floors and use a microfiber mop - 2 or 3 times a week. Our entire first floor is hardwoods so I sweep every day. I use Clorox green products for bathrooms and kitchen. I have a 99cents dishpans under the kitchen and bathroom sinks with a toilet brush, scrub brush, white microfiber cloths, paper towels, and cleaning products. I don't have to carry anything anywhere! I have a daily schedule that includes keeping the kitchen spic and span and daily laundry. Weekly Routines (zones refer to Flylady's deep cleaning zones): Monday: Work on current zone Tuesday: Dust upstairs Meal planning & grocery list Special Olympics team practices 5:00-7:00 Wednesday: Trader Joe’s/ Aldi Piano 12:00-1:00 Ballet 5:45-7:00 Thursday: Clean upstairs bathrooms Friday: Dust downstairs Clean downstairs bathroom Saturday: Errands with daughter Ballet 11:15-12:30 Organize/clean cars and garage Change all sheets Wash sheets & towels Catch up housework Mending Gardening Sunday: Lesson plans HTH!
  25. We eat a lot of salad. Those bagged lettuces don't last long for me no matter what I do. So, I buy cello packs of romaine - either the huge ones at Sam's or a 3 pack. I chop up the romaine and add all kinds of chopped veggies. I store it in a huge pottery mixing bowl. With just saran wrap on top. The pottery breathes somehow and it lasts for 4-5 days - stays very fresh. If I made the same exact salad and stored in it a large rubbermaid container it rots almost immediately.
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